
LimeSurvey Manual/sl: Difference between revisions

From LimeSurvey Manual

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[ LimeSurvey] omogoča uporabnikom hitro izdelavo intuitivnih, zmogljivih, spletnih anket tipa vprašanje in odgovor, ki lahko anketirajo deset ali tisoče anketirancev brez posebnega napora. Programska oprema za anketiranje samodejno vodi anketirance pri anketiranjih. Ta priročnik je zato osredotočen na namestitev sistema za spletno anketiranje, upravljanje nameščenega anketnega sistema in na podporo ustvarjalcem anket ter administratorjem anketnih portalov.
[ LimeSurvey] allows users to quickly create intuitive, powerful, online question-and-answer surveys that can work for tens to thousands of participants without much effort. The survey software itself is self-guiding for the respondents who are participating. This manual is thus focused at how to install the application, administer the installation, and support survey creators, administrators and report generation users alike.

V zadnjih nekaj letih je bilo opravljenih nekaj korenitih razvojev sistema, ki so pripeljala do številnih novih anketnih možnosti in sprememb. Nadgradite vaš anketni sistem na zadnjo različico, da boste lahko uporabljali zmožnosti, ki so tukaj izpostavljene.
There has been a big ramp-up in development the last few years leading to many new features and changes. Make sure to upgrade to the [ latest version] to make use of the capabilities highlighted here.

Poglejte skrajno desno za glavna poglavja priročnika. Sicer se premaknite še nižje, da boste videli celoten seznam vsebine in se prestavite na želeno vsebino, ki jo iščete.
Poglejte skrajno desno za glavna poglavja priročnika. Sicer se premaknite še nižje, da boste videli celoten seznam vsebine in se prestavite na želeno vsebino, ki jo iščete.

Še vedno ne najdete vsebine, ki jo iščete? Ne pozabite na osnovno '''polje za iskanje''', naš [[General FAQ/sl|Splošni FAQ]] in [[Workarounds/sl|Opravilni]] seznam ter pogledati na naše [ forume].
Still having trouble finding what you want? Don't forget the general '''search box''', our [[General FAQ]] and [[Workarounds]] list, and to look in our [ discussion forums].

Zapomnite si, da je [ LimeSurvey] odprto-kodna, brezplačna programska oprema. Opazite, da kaj manjka ali je pomanjkljivo? Potem nam pomagajte to popraviti. Ta dokumentacija je Wiki, ki ga lahko ureja kdorkoli. [ Prispevajte], da pripomorete podpreti glavno skupino za razvoj sistema, ki se trudi narediti program resnično uporaben in izjemen.
Remember that [ LimeSurvey] is an open-source, free software application. See something missing or incorrect? Then help us fix it. This documentation is a Wiki that can be edited by you or anyone else. Or [ donate] to help support the core development group trying to make a difference.

= Priročnik - Kazalo vsebine=
= Priročnik - Kazalo vsebine=

**[[Optional settings/sl|Dodatne nastavitve]]
**[[Optional settings]]
**[[Upgrading from a previous version/sl|Nadgradnja iz prejšnjih različic]]
**[[Upgrading from a previous version]]
***[[Upgrade hints for version 1.92/sl|Namigi za nadgradnjo iz različice 1.92]]
***[[Upgrade hints for version 1.92]]
**[[Transferring an installation/sl|Prenos namestitve]]
**[[Installation using a command line interface (CLI)]]
**[[Installation FAQ/sl|Namestitveni FAQ]]
**[[Transferring an installation]]
**[[Installation security hints/sl|Namigi za varno namestitev]]
**[[Installation FAQ]]
*[[Administering LimeSurvey/sl|Upravljanje LimeSurvey-a]]
**[[Installation security hints]]
**[[Global settings/sl|Globalne nastavitve]]
*[[Administering LimeSurvey]]
**[[Manage users/sl|Upravljanje uporabnikov]]
**[[Global settings]]
**[[Manage user groups/sl|Upravljanje skupin uporabnikov]]
**[[Manage users]]
**[[Label sets/sl|Nabori oznak]]
**[[Manage user groups]]
**[[The template editor/sl|Urejevalnik predlog]]
**[[Label sets]]
**[[The template editor]]
**[[Survey Status Screen/sl|Podatki o stanju ankete]]
**[[Central participants database/sl|Osrednja podatkovna zbirka anketirancev]]
**[[Survey status screen]]
*[[Getting Started/sl|Prva uporaba]]
**[[Central participants database]]
**[[First login - Your user preferences/sl|Prva prijava - Vaše uporabniške lastnosti]]
*[[Getting Started]]
*[[Creating surveys - Introduction/sl|Ustvarjanje anket - Seznanitev]]
**[[First login - Your user preferences]]
**[[Creating a new survey/sl|Ustvarjanje nove ankete]]
*[[Creating surveys - Introduction]]
***[[Importing a survey structure/sl|Uvažanje anketne strukture]]
**[[Survey settings]]
***[[Survey security settings/sl|Varnostne nastavitve ankete]]
***[[Importing a survey structure]]
**[[Creating a question group/sl|Ustvarjanje skupine vprašanj]]
***[[Survey security settings]]
***[[Change group order/sl|Zamenjava vrstnega reda skupine vprašanj]]
**[[Creating a question group]]
**[[Adding a question/sl|Dodajanje vprašanj]]
***[[Change group order]]
***[[Question types/sl|Vrste vprašanj]]
**[[Adding a question]]
****[[Question type - Array/sl|Tip vprašanja - Polje]]
***[[Question types]]
****[[Question type - Array by column/sl|Tip vprašanja - Polje po stolpcih]]
****[[Question type - Array]]
****[[Question type - Array dual scale/sl|Tip vprašanja - Dvojna velikost polja]]
****[[Question type - Array by column]]
****[[Question type - Array (5 point choice)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Lestvica (5 stopenjska)]]
****[[Question type - Array dual scale]]
****[[Question type - Array (10 point choice)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Lestvica (10 stopenjska)]]
****[[Question type - Array (5 point choice)]]
****[[Question type - Array (Increase-Same-Decrease)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Lestvica (Povečalo-Ostalo enako-Zmanjšalo)]]
****[[Question type - Array (10 point choice)]]
****[[Question type - Array (Numbers)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Polja (Številke)]]
****[[Question type - Array (Increase-Same-Decrease)]]
****[[Question type - Array (Texts)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Polja (Besedilo)]]
****[[Question type - Array (Numbers)]]
****[[Question type - Array (Yes-No-Uncertain)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Lestvica (Da-Ne-Ne vem)]]
****[[Question type - Array (Texts)]]
****[[Question type - Date/sl|Tip vprašanja - Datum]]
****[[Question type - Array (Yes-No-Uncertain)]]
****[[Question type - Equation/sl|Tip vprašanja - Enačba]]
****[[Question type - Date]]
****[[Question type - File upload/sl|Tip vprašanja - Nalaganje datoteke]]
****[[Question type - Equation]]
****[[Question type - Gender/sl|Tip vprašanja - Spol]]
****[[Question type - File upload]]
****[[Question type - Language switch/sl|Tip vprašanja - Menjava jezika]]
****[[Question type - Gender]]
****[[Question type - Numerical input/sl|Tip vprašanja - Številski vnos]]
****[[Question type - Language switch]]
****[[Question type - Multiple numerical input/sl|Tip vprašanja - Več številskih odgovorov]]
****[[Question type - Numerical input]]
****[[Question type - Ranking/sl|Tip vprašanja - Razvrščanje]]
****[[Question type - Multiple numerical input]]
****[[Question type - Text display/sl|Tip vprašanja - Prikaz besedila]]
****[[Question type - Ranking]]
****[[Question type - Yes-No/sl|Tip vprašanja - Da-Ne]]
****[[Question type - Text display]]
****[[Question type - Multiple choice/sl|Tip vprašanja - Več izbir]]
****[[Question type - Yes-No]]
****[[Question type - Multiple choice with comments/sl|Tip vprašanja - Več izbir s komentarjem]]
****[[Question type - Multiple choice]]
****[[Question type - 5 point choice/sl|Tip vprašanja - 5 točkovna izbira]]
****[[Question type - Multiple choice with comments]]
****[[Question type - List (Dropdown)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Seznam (izbirni seznam)]]
****[[Question type - 5 point choice]]
****[[Question type - List (Radio)/sl|Tip vprašanja - Seznam (izbirni gumbi)]]
****[[Question type - List (Dropdown)]]
****[[Question type - List with comment/sl|Tip vprašanja - Seznam s komentarjem]]
****[[Question type - List (Radio)]]
****[[Question type - Short free text/sl|Tip vprašanja - Besedilo - kratko]]
****[[Question type - List with comment]]
****[[Question type - Long free text/sl|Tip vprašanja - Besedilo - dolgo]]
****[[Question type - Short free text]]
****[[Question type - Huge free text/sl|Tip vprašanja - Besedilo - ogromno]]
****[[Question type - Long free text]]
****[[Question type - Multiple short text/sl|Tip vprašanja - Večkratno kratko besedilo]]
****[[Question type - Huge free text]]
***[[Change question order/sl|Zamenjava vrstnega reda vprašanj]]
****[[Question type - Multiple short text]]
***[[Question preview/sl|Predogled vprašanja]]
***[[Change question order]]
***[[Adding answers or subquestions/sl|Dodajanje odgovorov ali podvprašanj]]
***[[Question preview]]
**[[Setting conditions/sl|Nastavljanje pogojev]]
***[[Adding answers or subquestions]]
***[[Expression Manager/sl|Upravljalnik izrazov]]
**[[Setting conditions]]
****[[Expression Manager for developers/sl|Upravljalnik izrazov za razvijalce]]
***[[Expression Manager]]
****[[Expression Manager HowTos/sl|Upravljalnik izrazov - FQA]]
****[[Expression Manager for developers]]
****[[Expression Manager Roadmap/sl|Upravljalnik izrazov - Kažipot]]
****[[Expression Manager HowTos]]
****[[Expression Manager Examples/sl|Upravljalnik izrazov - Primeri]]
****[[Expression Manager Roadmap]]
****[[Expression Manager Sample Surveys/sl|Upravljalnik izrazov - Vzorčne ankete]]
****[[Expression Manager Examples]]
***[[Show Logic File/sl|Prikaži logično datoteko]]
****[[Expression Manager Sample Surveys]]
***[[Show Logic File]]
**[[Email templates/sl|Predloge e-pošte]]
*[[Managing Surveys/sl|Upravljanje anket]]
**[[Email templates]]
**[[Testing a survey/sl|Testiranje ankete]]
*[[Managing Surveys]]
**[[Validate Survey Logic/sl|Potrjevanje anketne logike]]
**[[Testing a survey]]
**[[Activating a survey/sl|Aktiviranje ankete]]
**[[Validate Survey Logic]]
**[[Running a survey safely/sl|Varni zagon ankete]]
**[[Activating a survey]]
**[[Browsing survey results/sl|Pregled rezultatov ankete]]
**[[Running a survey safely]]
**[[Closing a survey/sl|Zaključevanje ankete]]
**[[Browsing survey results]]
**[[Changing an active survey/sl|Zamenjava aktivne ankete]]
**[[Closing a survey]]
**[[Changing an active survey]]
***[[Email bounce tracking system/sl|Sistem za sledenje zavrnjenih e-sporočil]]
**[[Survey participants]] (was: Tokens)
**[[Iterate Survey/sl|Ponavljanje ankete]]
***[[Email bounce tracking system]]
**[[Data entry/sl|Vnos podatkov]]
**[[Iterate Survey]]
**[[Data entry]]
**[[Exporting results/sl|Izvoz rezultatov]]
**[[Exporting a survey structure/sl|Izvoz zgradbe ankete]]
**[[Exporting results]]
***[[Excel Survey Structure/sl|Excelova zgradba ankete]]
**[[Exporting a survey structure]]
**[[Quick-translation/sl|Hitri prevod]]
***[[Excel Survey Structure]]
*[[Not Categorized and Advanced Features/sl|Nerazvrščene in napredne možnosti]]
**[[QueXML PDF Export]]
**[[SGQA identifier/sl|SGQA prepoznavanje]]
**[[Using regular expressions/sl|Uporaba ustaljenih izrazov]]
*[[Not Categorized and Advanced Features]]
**[[RemoteControl 2 API/sl|Daljinsko upravljanje 2 API]]
**[[SGQA identifier]]
*[[General FAQ/sl|Splošni FAQ]]
**[[Using regular expressions]]
*[[Troubleshooting/sl|Odpravljanje težav]]
**[[URL fields]]
*[[LimeSurvey Glossary/sl|LimeSurvey-jev besednjak]]
**[[RemoteControl 2 API]]
*[[How to design a good survey (guide)/sl|Kako oblikovati dobro anketo (vodič)]]
*[[General FAQ]]
*[[Workarounds/sl|Tipični problemi]]
**[[Workarounds: Question design, layout and templating/sl|Tipični problemi: Oblikovanje vprašanja, izgled in priprave predlog]]
*[[LimeSurvey Glossary]]
**[[Workarounds: Manipulating a survey at runtime using Javascript/sl|Tipični problemi: Rokovanje z anketo ob zagonu z uporabo javastcripta]]
*[[How to design a good survey (guide)]]
**[[Workarounds: Survey behaviour/sl|Tipični problemi: Obnašanje ankete]]
**[[Workarounds: Further solutions provided by LimeSurvey users/sl|Tipični problemi: Nadaljnje rešitve priskrbljene s strani LimeSurvey uporabnikov]]
**[[Workarounds: Question design, layout and templating]]
**[[Workarounds: Manipulating a survey at runtime using Javascript]]
*[[Version change log/sl|Seznam sprememb različic]]
**[[Workarounds: Survey behaviour]]
**[[Workarounds: Further solutions provided by LimeSurvey users]]
**[[Authentication plugins/sl|Vtičniki za avtentikacijo]]
**[[Available third party plugins/sl|Vtičniki tretjih oseb]]
*[[Version change log]]
**[[Authentication plugins]]
**[[Available third party plugins]]

=LimeSurvey development=
=LimeSurvey development=

Revision as of 13:58, 2 August 2017

Help us to update this manual!
This manual is a Wiki - just log in with your account and start editing!


LimeSurvey allows users to quickly create intuitive, powerful, online question-and-answer surveys that can work for tens to thousands of participants without much effort. The survey software itself is self-guiding for the respondents who are participating. This manual is thus focused at how to install the application, administer the installation, and support survey creators, administrators and report generation users alike.

There has been a big ramp-up in development the last few years leading to many new features and changes. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version to make use of the capabilities highlighted here.

Poglejte skrajno desno za glavna poglavja priročnika. Sicer se premaknite še nižje, da boste videli celoten seznam vsebine in se prestavite na želeno vsebino, ki jo iščete.

Still having trouble finding what you want? Don't forget the general search box, our General FAQ and Workarounds list, and to look in our discussion forums.

Remember that LimeSurvey is an open-source, free software application. See something missing or incorrect? Then help us fix it. This documentation is a Wiki that can be edited by you or anyone else. Or donate to help support the core development group trying to make a difference.

Priročnik - Kazalo vsebine

LimeSurvey development

Prevajanje sistema LimeSurvey

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