
Versie Cloud en versie CE

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:05, 29 March 2018 by Han (talk | contribs)


Voordat we beginnen over LimeSurvey PRO (LimeSurvey Professional) en LimeSurvey CE (LimeSurvey Community Edition), is het belangrijk om het verschil te weten tussen LimeSurvey en LimeSurvey GmbH. Het eerste staat voor de webserver georiënteerde software die onder de GNU General Public License v2 (GPL v2) vrij beschikbaar is. Het andere is het bedrijf dat zorgt voor het coördineren van de ontwikkeling van de LimeSurvey software en dat betaalde diensten rond LimeSurvey ontwikkelt en die aanbiedt (hosting, eigen sjablonen, add-ons, technische ondersteuning, enz.).

LimeSurvey is open-source software dat door iedereen vrij kan worden gebruikt, aangepast en gedistribueerd voor commercieel, privé of educatief doel. Met uitzondering van de naam en het logo die een beschermd merk zijn.

LimeSurvey is open-source software. De gehele code is dus beschikbaar. GitHub :

Om LimeSurvey te installeren op de eigen computer (voor ontwikkelaars) of op een server zijn er minimale vereisten waaraan voldaan moet worden. De installatie wordt hier uitgebreid beschreven.

Als de installatie voor u te lastig of te tijdrovend is, er is natuurlijk toch wel wat kennis nodig om valkuilen te voorkomen kunt u gebruik maken van de diensten van LimeSurvey GmbH. LimeSurvey GmbH biedt bijvoorbeeld PRO hosting services aan waarmee u als gebruiker direct toegang heeft tot een werkende en actuele LimeSurvey installatie.

Termen als hosting services, self-hosted software, en personal server komen hier regelmatig voorbij. In onze blog gaan we dieper op deze concepten in.

Versie PRO en versie CE

In onderstaande tabel noemen we de belangrijkste verschillen tussen deze diensten:

LimeSurvey PRO LimeSurvey CE
Hosting verzorgt door LimeSurvey. In 5 minuten een werkende installatie. De gebruiker zorgt voor de hosting.
U kunt kiezen uit de abonnementen: FREE, BASIC, EXPERT en ENTERPRISE. U kunt de gratis versie gebruiken of een van de premium packages (incl. functie ComfortUpdate, toegang tot oudere versies en veel beschikbare sjablonen).
U gebruikt altijd de nieuwste stabiele versie. U kunt de nieuwste versie gebruiken maar ook kiezen om een oudere versie te gebruiken.
Inclusief technische ondersteuning is bij de betaalde packages. Inclusief technische ondersteuning van ComfortUpdate bij de premium packages.
Bevat alle functies van LimeSurvey. Bevat alle functies van LimeSurvey.
LimeSurvey PRO bevat knoppen voor de beperking wat het aantal responses en de opslag betreft, zoals bij het abonnement is aangegeven. LimeSurvey CE kent deze beperking niet, de ruimte wordt beperkt door de ruimte op je computer dan wel server.
Geen toegang tot server. Dat betekent dat je geen third-party plugins/extensions kunt toevoegen. Dat bepaalt uzelf met de instellingen en het gebruik van extensions/add-ons.
The ComfortUpdate tool is utilized to upgrade the LimeSurvey installation. The ComfortUpdate tool is utilized to upgrade the LimeSurvey installation. Moreover, the update can also be done manually.
You save precious time by using our available hosting and avoiding any server or installation configuration. Ideal for hands-on people with technical knowledge. The LimeSurvey manual represents a great place from where you can start learning about this software.
Reliable response inflow due to a self-renewing subscription system. The only limitation is related to your server and its configuration.
Full flexibility due to a cancellation period of only 3 days until the date of renewal. The software is hosted on your servers. No linkages between the activity performed by you with the help of the LimeSurvey software and LimeSurvey GmbH.
Please note that the above table is just a summary of the main features provided by the two versions of LimeSurvey. For an exhaustive description, access the following links: LimeSurvey PRO and LimeSurvey CE. This should help you get a complete description of what each of them can do.

LimeSurvey CE

Let's assume that you have been convinced by LimeSurvey CE and now you would like to install it on your server. To download LimeSurvey CE, access the Project tab from the LimeSurvey main toolbar and click on the Download option:

The following page will load up:

Four boxes will be displayed:

  • LimeSurvey PRO: If you click on the create installation button, you will be first asked to create a account in order to be able to access your online LimeSurvey installation. If you wish to use our hosting services, continue reading the following quick start guide: LimeSurvey PRO Quick Start Guide.
  • LimeSurvey CE: It allows you to download the LimeSurvey software, archived in different formats and also in an executable file (usually the latest link). Use it if you would like to install LimeSurvey on your own server or on your own computer for personal testing. It is ideal for hands-on people with technical knowledge. You will see that the LimeSurvey CE is divided into stable releases and development releases. For a rock-solid software, go for the stable release. However, if you would like to test new LimeSurvey features and you want help us solve bugs, go for the development release.
To get access to the latest software developments, follow us on GitHub.
  • Templates: You may find here example surveys, label sets, and question templates in various languages. All the templates are community-made. You can also contribute by uploading your work and make it publicly available to the other users.
  • Extensions: LimeSurvey supports plugins and extensions. By clicking on the see extensions button, you get access to a directory that contains all the LimeSurvey third-party extensions (your own contribution can also be listed there).
  Only LimeSurvey CE supports third-party plugins!

LimeSurvey PRO

If you have been convinced by the easiness with which you can start your research work, click on the create installation button. Access the following step-by-step guide to learn how to create a LimeSurvey PRO account and launch your first survey.

Wat heb ik nodig?

There is a lot of information to grasp. We are completely aware of this and you might feel a little bit overwhelmed. We suggest you to do a cost-benefit analysis. Some aspects that are worth taking into consideration:

  • Capital: think of the costs of running a server for example. Even though a lot of low-cost hosting providers can be found online, take into account that you have to take care not only of your LimeSurvey installation, but also of the server configuration. If you want to create more complex surveys and/or install/create additional plugins, employees with knowledge in PHP, HTML, CSS will be needed - which means higher costs for you and your business.
  • Human resources: if complex surveys are created, employees with IT-related skills might be needed. That is why it is better (sometimes) to outsource such services. You may use our LimeSurvey PRO services or the help provided by our official partners.
  • Time: time is a limited resource. Different time-related constraints (e.g. deadlines, lots of qualitative research requests from your clients etc.) transform time into an important independent variable that should definitely influence your final decision.

Think of all your possible needs and available resources before choosing between LimeSurvey PRO and LimeSurvey CE.

Generally, if you want to use LimeSurvey without any download or configuration, use LimeSurvey PRO. You can test it freely as long as you want and then purchase one of the subscription packages. However, if you have a running server infrastructure and want to integrate LimeSurvey into that, take a look at LimeSurvey CE. We also offer great LimeSurvey CE packages to enhance your installation with one-click updates and more custom themes.

Additional help can be found at one of our partners listed here:

Nog vragen?

We have a lovable community. You are more than welcome to post your questions and/or thoughts on our LimeSurvey forums or IRC channel: