
Première connexion - vos préférences utilisateur

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 09:48, 2 October 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center>0.75px</center>")

Première connexion

Avec LimeSurvey Cloud

Après avoir créé votre compte LimeSurvey, vous recevrez un e-mail. Cet e-mail contient le lien d'activation du compte. Cliquez sur le lien pour accéder à votre compte nouvellement créé. En cliquant sur le lien, vous accédez à votre compte sur le site Web de LimeSurvey.

Vous devez créer un site d'enquête avant de pouvoir commencer à créer et à gérer des enquêtes en ligne. Connectez-vous à votre compte et cliquez sur Créer un site d'enquête.

Lien Créer un site d'enquête :

Pour créer votre site LimeSurvey :

(1) Entrez le nom de votre site.

(2) Choisissez un nom de domaine dans le menu déroulant.

(3) Choisissez un emplacement de serveur.

(4) Cliquez sur Enregistrer et configurer le site LimeSurvey.

Le processus peut prendre jusqu'à 20 secondes. Une fois le processus terminé, la fenêtre se fermera et vous serez redirigé vers la page de votre compte.

Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à votre site d'enquête en cliquant sur Afficher le site d'enquête en haut de la page.

Page de connexion au compte :

Connectez-vous à votre compte en utilisant vos identifiants :


Vous êtes prêt à commencer à créer des enquêtes.

Changer votre mot de passe

Pour changer votre mot de passe, vous devez cliquer sur la clef . Là vous pourrez Manage users. Vous pouvez changer votre mot de passe, votre mail et votre nom.

After completing the required fields, click the Check data button. You will receive an email with the necessary steps that need to be followed in order to reset your password.

Another option to change your password is to do so from within your profile. Click your user name located in the upper right part of the screen (on the main LimeSurvey toolbar) and select the Your Profile tab.

Click the Change password buttonː

Type the current password, and the new password twice. Then, save the new profile settings by clicking Save located in the upper right part of the screen.

If you have superadmin permissions and one want to assist another user reset their password, you can do so by by using the User control panel.

From the Action column click the green pen that corresponds to the respective user and change their password.

Check the wiki on the LimeSurvey user management functions for more information.

With LimeSurvey Cloud

If you use LimeSurvey Pro, you can also reset your password from your LimeSurvey profile. From your LimeSurvey profile, click INSTALLATIONS (under the Profile Menu). Look for the RESET PASSWORD NOW button located in an orange box. Click it and a random password will be generated immediately.

  It may take a few minutes for the changes to take effect - ca. 2 minutes.

Accès à vos préférences

Pour modifier vos préférences, cliquer sur votre nom d'utilisateur au dessus de la barre d'outils principale.

Un utilisateur Limesurvey administrateur a plusieurs propriétés associées à son profil:

  • La langue de la partie administrative de LimeSurvey
  • Le choix de l'éditeur HTML
  • Le format de dates utilisé dans la partie Administrative.

My profile

The following options are found under the My profile tab:

  • Username: Once created, it cannot be changed from the LimeSurvey interface. We recommend creating another user name instead of editing the configuration of your LimeSurvey installation;
  • Email: Type your new e-mail and click the 'Save' button to save the settings;
  • Full name: The name of the administrator;
  • Password & Repeat password: If you want to change your password, type the new password twice and click the 'Save' button.

My personal settings

  • Interface language: The language of the Limesurvey administrative interface;
  • HTML editor mode: The inclusion of an integrated HTML editor;
  • Question type selector: If 'Full selector' option is chosen, then a question preview will be shown when selecting the type of a new question to be added into the survey;
  • Template editor mode: If 'full template editor' is selected, syntax highlighting will be used in the LimeSurvey template editor;
  • Date format: chooses the default date format used in the administration interface.
  • Show script field: The script field is specially intended for entering JavaScript while editing questions. This setting controls if it should be shown or not.
  • Directly show edit mode: Indicates if edit mode should be shown by default when entering a question.
  • Non-Numerical answer option prefix: Prefix to be used for answer options. It should be non numerical. If the prefix is "AO", answer options would be, for example, "AO001".
  • Non-Numerical subquestions prefix: Prefix to be used for for subquestions. It should be non numerical. If the prefix is "SQ", answer options would be, for example, "SQ001".
  • Lock question organizer in sidebar by default: If the question organizer should be shown or hide in the side bar.
  • Create example question group and question: This setting specifies if an example question group and question should be created automatically after creating a new survey.

Interface language

You can select the administrative language preference during log in by using the dropdown list as shown below. After a successful login, the LimeSurvey interface will change to the chosen language. The system will record this preference setting in your profile and make it the default for your next login.

Some LimeSurvey setups hide or skip the login page to enable common authentication inside other applications. In this case, you won't have access to select the language. However, you can change your language preference from your account preferences. Access your account preferences by clicking your user name located in the upper right side of your browser and then the Your account button. Next, click the Your personal settings tab and select your desired language from the dropdown list located under Interface language.

HTML editor mode

Il y a un éditeur HTML intégré à LimeSurvey. Cet outil vous aide à intégrer des formats spécifiques à vos enquêtes, groupes, questions et texte des réponses. Cependant vous pouvez être amené à désactiver cet éditeur (espace sur l'écran, économie des ressources sur l'ordinateur, préférences personnelles ...). Vous pouvez choisir si l'éditeur HTML apparait en ligne, dans une fenêtre popup ou pas du tout.


If the "default" option is selected, you will inherit the HTML editor mode selected by the superadminstrator from the global settings of the LimeSurvey installation.


L' éditeur HTML est toujours utilisé en ligne sur la page.


L'éditeur de texte normal est utilisé mais l'éditeur HTML est disponible en tant que pop-up..

Fullscreen (Obsolete since 3.0)

This option is available only for inline editor. It allows you to increase the size of the editor to fill the browser window and then decrease it back later. (Obsolete since 3.0)

When switching between which editor you use, the last used editor before logout is recorded in your profile and will become the default at your next login.

Please note that when editing answers and labels, the normal text editor (or 'Popup' mode) is always used because of the larger number of windows.

You can change the size of the HTML editor box by clicking on the bottom right corner of the editor.

Source code mode

If you want to paste HTML or Javascript code directly, you must switch to the source code mode. This option is not available in your personal settings. However, it can be selected from the HTML editor menu.

You must disable the Filter HTML for XSS setting in order to store code entered in the source code mode (or to have superadmin permissions).

No HTML editor

If you do not want to use an HTML editor, select this option. You will be able to use only simple text in the surveys.

Hint: Why not always choose the HTML Editor? Depending on your use of LimeSurvey, there may be many text boxes on a single page, each with a copy of the editor. For instance, when editing the email text for a survey invitation that is offered in 5 languages, you can then have a total of 20 inline HTML editors active on the page. Each instance takes a fair amount of resources and will likely cause issues on your browser. So, if you work with multiple language surveys, we recommend you stick with the normal text editor or 'Popup' setting.

Question type selector

Choose 'Full selector' to get a question type selector with preview and 'Simple selector' to get a plain select box. The 'default' option corresponds to the option selected in the global settings of the LimeSurvey installation.

Template editor mode

Three options are available: 'default', 'full template editor', and 'simple template editor'. Choose 'Full template editor' to get an enhanced editor (with syntax-highlighting) when editing survey templates and 'Simple template editor' to get a plain editor field. The 'default' option corresponds to the option selected in the global settings of the LimeSurvey installation.

For a more comprehensive presentation of our template editor, check the following wiki.

Date format

This setting sets the date format for your profile (e.g. when you browse the survey results or for other settings located in the administration panel). It does not affect the actual surveys.

When creating a date/time question, you can set the date/time format when you edit/add a question. After you have chosen the date/time question format, type in the desired format you would like to use in the boxes located under the Input and Display tabs. For extra information, hover the mouse over the heading of each box.

My personal menus

You can visualise here the customized menus that are available to you or the ones you created via the menu configuration option.

To start editing them, access the Menu configuration option located within the Configuration menu.

My personal menu entries

You can visualise here the customized menus entries that are available to you or the ones you created via the menu entries configuration option.

To edit them, you need to access the Menu entries configuration option located within the Configuration menu.