
Survey settings/sl: Difference between revisions

From LimeSurvey Manual

(Created page with "==Kontrola objavljanja in dostopa== #'''Objavi anketo na javnem seznamu''': Da/Ne. Privzeto Ne. Če izberete Da, bo vaša anketa dodana na javno viden seznam. # '''Datum/ura z...")
(Created page with "==Upravljanje z obvestili in podatki== #'''Pošlji e-pošto za administratorja na:''' in '''Pošlji e-pošto s podrobnostmi za administratorja na:''' Ti dve polji omogočata p...")
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#'''Uporabi CAPTCHA za''': S to opcijo lahko določite na katerem področju želite uporabljati CAPTCHA. Privzeto je, da se CAPTCHA izvaja le za javne registracije, vendar jo lahko uporabite tudi ali pred dostopom do ankete in ali pred shranjevanjem in nalaganjem delnih odgovorov.
#'''Uporabi CAPTCHA za''': S to opcijo lahko določite na katerem področju želite uporabljati CAPTCHA. Privzeto je, da se CAPTCHA izvaja le za javne registracije, vendar jo lahko uporabite tudi ali pred dostopom do ankete in ali pred shranjevanjem in nalaganjem delnih odgovorov.

==Notification & data management==
==Upravljanje z obvestili in podatki==
#'''Send basic admin notification email to:''' and '''Send detailed admin notification email to:''' These fields allow you to send notifications or survey responses to additional email addresses once the survey is submitted. You can edit the templates for these emails under 'Email templates'. Multiple recipients can be set by seperating the entries with a semicolon (;) - eg ";;" OR when using placeholders ";{INSERTANS:82733X12X73};{TOKEN:EMAIL}". Make sure that at least your administrator email is set properly in the survey settings - otherwise no email will be sent or there will be an 'Invalid address:' message when a participant finishes a survey. Please note that there are three different ways for entering an address:
#'''Pošlji e-pošto za administratorja na:''' in '''Pošlji e-pošto s podrobnostmi za administratorja na:''' Ti dve polji omogočata posredovanje obvestila ali odgovorov ankete na dodatne e-naslove, ko je le ta oddana. Urejanje predlog za tovrstno e-pošto je omogočeno v 'Predloge e-pošte'. Možen je tudi množičen vnos prejemnikov tako, da jih med seboj ločimo s podpičjem (;), npr.: ";;" ali z uporabo zavitega oklepaja ";{INSERTANS:82733X12X73};{TOKEN:EMAIL}". Prepričajte se, da je vsaj skrbniški e-naslov pravilno vnesen v nastavitve ankete - v nasprotnem primeru ne bo odposlana nobena e-pošta ali pa bo ob oddaji ankete prikazano obvestilo 'Napačen naslov:'. Obstajajo trije različni načini vnosa e-naslova:
##Enter a specific ''email address'' (ie:
##Vnos točno določenega ''elektronskega naslova'' (npr.:
##Enter a ''SGQA code'' and the response will be sent to an email address entered as an answer to that particular question (use the format {INSERTANS:9999X88X12}, in the same way you would [[Adding a question#Information from previous answers|Re-use information from previous answers]])
##Vnos ''SGQA kode'' in odziv bo odposlan na elektronski naslov, ki je bil naveden kot odgovor na to določeno vprašanje (uporabite obliko {INSERTANS:9999X88X12}, na enak način, kot če bi [[Adding a question#Information from previous answers/sl|Ponovno uporabili informacije iz prejšnjega odgovora]])
##Enter a ''Token code'' (only possible if your survey is ''not'' anonymous) and the response will be sent to an email address retrieved from a token field (use the format {TOKEN:EMAIL} or {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} in the same way you would [[Adding a question#Information from tokens table|Re-use Information from the Tokens Table]])
##Enter a ''Token code'' (only possible if your survey is ''not'' anonymous) and the response will be sent to an email address retrieved from a token field (use the format {TOKEN:EMAIL} or {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} in the same way you would [[Adding a question#Information from tokens table|Re-use Information from the Tokens Table]])
##''As of Version 1.92:'' Enter a valid expression conforming to [[Expression Manager|Expression Manager]] syntax.  This lets you use question code instead of SGQA syntax (for easier readability), plus conditional logic (e.g. route the notifications to different people depending upon the data entered into the survey).
##''As of Version 1.92:'' Enter a valid expression conforming to [[Expression Manager|Expression Manager]] syntax.  This lets you use question code instead of SGQA syntax (for easier readability), plus conditional logic (e.g. route the notifications to different people depending upon the data entered into the survey).

Revision as of 21:20, 5 August 2013


S klikom na gumb Dodaj , ki se nahaja na desni strani skrbniške orodne vrstice, lahko ustvarite novo anketo. S klikom na gumb se vam bo prikazalo novo okno "Ustvari, uvozi ali kopiraj anketo". Večji del nastavitev, ki jih lahko urejate v tem oknu, lahko urejate tudi kasneje in sicer tako, da kliknete na ikono 'Uredi tekstovne elemente' oziroma 'Glavne nastavitve', ki se nahajajo v spustnem meniju 'Lastnosti ankete'.


Funkcije in nastavitve ankete so porazdeljene po področjih. V nadaljevanju si bomo pogledali opise teh področij in pripadajočih polj.


  1. Osnovni jezik: Tukaj nastavimo osnovni jezik ankete, katerega po shranitvi ankete ne moremo več spreminjati. Določitev jezika je osnova za morebitne prevode ankete. Tako lahko razpolagamo z večjezikovno anketo. Ob ustvarjanju ankete ne morete dodati dodatne jezike. Le te boste lahko dodajali, če boste ponovno urejali nastavitve ankete.
  2. Naslov: To je kratko opisno ime ankete (npr.: "Analiza stanja na področju porajajoče se IKT pismenosti" ali "Pogledi na sladoled"). Naslov bo viden na vsaki strani javnomnenjske raziskave.
  3. Opis: Polje nam omogoča, da dodamo opis ankete (npr.: "Raziskava o porajajoči se IKT pismenosti med letoma 2010 in 2013" ali "Z anketo bomo raziskali popularnost vanilijevega sladoleda"). Vključite lahko HTML elemente kot so slike, videe v to polje z uporabo WYSIWYG urejevalnika. Opis se nato avtomatično doda v povabila za sodelovanje v anketi.
  4. Uvodno sporočilo: To vam omogoča, da vnesete sporočilo, ki se pojavi, ko udeleženec raziskave zažene anketo (npr.: "Dobrodošli v anketi. Zahvaljujemo se vam, da ste se odzvali našemu povabilu...").Vključite lahko HTML elemente kot so slike, videe v to polje z uporabo WYSIWYG urejevalnika.
  5. Končno sporočilo: To vam omogoča, da vnesete sporočilo, ki se prikaže, ko udeleženec zaključi z anketo (npr.: "Zahvaljujemo se vam za sodelovanje v raziskavi. Rezultati bodo kmalu javno objavljeni."). Vključite lahko HTML elemente kot so slike, videe v to polje z uporabo WYSIWYG urejevalnika.
  6. Končna povezava: Ta povezava bo prikazana na koncu ankete in bo usmerjala anketirance na poljubno spletno stran. Povezava mora na začetku vsebovati "http://", npr.:
    You can use they placeholder {SAVEDID}, {TOKEN}, {SID} and {LANG} in this URL.
    SAVEDID is the id assigned to this particular submission, TOKEN is the token used to participate in the survey, SID is the survey ID and LANG is the language code
    From version 1.82+ you can use URL fields with this field to pass parameters from the start URL to then end URL.
    You can also use {INSERTANS:SGQA} in this URL (since 1.82+). This allows adding the response to a specific question in the survey to the final url. This can be useful for sending a response to an external script (ie an email address collected during the survey). eg: "{INSERTANS:1234X56X7}"
  7. Opis povezave: Dodamo opis, ki se nanaša na končno povezavo.
  8. Administrator: To je ime skrbnika ankete. Hkrati bo prikazano v elektronski pošti, s katero povabimo anketirance k sodelovanju v raziskavi.
  9. Elektronski naslov administratorja: To je elektronski naslov skrbnika, ki se uporablja kot "odgovori: ". Prav tako lahko vnesete več elektronskih naslovov ločenih s podpičjem - s tem se obvestila posredujejo na več elektronskih naslovov (npr.: ";").
  10. Email za nedostavljeno pošto: To je elektronski naslov, na katerega se dostavi obvestilo o neuspešno dostavljeni elektronski pošti. Privzeto je, da je ta elektronski naslov isti kot je skrbniški elektronski naslov.

This is the email address where a delivery error notification email should be sent. By default, this is the same as the administrator's email address. If you want to use a custom script to parse delivery error emails, then use a special Bounce Email address here and automatically process emails reaching this address with your script. This script could then update the Email Status field of the token line corresponding to this email address (see tokens).

  1. Fax to: V to polje se lahko vnese faks številka v primeru, da bodo udeleženci reševali tiskano verzijo ankete (upoštevati moramo, da določeni anketiranci ne bodo imeli dostopa do ankete oziroma nimajo potrebnih veščin za elektronsko sodelovanje v raziskavi - tako nam bodo lahko vrnili rešeno anketo preko faksa).
Opozorilo: HTML WYSIWYG urejevalnik ne omogoča prenosa datotek med procesom ustvarjanja ankete. V primeru poizkusa se vam bo prikazalo sporočilo o napaki naslednje oblike: "Prenos datotek je onemogočen". Če želite naložiti slike oziroma podobne datoteke, storite to po že izdelani anketi z urejanjem na novo ustvarjene ankete.

Predstavitev in navigacija

  1. Format: Izbirate lahko med "Po vprašanjih", "Po skupinah" ali "Vse skupaj".
    • Po vprašanjih: Javnamnenjska raziskava bo prikazala eno vprašanje na posamezni strani.
    • Po skupinah: Javnomnenjska raziskava bo prikazala vsa vprašanja v skupini na posamezni strani. Tovrstna anketa ima kljub vsemu ločeno uvodno in zaključno stran, podobno kot jo ima anketa "Po vprašanjih".
    • Vse skupaj: Javnomnenjska raziskava bo prikazala vsa vprašanja na eni strani. Če izberemo tovrstno možnost, anketa ne prikaže uvodne in končne strani - uvodno in končno besedilo se nahajata na isti strani.
  2. Predloga: Izbirate lahko med nameščenimi predlogami v vašem sistemu. Privzeta predloga je precej dolgočasna vendar funkcionalna. Več informacij o izdelavi lastne predloge lahko dobite tukaj.
  3. Prikaži dobrodošlico:  Da/Ne. Privzeto Da. Če da, potem se bo prikazalo besedilo, ki ste ga vnesli v polje "Uvodno sporočilo".
  4. Zamik navigacije v sekundah: Nastavite lahko število sekund preden se pojavita gumba "Nazaj" in "Naprej". Privzeto 0 sekund.
  5. Prikaži gumb [<< Nazaj]: Da/Ne. Privzeto Da. Če boste nastavili na "Ne", anketiranec ne bo imel možnosti pomika nazaj po anketi med anketiranjem.
  6. Prikaži indeks vprašanj / dovoli preskoke: Da/Ne. Privzeto Ne.  Če nastavimo na Da, bo indeks prikazan na desni strani. Anketiranec bo lahko preskočil na katerikoli del ankete.
  7. Operacija brez tipkovnice: Z aktivacijo te nastavitve bo omogočena virtualna tipkovnica pri določenih tipih vprašanj.
  8. Prikaži napredek: Da/Ne. Privzeto Da. Skrbniku omogoča izklop vrstice, ki prikazuje napredek.
  9. Anketiranci lahko natisnejo odgovore?: Da/Ne. Privzeto Ne. Če nastavimo na Da, potem lahko anketiranec natisne povzetek ankete v času njene oddaje.
  10. Javne statistike: Da/Ne. Privzeto Ne. Če nastavite na Da, bo anketirancem ob zaključku anketiranja predstavljena povezava do statističnih podatkov trenutne ankete. Skrbnik lahko nastavi katera vprašanja bodo vključena v to statistiko z uporabi v skladu z vprašalnimi atributi.
  11. Pokaži grafe v javnih statistikah: Da/Ne. Privzeto Ne. Določimo ali bo javna statistika predstavljana tudi grafično ali le tabelarično. Ustvarjanje grafov pri velikih raziskavah z veliko odgovorov traja nekaj časa in zavzame veliko strežniških sredstev.
  12. Samodejno pojdi na ta URL naslov, ko uporabnik konča z anketo: Da/Ne. Privzeto Ne. Če izberemo Da, po zaključeni anketi se bo spletna stran avtomatično preusmerila na Končno povezavo. Končno povezavo lahko definiramo v zavihku Splošno, ki smo ga opisali zgoraj. Upoštevajte, da to deluje le v primeru ankete, ki je aktivna.
  13. Prikaži "V anketi je X vprašanj": Da/Ne. Privzeto Da.   V tem primeru se bo obvestilo prikazalo na uvodni strani. Ta nastavitev ne vpliva na tiskano verzijo.
  14. Pokaži ime skupine in/ali opis skupine: Lahko določamo ali bo prikazano ime skupine in njen opis. Ta nastavitev ne vpliva na tiskano verzijo. Na voljo so štiri možnosti:
    • Prikaži oboje - Privzeto
    • Prikaži samo ime skupine
    • Prikaži samo skupinski opis
    • Skrij oboje
  15. Prikaži številko in/ali kodo vprašanja:
    • Prikaži oboje - privzeto
    • Prikaži samo številko vprašanja
    • Prikaži samo kodo vprašanja
    • Skrij oboje
  16. Prikaži "Brez odgovora": Vključeno/Izključeno. Če je vključeno, potem imajo neobvezna vprašanja privzeto nastavljen odgovor "Ne". When Yes, the No Answer will be displayed as the default option for non-mandatory single-select questions. Be aware that if you switch this off, the participant won't be able to unselect a chosen answer option in a non-mandatory question.

Kontrola objavljanja in dostopa

  1. Objavi anketo na javnem seznamu: Da/Ne. Privzeto Ne. Če izberete Da, bo vaša anketa dodana na javno viden seznam.
  2. Datum/ura začetka: Datum, vnesen v to polje, je datum, ko postane anketa aktivna in sicer ob polnoči na vnesen dan. Anketiranci pred tem ne bodo imeli možnosti odgovarjati na anketo. Če želite to funkcijo onemogočiti, enostavno pustite prazno polje.
  3. Datum/ura poteka: Datum, vnesen v to polje, je datum, ko se anketa zaključi in sicer je to zadnji dan, na katerega bodo anketiranci še lahko sodelovali v raziskavi. (Primer: Če jo nastavite na 31. december, anketiranci ne bodo mogli odgovarjati nanjo 1. januarja naslednje leto). Če želite to funkcijo onemogočiti, enostavno pustite prazno polje.
  4. Nastavite piškotek, ki preprečuje ponovno sodelovanje?: Če je to nastavljeno na "Da" in v anketi ne uporabljate t.i. "žetonov" za nadzor dostopa udeleženca do ankete, potem se bo po oddani anketi na računalnik anketiranca shranil piškotek. Piškotek bo onemogočil ponovno možnost sodelovanja v anketi na tem računalniku. Tovrsten način omejitve omogoča delni pa kljub temu dokaj zadovoljiv nadzor nad večkratno izpolnitev ankete s strani iste osebe.
  5. Uporabi CAPTCHA za: S to opcijo lahko določite na katerem področju želite uporabljati CAPTCHA. Privzeto je, da se CAPTCHA izvaja le za javne registracije, vendar jo lahko uporabite tudi ali pred dostopom do ankete in ali pred shranjevanjem in nalaganjem delnih odgovorov.

Upravljanje z obvestili in podatki

  1. Pošlji e-pošto za administratorja na: in Pošlji e-pošto s podrobnostmi za administratorja na: Ti dve polji omogočata posredovanje obvestila ali odgovorov ankete na dodatne e-naslove, ko je le ta oddana. Urejanje predlog za tovrstno e-pošto je omogočeno v 'Predloge e-pošte'. Možen je tudi množičen vnos prejemnikov tako, da jih med seboj ločimo s podpičjem (;), npr.: ";;" ali z uporabo zavitega oklepaja ";{INSERTANS:82733X12X73};{TOKEN:EMAIL}". Prepričajte se, da je vsaj skrbniški e-naslov pravilno vnesen v nastavitve ankete - v nasprotnem primeru ne bo odposlana nobena e-pošta ali pa bo ob oddaji ankete prikazano obvestilo 'Napačen naslov:'. Obstajajo trije različni načini vnosa e-naslova:
    1. Vnos točno določenega elektronskega naslova (npr.:
    2. Vnos SGQA kode in odziv bo odposlan na elektronski naslov, ki je bil naveden kot odgovor na to določeno vprašanje (uporabite obliko {INSERTANS:9999X88X12}, na enak način, kot če bi Ponovno uporabili informacije iz prejšnjega odgovora)
    3. Enter a Token code (only possible if your survey is not anonymous) and the response will be sent to an email address retrieved from a token field (use the format {TOKEN:EMAIL} or {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} in the same way you would Re-use Information from the Tokens Table)
    4. As of Version 1.92: Enter a valid expression conforming to Expression Manager syntax.  This lets you use question code instead of SGQA syntax (for easier readability), plus conditional logic (e.g. route the notifications to different people depending upon the data entered into the survey).
  2. Date stamp?: This field allows you to determine whether the survey will datestamp all responses. If you choose "Yes", then when a response is submitted, a field will be included in that response indicating the time and date that the response was made. (See configuration settings for $timeadjust setting.)
  3. Save IP address?: This field allows you to determine whether the survey will save an IP-address for all responses. If you choose "Yes", then when a response is submitted, a field will be included in that response indicating the ip-address of the participant.
  4. Save referrer URL?: This field allows you to determine whether the survey will save the referrer URL for all responses. If you choose "Yes", then when a response is submitted, a field will be included in that response where this URL is saved. A referrer URL is the URL from which the user was led to your survey URL.
  5. Enable assessment mode?: With this setting you can enable/disable assessments for this survey.
  6. Save timings: If activate then on survey activation a separate table will be created where timings for your questions will be saved, e.g. how long a user stays on one page during taking the survey.
  7. Participant may save and resume later?: This setting allows a participant to save his responses and resume to answer the survey at a later time. Please note that this makes most sense with open surveys or surveys with anonymized answer. If you are using tokens and the survey is not anonymous in most cases it is better to activate 'Token-based response persistence' in the token tab.
  8. Google Analytics API Key for this survey:  Allows for integration with Google Analytics. The API key can be inserted into templates using {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_API_KEY}. The full JavaScript that Google Analytics expects (including the key) can be included in templates via {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT}
  9. Google Analytics Style for this Survey:  Choices are:
    1. Do not use Google Analytics - so {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT} is an empty string
    2. Default Google Analytics - {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT} uses the standard Google Analytics code, inserting the proper Google Analytics Key
    3. SurveyName-[SID]/GroupName - {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT} contains customized Google Analytics code to log the URL as {SURVEYNAME}-[{SID}]/{GROUPNAME}.  This can be  helpful if you want to analyze navigation paths through your survey, time spent per page, and drop-off rates per page.

Google API howto:

  1. Register/login on Google Analytics (GA):
  2. Create a key (the site should not point to the survey, but to the part before 'index.php?') The key should be UA-xxxxx.
  3. Go to your survey's global settings in LimeSurvey.
  4. Put the key in appropriate field (Google Analytics API Key). It's probably the best to set GA Style to track all pages as you can have more info.
  5. You don't need to do anything in shipped templates, as the {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT} part is already there.
  6. Activate the survey.
  7. Do the survey.
  8. Go to GA panel mainsite. (select appropriate account in left-hand upper corner if you have more than one). You should see some graphs with the statistics. Beware of the dates in upper right corner.


  1. Anonymized responses?: This allows you to determine whether responses to your survey are matched up with information from your surveys tokens table, or kept 'anonymous'. The default is 'No'. If you choose 'Yes' then your survey is set to radically anonymize responses - there is really no way to connect answers and participants. Even the admin can't link response data and participant/token data. However you will always be able to specifically view each response entered by your participants in the survey. Thus individual, but anonymous, statistics is still possible to do. Attention:: If this feature is activated the response submission date and the token completed date are always set to 1980-01-01 00:00, no matter of other settings. Why? Invalidating the submission date ensures no match with webserver logs where the token key might show up when a survey is started. Invalidating the token completed date makes sure that you can't align the order of submitted responses to the order of the token date/time.
  2. Allow multiple responses or update responses with one token?: Default: No If you activate this setting the participants may return to his survey by clicking the invitation link, even if he already submitted the survey. If survey is anonymous, this add a new responses. If survey is not anonymous, user update existing responses.
  3. Enable token-based response persistence: If your survey uses tokens and your responses are not anonymized, then you may want to enable this feature. If you turn this on, then your participants can leave your survey and resume later at any time without using the 'Resume later' function - for example if he/she gets distracted or his browser crashes. Upon clicking the invitation link again he will find his survey answers so far still in place when returns to the survey and will even continue on the last page seen.
  4. Allow public registration: If you use tokens to control access to your survey, the only people who can use the survey are those who have an entry and a unique token from the token table. If you would like to use tokens, but also allow public registration, set this to "Yes".  The "Yes" setting will allow a visitor to register his name and email address. The script will create a new entry in your tokens table for this person, then send them an invitation email. The script will ensure that only one person per email address can complete your survey.
  5. Use HTML format for token emails?: When set to yes, all emails sent by the token management interface (invite, reminder, confirmation) will be formatted as HTML. You'll then be able to use rich formatting for this emails. Default is Yes at survey creation. Caution, when you switch on/off this feature, you'll have to double check that your email templates are still displayed as you want.
  6. Set token length to: Usually you don't need to change this, the default setting of 15 digits (max. supported value: 99) is fine. If changing this setting please enter a number (X) which should be greater than 5 (if the number entered is <5 it will be converted to the default value of 15). When generating tokens all tokens will use a length of X digits.


Alternatively you can import a survey structure from this tab on survey creation. You have the option to let LimeSurvey automatically convert relative URLs to local images/media files and INSERTANS tags (recommended).


Alternatively you can copy an existing survey from this tab on survey creation. You have the option to let LimeSurvey automatically convert relative URLs to local images/media files and INSERTANS tags (recommended). The other options are pretty self-explaining. Please note that when copying a survey the start date and the end date of a survey cleared.

Panel integration (URL parameters)

Please note that this tab is currently not visible on survey creation but only when you edit the survey settings after saving them for the first time.

On this tab you can set which additional URL parameters will be accepted by your survey. If you like you can also save the value as a response of a "Short text question" or "Multiple short text question" type (you will be able to select any short text question to save it to). Even if you do NOT save the value of the URL parameter you will be able to use this parameter in the end URL. Please have a look at the documentation of the End-URL for further information.


This tab lets you manage files (pictures, media files) that were uploaded in the HTML Editor and it is only visible if you edit a survey - not during survey creation.

You can:

  • Browse available files
  • Export files as a ZIP archive
  • Import a ZIP archive of files

Important hints:

  • Authorized files extensions are defined in config-defaults.php.
  • Files for the survey are in the upload/surveys/<sid> subdirectory.
  • Uploaded files will only been seen while browsing resources on this survey (groups, questions, answers) not in other surveys or objects (labels).
  • Do not expect this limited visibility to ensure confidentiality of the resources as they are reachable with a simple browser to anyone who know the URL to the file.
  • You can't import a ZIP file containing subdirectories.

2nd Step - Additional languages

To add more language to a survey you have to create and save it - then edit it again. Now you can add and remove additional languages to the survey. If you remove a language from a survey the complete contents of that language in that survey is deleted permanently so be careful what you are doing.

By clicking on the button 'Save and continue' on the first page in the survey settings you will be taken to the language-specific page which lets you change all texts for each language like Survey name, Welcome Text, etc. You can also edit the date format which should be used for a certain language.

Previous Creating surveys - Introduction

Next Importing a survey structure