
Multilingual survey/ko: Difference between revisions

From LimeSurvey Manual

Created page with "==추가 언어 추가=="
Created page with "<center>파일:다국어 설문조사 - Preview.png</center>"
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설문조사의 기본 언어는 [[General_settings#Base_언어|기본 언어 필드]]에서 선택한 언어입니다. 기본적으로 이는 인스턴스의 [[Global_settings#Language|전역 설정]]에 구성된 언어입니다.
설문조사의 기본 언어는 [[General_settings#Base_언어|기본 언어 필드]]에서 선택한 언어입니다. 기본적으로 이는 인스턴스의 [[Global_settings#Language|전역 설정]]에 구성된 언어입니다.

To check which language is the base one, access the [[General settings|general survey settings panel]] and look for the base language field. In our example, the base language is "English". To start adding new languages in which you wish to translate the survey into, see the additional languages field. In our example, three other languages have been selected: French, German, and Italian.
어떤 언어가 기본 언어인지 확인하려면 [[일반 설정|일반 설문조사 설정 패널]]에 액세스하여 기본 언어 필드를 찾으세요. 이 예에서 기본 언어는 "English"입니다. 설문조사를 번역하려는 새 언어를 추가하려면 추가 언어 필드를 참조하세요. 이 예에서는 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어 등 세 가지 다른 언어가 선택되었습니다.

<center>[[File:Multilinguar survey - add additional language.png]]</center>
<center>[[파일:다국어 설문조사 - 추가 언어 추가.png]]</center>

Once done, do not forget to click on the '''"Save"''' button located in the upper right side of the screen.
완료한 후에는 화면 오른쪽 상단에 있는 ''''저장'''' 버튼을 클릭하는 것을 잊지 마세요.

Now, if you check the top toolbar, you can observe that a small arrow appeared next to "Preview survey". This means that the survey can be previewed in different languages:
이제 상단 툴바를 확인하면 "조사 미리보기" 옆에 작은 화살표가 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 즉, 설문조사를 다양한 언어로 미리 볼 수 있습니다.

<center>[[File:Multilingual survey - preview.png]]</center>
<center>[[파일:다국어 설문조사 - Preview.png]]</center>

Revision as of 10:20, 9 July 2024


LimeSurvey에는 설문조사를 빠르고 쉽게 번역할 수 있는 기능이 내장되어 있습니다. 이 기능은 번역가가 설문조사를 기본 언어에서 지정된 대상 언어로 쉽게 번역할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

이 위키 섹션에서는 다국어 설문조사를 만드는 방법을 빠르게 다룹니다. 이 가이드에서는 다음과 같은 주제를 다룹니다:

The example analysed throughout the wiki section can be downloaded from here: LS3 multilingual survey sample. Unzip it and import the .lss file into your LimeSurvey instance.

추가 언어 추가

설문조사의 기본 언어는 기본 언어 필드에서 선택한 언어입니다. 기본적으로 이는 인스턴스의 전역 설정에 구성된 언어입니다.

어떤 언어가 기본 언어인지 확인하려면 일반 설문조사 설정 패널에 액세스하여 기본 언어 필드를 찾으세요. 이 예에서 기본 언어는 "English"입니다. 설문조사를 번역하려는 새 언어를 추가하려면 추가 언어 필드를 참조하세요. 이 예에서는 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어 등 세 가지 다른 언어가 선택되었습니다.

파일:다국어 설문조사 - 추가 언어 추가.png

완료한 후에는 화면 오른쪽 상단에 있는 '저장' 버튼을 클릭하는 것을 잊지 마세요.

이제 상단 툴바를 확인하면 "조사 미리보기" 옆에 작은 화살표가 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 즉, 설문조사를 다양한 언어로 미리 볼 수 있습니다.

파일:다국어 설문조사 - Preview.png

If you access the overview panel, four extra survey links are displayed. They correspond to the recently added languages:

Translating strings

To start translating strings, access the editor panel of each of your question. You can observe in the below screenshot that three additional languages are displayed above the question code field:

Click on any of them and start translating the question field.

The same type of "language bar" is located in many other places such as in the text elements and data policy settings panels, answer and subquestion text fields, and so on. However, translating fields using this method can get tricky if your survey is long and you wish not to miss anything. That is why we heavily recommend our users to use the quick translation tool. To access it, click on any survey-related setting (such as "Overview") -> Tools -> Quick-translation

Quick-translation tool

The quick-translation tool has been specifically designed for those that work with multilingual surveys. Once accessed, the following panel will be loaded:

The first option, translate to, gives you the possibility to select the language you wish to translate into from your base language.

The next options refer to the translation of your survey content. They refer to:

Please note that at the moment of writing this section (LimeSurvey 3.16.0), the following sections are translatable but not displayed in this panel: To translate them, please access each option and follow the steps described in the previous wiki subsection.

Once you are done translating these fields, do not forget to click on the "Save" button located in the upper right part of the panel.

Multilingual survey overview

To check your work, use the preview button. The welcome page will look like this:

Two language switcher can be observed once the welcome page is loaded. LimeSurvey offers the possibility to your respondents to change the language of instructions even though you shared with them the corresponding link for a specific language. A language switcher will also be located on the top right-side of your survey.

In the case in which you wish to hide the two "language switcher" buttons, edit the theme of your survey. For more details, see the hints & tips wiki subsection.

In the case in which a string is not translated, the respective string will be displayed in the base language of your survey.

Hints & tips

  • If you wish to grant users translation permissions to access the quick-translation tool, check the following wiki subsection.
  • The "Auto-translate" feature makes use of the Google translate web service for automatic translation of a survey. You must enter your Google Translate API Key under global settings to access this feature. Google currently charges $20 US per 1 million characters submitted for translation.

How to hide the language switcher from the welcome page

In the case in which you decide to launch a multilingual survey, you will observe on the welcome page a drop-down menu that permits your respondents to select the language in which they wish to fill in your survey:

However, in certain scenarios you wish to hide the respective option. There are many ways in which you can hide the language switcher. The "twig" way is displayed below.

Access Themes from the global Configuration menu:

Click on the Theme editor button to edit the desired theme:

LimeSurvey does not allow you to edit the standard themes! If you wish to add changes to a standard theme, click on the Extend button located on the top bar to create an editable copy of it.

Look on the left side of the screen for the language_changer.twig file.

Go to the line that contains the following function:

{% if == true %}

Comment it out (replace "%" with "#") and copy the following line below it:

{% if false == true %}

The line should look like this in the end:

Click on "Copy to local theme and save changes".

Access your survey and select the edited theme from the general settings panel. Now, the welcome page should look like this:

How to hide the language switcher located on the top menu

To hide the top language switcher, we will follow pretty much the same steps as described above. We just have to access the right twig file to edit it. Access again the theme you wish to change, and then go to Screen which is located in the upper-right part of the window and select Navigation from the dropdown list. Now, look on the left side of the window for "language_changer_top_menu.twig". Click on it and comment out:

{% if == true %}

Add the following line below it:

{% if false == true %}

No language switcher will be displayed on the right side of the screen: