
Question type - Date/nl: Difference between revisions

From LimeSurvey Manual

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=Advanced settings=
=Geavanceerde instellingen=


Revision as of 15:04, 27 August 2013

Korte beschrijving

Met dit vraagtype kan direct een datum worden ingevoerd met de JavaScript kalender of met dropdown velden. Vanaf versie 1.80 kun je ook een een minimum en een maximum datum specificeren voor de dropdown datum.

Hoofd instellingen

Verplicht (mandatory)


Met deze optie kan de enquête-beheerder instellen dat een bepaalde vraag beantwoordt moet worden voordat de deelnemer verder kan gaan met invullen. Als je een vraag hebt met subvragen en je wilt niet alle onderdelen verplicht maken, gebruik dan de optie Minimum aantal antwoorden (min_answers) op de tab Logica.

Als je een van de vooraf geïnstalleerde thema's gebruikt en het attribuut verplicht is ingeschakeld, wordt er naast de vraag een rood sterretje weergegeven. Als je het sterretje wilt verbergen, lees dan deze beschrijving.

Beschikbare opties

  • Aan - Vraag moet worden beantwoord voordat de deelnemer naar de volgende pagina kan - de antwoordoptie 'Geen antwoord' wordt nooit getoond.
  • Zacht - Als de vraag niet wordt beantwoord, wordt een waarschuwing weergegeven wanneer wordt geprobeerd door te gaan naar de volgende pagina - de deelnemer kan er echter voor kiezen de waarschuwing te negeren en verder te gaan. Merk op dat de optie 'Geen antwoord' nog steeds wordt weergegeven (indien geactiveerd in de instellingen voor enquêtepresentatie)
  • Uit (standaard) - Vraag kan onbeantwoord blijven


Conditie (eerder "Relevantievergelijking")


Als de waarde van de conditie 1 of true is dan is de vraag relevant en wordt de vraag getoond bij het invullen van de enquête. En anders niet. Bij elke vraag kun je een relevantievergelijking specificeren. Dit vervangt de condities, het ondersteunt veel meer complexe logica.

Syntax markering in kleur

Wanneer je de conditie opslaat, dan wordt het geëvalueerd en met kleur gemarkeerd. De fouten worden met een kleur aangegeven waardoor je de fouten gemakkelijker ziet,

 Hint: Om de condities in je enquête te controleren gebruik je de functie toon logica enquête.

Geldige waarden

  • Een conditie gebruikt de syntax die beschreven is in ExpressionScript, zonder de omringende accolades.


Voorbeelden van het met kleur markeren, oftewel syntax markering.

Geavanceerde instellingen

Reverse answer order (reverse)


If activated, the order of the answers will be reversed.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)


Let's assume that you want to use an Array (Numbers) question type. If this option is disabled (default value), then the possible answers a survey participant can select are: "1, 2, 3, ... , 10". If enabled, the setting will reverse the order of the available answers: "10, 9, 8, ... , 1".

Randomization group name (random_group)


It places the questions into a specified randomization group, all questions included in the specified group being displayed in a random order to the survey respondents.

You can find a sample survey using randomization group name in ExpressionScript sample survey.

Valid values

Just enter any string you like (for example: 'group1'). All question which have set the same string within the randomization group name box will have their place in the survey randomized (=randomly exchanged among each other).

Preview To preview the questions use the preview survey instead of the preview question group function, as the second has been reported to not show the questions in a randomized order.

Display dropdown boxes (dropdown_dates)


If enabled, the date/time question type will display a dropdown box to the respondents from where to choose the date/time, instead of the default popup.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)


If it is turned on, the question will be displayed in the following way:

Always hide this question (hidden)


If enabled, the question will always be hidden - it will not be displayed to the survey participants. This function can be used in the following scenarios:

  • If you wish to prefill a question with a URL and you want not to have it displayed on the screen. This overrides any conditions used within the survey because the respective question will not even be embedded on the page.
  • If you wish to store or calculate a value on the fly via the ExpressionScript - Presentation.
Note: A common question type that is used with this function is the Equation one.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

Minimum year (dropdown_dates_year_min)


This question attribute can be used to set the minimum year value for the calendar question. It applies to the dropdown- and to the popup-variant of the calendar.

Valid values

Any year value

Maximum year (dropdown_dates_year_max)


This question attribute can be used to set the maximum year value for the calendar question. It applies to the dropdown- and to the popup-variant of the calendar.

Valid values

Any year value

Question validation equation (em_validation_q)


This is an equation that is used to validate the entire question (e.g, all of its parts collectively for a multi-answer question). If the question fails the validation criteria, then em_validation_q_tip message will be displayed (it uses the CSS style .error). This tip uses the .em_q_fn_validation CSS style, which is hidden by default within template.css.

The main difference between this feature and the subquestion validation equations (em_validation_sq option) is that for this feature, if the question (or question parts) fail validation, then an error message could be shown. For the subquestion validation, each text entry cell (e.g., in an array question type, but it can also be applied to single entry question types) will be styled so that the background color is (light) red.

Valid values

  • Any equation that makes use of the ExpressionScript syntax, without surrounding curly braces.


  • You want to collect demographic information from users via a multiple short text question, and you want to validate that the user has entered a valid email address and phone number.

This example shows how the question looks with invalid answers:

And here is what it looks like with one invalid answer:

Here is how you edit a question to enter that information:

And here is part of the Show Logic File output that lets you check the accuracy of your expression and ensure that there are no syntax errors:

As you can see, the validation equation tests that both the email and phone number are either empty or match a regular expression filter.

The validation tip only shows the warning message if the phone or email appears invalid.

 Hint: In order to create complex validation messages, read about the usage of the ExpressionScript.

If you wish to import the example from above into your LimeSurvey installation, download the following .lsq file:

 Hint: Remember, LimeSuvey uses the Perl syntax for regular expressions, so they should start and end with / (slash character)!

Validation on date

  Dates in Limesurvey are saved as a string (text format).

To really be able to work (and calculate) with dates, these have to be converted to a number format. The function strtotime (New in 2.0 build 130515) , which calculates the number of seconds from the 1st January 1970 to a given date can be used for this. Using strtotime() one can for example enforce that only dates before "today" are entered using the following expression: strtotime(self)<=strtotime("now"). Or enforce that that only dates after a certain date can be entered: strtotime(self)>strtotime("2013-03-27")
  Please be aware that strtotime() works with a lot of different but not ALL date formats. Limesurvey's default date format (MM-DD-YYYY) does NOT work with strtotime(). Please set your survey to use one of the following date formats to avoid problems: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD, DD.MM.YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY.

Tip for whole question validation equation (em_validation_q_tip)


If you are using the question validation equation, you can use this box in order to display an optional message as question tip on how the question has to be filled out.

Valid values


See the example from the question validation equation wiki section- it shows how the tip can be tailored to show which parts of a multiple short text question fail the validation criteria.

Insert page break in printable view (page_break)


This attribute is only active when you actually print a survey from the Printable View. It forces a page break before the question.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)