

QS:Array filter exclude

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 13:42, 23 August 2013 by Han (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="simplebox">Vanaf versie 1.92 kunnen opeenvolgende vragen gefilterd worden voor elk array vraagtype, inclusief: *Meerkeuzevragen *Meerkeuzevragen met opmerkingen *...")

Array uitsluit filter (array_filter_exclude)


Met een geavanceerd array uitsluit filter kun je een meerkeuzevraag gebruiken om te selecteren welke responses niet getoond worden in een vervolglijst, array of meerkeuzevraag.

Vanaf versie 1.92 kunnen opeenvolgende vragen gefilterd worden voor elk array vraagtype, inclusief:
  • Meerkeuzevragen
  • Meerkeuzevragen met opmerkingen
  • Meerdere korte vrije teksten
  • Meervoudige numerieke invoer
  • Array (5 punten, 10 punten, Ja/Nee/Weet niet, Meer/Gelijk/Minder, met kolom)
  • Array (Dubbele schaal, teksten, getallen)
  • Rangschikken

Furthermore, each of these types of questions can filtered.

The only exception is Array (Column), which can filter other questions, but can not itself be filtered.

To set a filter

Enter the question code of a multiple options question to use as the source information. For example, if your source multiple option question code is "Q1" enter "Q1" into 'Array filter exclusion' input in the advanced settings of the question you want to filter.

Starting in 1.92, you can enter multiple array_filter_exclude options for a single question, separated by semicolons

The source question has to contain exactly the same list of answers/subquestion as the question you wish to filter. Your question will then only display those answers/subquestion that were not selected in the multiple options question.

If the questions do not have exactly the same set of answers/subquestions and codes, then the filters will break.

Starting in 1.92, if Q2 has sub-questions that are not present in Q1, they will always be displayed rather than breaking the filters.


The Array filter exclusions settings will cascade – that is you can select a question which filters another question, which filters another question, and so on.


Ticking items 'One' and 'Three' in the first question results in those questions not being displayed in the subsequent question which users array filter exclusion

Multi Option Question


Question: Which animals do you like?

1 Cat

2 Dog

3 Zebra

Array 5 Point Choice Question