
Privzeti odgovori

From LimeSurvey Manual

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Privzete vrednosti (defaults)


To vam omogoča, da nastavite privzete vrednosti za določen seznam tipov vprašanj, vprašanja z več izbirami in vprašanja z besedilom (New in 1.92 )

Veljavne vrednosti

  • Vprašanja z eno izbiro: izbiro želene privzete vrednosti vam omogoča spustni seznam.
  • Vprašanja z več izbirami: izbiro želene privzete vrednosti vam omogoča potrditveno polje (obkljukano ali neobkljukano).
  • Vprašanja z besedilom (New in 1.92 ): v besedilno polje lahko vnesete poljuben niz znakov ali izraz. V primeru vnosa izraza morate uporabiti zavite oklepaje.


  • You have a non-anonymous survey, where {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} is the person's age as of the time the tokens table was created. You want to prefill a question with the person's age and ask them to validate that the age is accurate, or let them change the age value if it is not accurate. In the text entry field for the default value, you would enter {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1}

Caution with default value and hidden question

  • If you have hidden question with default value, this default value is set only when the user come to the step of this question. This mean that if whole group his hidden, then no default value is set, or if you are in question by question mode, no default value is set.
  • For hidden question, an alternative solution can be used Expression manager with assignment operator.