

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 04:43, 23 October 2020 by Lacity (talk | contribs) (Created page with "在你激活调查之前,请注意: *当调查已经初始化,你可以更改问题,答案或是调查的文本部分,但是不能修改问题或是答案的类型...")


一旦你对调查的结构感到满意的话,你可以通过点击 激活调查 按钮来激活它:


  • 匿名反馈: 通过此选项,您可以确定对调查的答复是与调查令牌表中的信息匹配还是“匿名”。如果你决定启用此选项,调查就会设置为匿名回复,不会对答案和参与者产生关联;
  • 保存IP地址: 启用之后,调查受访者的IP地址会和他/她的答案一起保存;*保存计时: 如果启用,每一位调查参与者在每一页调查上花费的时间会被记录下来;
  • 日期戳: 打开此选项你将能看到答案被提交的日期;
  • 保存来源网址: 开启后来源地址会和答案保存在一起。

一旦你启用了你期望的功能后,在点击 保存并激活调查 按钮之后将显示以下信息:

选择符合你需求的选项。更多关于调查参与者的信息,请查看以下 链接.



  • 创建一个保存所有调查受访记录的独立数据库,为每一个新收集的调查记录创建一个新条目;
  • 允许调查管理员 手动输入数据 到受访记录或是编辑现有数据。


  • 当调查已经初始化,你可以更改问题,答案或是调查的文本部分,但是不能修改问题或是答案的类型。
  • 你不能添加新的问题或是删除现有的问题。你也不能给任何阵列或是多选问题添加答案,但你可以给基本列表类型的问题添加答案。
  • 如果你停用调查(不是过期),调查的答复会被移到备份库里,并将失去参与者的信息。但是你能够再次添加新的问题,组和修改调查的参数。

Problems when activating the survey

Activation button/function is disabled

If the Activate this survey button is disabled, then your survey is not yet capable of being activated (for example if you have no questions created yet).

Too many questions

When you activate your survey you may have too many questions in your survey so that the response table cannot be created. The error would say something like 'Too many columns' in older versions of LimeSurvey. In the latest version the error message would say "The survey answer table cannot be created. This is probably caused by too many questions or sub-questions in the survey. If possible try to remove questions from the survey."

In this case you could try one or more of the following things:

  • Try to remove some questions in your survey.
  • Did you always use the correct question types? A common error would be to use a Multiple-choice question type with a limit of one choice instead of using a List(Radio) question type. The former one would use a lot more data fields, while the latter one uses only one.
  • The length of the column names seem to matter. If you copy the survey using a small survey ID (you can set that when copying the survey) you might be able to activate the survey
  • If nothing of the above helps or it is impossible to shorten the survey you could split the survey to two surveys. In that case you would auto-load the second survey at the end of the first one. You could skip the welcome screen of the second survey and the participant would barely notice the switch.

  Attention : If the survey is active and you open several tabs by clicking on "Execute survey", you may not be able to fill out the survey (an error will pop up suggesting you to use the index to navigate the survey) in tabs previously opened to the last one. When that happens, please close all the tabs and make sure to open only one tab at a time to test the live version of your survey.