
Aktiviranje ankete

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:34, 31 August 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Izberite možnost, ki ustreza vašim potrebam. Za več informacij o udeležencih ankete dostopajte do naslednje povezava.")


Ko ste zadovoljni s strukturo vaše ankete, jo lahko aktivirate s klikom na gumb Aktiviraj to anketo:

Pred aktivacijo se prikaže okno, ki vas vpraša o splošnih nastavitvah ankete:

  • 'Anonimizirani odgovori:' Ta možnost vam omogoča, da določite, ali se odgovori na vašo anketo ujemajo z informacijami iz tabele žetonov vaše ankete ali ostanejo "anonimni". Če se odločite, da jo omogočite, je vaša anketa nastavljena tako, da anonimizira odgovore – ne bo mogoče povezati odgovorov in udeležencev;
  • 'Shrani IP naslov:' Če je omogočeno, IP naslov anketiranca bo shranjen skupaj z odgovorom;
  • 'Shrani čase:' Če je omogočeno, se zabeleži čas, ki ga vsak udeleženec ankete porabi za vsako stran ankete;
  • 'Datumski žig: Omogočite to, če želite zabeležiti datum/čas oddaje odgovorov;
  • Shrani referenčni URL: Če je omogočeno, bo referenčni URL shranjen skupaj z odgovori.

Ko izberete želene nastavitve, kliknite gumb Shrani in aktiviraj anketo. Prikaže se naslednje sporočilo:

Izberite možnost, ki ustreza vašim potrebam. Za več informacij o udeležencih ankete dostopajte do naslednje povezava.

Now, copy the link to your survey and start sharing it:

By activating a survey, LimeSurvey:

  • creates a separate database table where all survey responses are stored, a new entry being added for each new collected survey response
  • allows survey administrators to manually enter data into that response table or edit the existent data

Pred aktiviranjem ankete morate biti pozorni na sledeče:

  • Po aktivirani anketi lahko še vedno spreminjate besedilo vprašanj, odgovorov itd., ne morete pa spreminjati tipa vprašanja oziroma tipa odgovora
  • Ne morete dodajati novih vprašanj ali izbrisati že obstoječa. Pri poljih ali vprašanjih z več izbirami je tudi onemogočeno dodajanje odgovorov - lahko pa dodajate odgovore pri osnovnih tipih vprašanj
  • Če deaktivirate anketo (ko še ni potekla), bo sistem premaknil odzive v arhiv, s tem pa se izgubijo informacije o sodelujočih. Vendar pa boste ponovno lahko dodajali nova vprašanja, skupine in spreminjali parametre.

Problems when activating the survey

Če se ikona "Aktiviraj anketo" ne prikaže, potem vaše ankete še ni možno aktivirati (na primer, če še niste ustvarili vprašanj). Ko enkrat kliknete na to ikono, LimSurvey zažene hitro preverjanje doslednosti. S tem se prepriča, da bo vaša anketa pravilno delovala.

Too many questions

When you activate your survey you may have too many questions in your survey so that the response table cannot be created. The error would say something like 'Too many columns' in older versions of LimeSurvey. In the latest version the error message would say "The survey response table cannot be created. This is probably caused by too many questions or sub-questions in the survey. If possible try to remove questions from the survey."

In this case you could try one or more of the following:

  • Remove some questions in your survey.
  • Verify that you always used the correct question types. A common error would be using a Multiple-choice question type with a limit of one choice instead of using a List(Radio) question type. The former one would use a lot more data fields, while the latter one uses only one.
  • The length of the column names seem to matter. If you copy the survey using a small survey ID (you can set that when copying the survey) you might be able to activate the survey
  • If none of the above helps, or it is impossible to shorten the survey, you could split the survey to two surveys. In that case you would auto-load the second survey at the end of the first one. You could skip the welcome screen of the second survey and the participant would barely notice the switch.

  Attention : If the survey is active and you open several tabs by clicking Execute survey, you may not be able to fill out the survey (an error will be displayed suggesting that you use the index to navigate the survey) in tabs previously opened to the last one. When that happens, please close all the tabs and make sure to open only one tab at a time to test the live version of your survey.