

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:34, 20 August 2013 by Dusan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Jeziki za skrbniški vmesnik in vgrajena sporočila za anketirance===")

Lokalizacija za določen jezik je definirana in shranjena na dveh mestih

Eno je v namestitveni mapi, kjer so shranjene datoteke z vgrajenimi sporočili za PHP kodo za določen jezik. Te morajo biti prevedene in nameščene s strani sistemskega skrbnika preden naj bi bil ta jezik na voljo za skrbniški vmesnik, za nekaj osnovnih gumbov in vgrajenih sporočil, vidnih anketirancem. Običajno razvijalec anketnega sistema nima dostopa za urejanje prevodov, pač pa jih lahko le izbira.

Drugi posebni vir lokalizacije jezikov je v samih anketah. Ti prevodi se za vsako anketo nahajajo v naslovu ankete, predogledu in vsakem besedilu v skupini, vprašanju, odgovoru in naboru oznak. Vsi ti prevodi so shranjeni v samih tabelah podatkovne zbirke. Običajno mora razvijalec anketnega sistema določiti vse želene prevode poleg osnovnega jezika.

Jeziki za skrbniški vmesnik in vgrajena sporočila za anketirance

The public survey screens and the admin interface can be localized so that built-in messages and text will appear in your preferred language. For example "yes" and "no" would appear as "ja" and "nein" in the Deutsch/German version. LimeSurvey has about 50 different languages of built-in messages already translated. To see the translation status for these languages please follow the link:

Translations Status

You can create/update your own translation locally by using these instructions:

How to translate LimeSurvey

If you do modify or create a new translation, please consider contributing it for future releases.  Also, if you do modify or create a new translation, remember to take care of this when upgrade to a newer version later.

Note: The template files are not currently localized and thus are language independent.  Try to avoid putting text directly into the template files.  Instead, define the necessary language in other files that are localized.

So far we only discussed translating the built-in text of the administration interface that the survey participants and developers see; that part that is independent of any survey.  Each survey can have one or more languages associated with it as well independent of this interface.  So care must be taken to offer the appropriate translations there as well.

Languages for surveys themselves

If more than one language is defined for a survey, then when editing that survey or each question, answer or labelset within it -- you then need to make sure to add all the language translations desired.  Otherwise, the default language of the survey will appear if no translation is available.  This is available when editing a Survey, Group, Question, Answer set or labelset.

Note: If you do not have permission to edit labelsets, you will not be able to provide the translation of that labelset either.  Talk to your survey administrator about either giving you the permission to edit the labelset or providing the translation in your desired language.