
Dodajanje odgovorov ali podvprašanj

From LimeSurvey Manual

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Različni tipi vprašanj zahtevajo, da dodate seznam možnih odgovorov in/ali podvprašanj.

To find out more about the available LimeSurvey question types, please continue reading the following wiki section.

To start adding answers and subquestions, click on the question you wish to edit and look for the edit answer (or subquestion) button:

Pri dodajanju odgovora boste morali navesti "Kodo", "Možnost odgovora" in ali je "Privzet".

  1. Koda: To je podatek, ki se pri sestavljanju rezultatov ponavadi izvažajo v vašo preglednico. Izberete lahko poljubno kodo vendar lahko vsebuje maksimalno 5 alfa numeričnih znakov.
  2. Ocenjevalna vrednost: To polje vam prikaže ali je način ocenjevanja aktivirano v nastavitvah ankete (v1.81 in novejša). Nastavimo lahko na pozitivno ali negativno celo vrednost. Za več informacij preverite stran Assessments/sl.
  3. Besedilo: Prikazan odgovor ali podvprašanje.
    • V odgovoru lahko prilagodimo tako postavitev odgovora kot dodane slike ali druge večpredstavnostne elemente. To je omogočeno s klikom na ikono v obliki "svinčnika" na koncu polja, kjer vnesemo besedilo odgovora. Z WYSIWYG urejevalnikom lahko oblikujemo odgovor ali naložimo sliko oziroma večpredstavnostni element.
    • Obstaja tudi posebna funkcija, s katero lahko ustvarimo odgovor, ki se prikazuje nad lestvico zgoraj levo ali desno (deluje le pri tipu vprašanja Array ). To lahko naredimo z uporabo znaka '|' in tako razdelimo odgovor. Na primer: Če želite imeti na levi in desni strani vrstice napisano 'Odlično' in 'Slabo', napišite 'Odlično|Slabo' v to polje. To pride v poštev, ko želite narediti Semantično diferencialna vprašanja.
  4. Razvrščanje: Spremenite lahko vrstni red odgovorov, in sicer z možnostjo "povleci/spusti" nad ikono, ki se nahaja na začetku posamezne vrstice.
  1. Position: Click the "three-lines" symbol and drag it up and down to reorder the fields.
  2. Code: This is the data that will usually be exported to your spreadsheet when compiling results. You may choose whatever code you want (5 character maximum). The code can only contain standard alpha-numeric characters and has to be unique among the answer options for this question.
  3. Assessment value: Only for answers This field will only show if the assessments mode is activated in the survey settings. It can be set to a positive or negative integer value. For more information, please check out the assessments wiki section.
  4. Text answer/subquestion: The answer/subquestion text that will be displayed to your survey respondents.
    1. HTML Editor: Click on the green pencil button to increase the complexity of your answer/subquestion text (e.g., you can add images, videos, and so on).
  5. Relevance equation: Only for subquestion (Y-axis) This field allow you to set a relevance using Expression Manager
  6. Actions: Two actions are available:
    1. Add new field: Click on the green "plus" button to introduce a new answer/subquestion;
    2. Delete this field: Click on the red "trash" button to delete the respective field.

Specific for Answers

Please note the edit answers is different from the edit default answers one. Click on the following link to read more about the possibility to edit the default answers in LimeSurvey.

If the assessment mode is enabled, you can - for certain question types - also enter an assessment value for each answer.

Specific for subquestions

The relevance equation is available only for the subquestions located on the X axis . It is the default axis if there is only one list of subquestions (except array by columns):

Hints & Tips

  • You can adjust the layout as well as include pictures or other media elements in your individual answers. This is possible by clicking on the pencil icon at the end of the answer text-box and using the WYSIWYG editor to create, edit or design your answer layout as well as upload images and media.
  • There is a special feature to create an answer that is showing up left and right of an array row (this works only with the question type Array). This can be done by using a pipe char '|'  to part the answer. For example, if you want to have 'Good' and 'Evil' on the left and right side of the row, just write 'Good|Evil' into this field. This is essentially useful if you want to create a Semantic Differential Question.
  • Relevance: You can enter Expression Manager relevance equations for each subquestion (available for question types using subquestions such as multiple choice or array questions). In this way, you can conditionally show/hide certain items of your question. The default value of "1" means that the item is always shown.
Hint: Always perform a logic file check to make sure your relevance equation has no errors.

Seznam odgovorov lahko tudi uvozite ali izvozite. Če imate npr. seznam držav in jih želite uporabiti kot morebitne odgovore, jih lahko uvozite in s tem dobite seznam obstoječih odgovorov.