
Algemene instellingen

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 09:43, 24 May 2013 by Rikthoff (talk | contribs)

Algemene beschrijving

Als je op het icoon in de toolbar klikt zul je de Globale instelling te zien krijgen. De Globale Instellingen zijn alleen beschikbaar voor iemand met de rechten 'Super Administrator'. In versies voor 1.87 konden deze Optionele instellingen alleen gewijzigd worden in config.php/config-defaults.php. Vanaf versie 1.87 werden deze waarden alleen een uitgangspositie. Zodra je de waarde in het Globale instellingenscherm wijzigt, wordt dat de nieuwe waarde, die boven de waarde in het bestand geldt.

Instellingen en hun omschrijving

Overzicht en updates

  • System Overview: biedt je inzicht in het aantal enqûetes en andere statistieken in LimeSurvey. Ook kun je hier een PHP-Info oproepen om het debuggen te ondersteunen.
  • Updates: hier kun je instellen of, en hoe vaak LimeSurvey op updates controleert. Als er een update beshcikbaar is, dan kun je ofwel handmatig updaten of de ComfortUpdate-functie gebruiken.


  • Site name: Stel de naam in van de enqûetesite. Deze naam verschijnt in het overzicht van enqûetes en het beheerpaneel.
  • Default template: Deze instelling bepaalt het standaard template die gebruikt worden voor de publieke lijst van enqûetes en voor nieuwe enqûetes of enqûetes zonder template.
  • Administration template: Deze instelling bepaalt de layout van het LimeSurvey beheerpaneel.
  • Default HTML editor mode: stel de modus in van de geintegreerde HTML editor. De mogelijke waarden zijn:
    • inline: Inline vervangen van een inputveld. Langzaam, maar gemakkelijk en gebruikersvriendelijk.
    • popup: Toont een icoon waarmee de HTML Editor geopend wordt in een popup. Sneller, maar de HTML-code wordt wel in de broncode getoond.
    • none: Geen HTML Editor gebruiken.
  • Question type selector: Kies hier voor 'Full selector' om een keuzemogelijkheid voor vragen met voorvertoning te gebruiken, of 'Simple' om alleen een selectiebox te gebruiken.
  • Template editor:: Bepaal de editor die gebruikt wordt bij het wijzigen van templates. Kies de 'Full template editor' om een uitgebreide editor te krijgen (met syntax-highlighting) , of 'Simple template editor' om alleen een tekstveld te gebruiken.
  • Time difference (in hours): Stel het tijdsverschil in tussen het doelgebied van de enqûete, en de plaats van de server. Stel dat je een enqûete houdt in Nederland, maar de server staat in New York, USA. dan is het tijdsverschil -6 uur. Stel hier dan '-6' in om de Nederlandse tijd op de antwoorden op enqûetes weer te geven.
  • Session lifetime: Bepaalt de levensduur van een sessie in PHP. De maximale waarde is 65000 seconden, dat wil zeggen dat de gebruiker 65000 seconden heeft om antwoord(en) naar de server te sturen. Het kan zijn dat deze waarde niet door LimeSurvey bepaald mag worden: in dat geval moet je de instelling in php.ini wijzigen.
  • IP Info DB API Key: Als je een sleutel hebt voor de IP-Info-DB service, stel deze dan hier in. Zo kun je (de antwoorden van) deelnemers geotaggen.
  • Google Maps API Key: Als je een sleutel hebt voor Google Maps, stel deze dan hier in.
  • Google Analytics API Key: Als je een sleutel hebt voor Google Analytics, stel deze dan hier in. Je kunt dit ook per enqûete instellen. De sleutel kan in templates gezet worden via de tag {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_API_KEY}. Het omliggende Javascript kan in de template gezet worden via {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT}.
  • Google API howto:
  1. Register/login on Google Analytics (GA):
  2. Create a key (the site should not point to the survey, but to the part before 'index.php?') The key should be UA-xxxxx.
  3. Go to your survey's global settings in Limesurvey.
  4. Put the key in appropriate field (Google Analytics API Key). It's probably the best to set GA to track all pages as you can have more info.
  5. You don't need to do anything in shipped templates, as the {GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT} part is already there.
  6. Activate the survey.
  7. Do the survey.
  8. Go to GA panel mainsite. (select appropriate account in left-hand upper corner if you have more than one). You should see some graphs with the statistics. Beware of the dates in upper right corner.
  • Google Translate API Key:  As of version 1.92, the Auto Translate feature is now using the new version 2 of  Google Translate's API.  Google now charges for this service.  In order for the Auto Translate feature to work, you get an API key from this site, and enter the key in this field.  Please note that this is currently a global feature, so any installation that has an assigned Translate API key will all charge translations to the same account.
  • Google Analytics Event Tracking Code: Some LimeSurvey {KEYWORDS} can be used inside GG Analytics Event Tracking Code, e.g, '_trackEvent', 'MyEvent', '{SID}'

Email settings

  • Default site admin email: This is the default email address of the site administrator and used for system messages and contact options.
  • Administrator name: The real name of the site administrator.
  • Email method:  This determines how e-mail messages are being sent. The following options are available:
    • PHP: use internal PHP mailer
    • Sendmail: use sendmail mailer
    • SMTP:use SMTP relaying. Use this setting when you are running LimeSurvey on a host that is not your mail server.
      • Make sure that you are using your SMTP configured e-mail (Global settings -> E-mail settings) at the survey settings (At the moment you create a survey or after you create it Edit Survey Settings -> General)  if you use SMTP, otherwise there might be a chance that the following error is displayed: SMTP -> ERROR: RCPT not accepted from server: 553 5.7.1 : Sender address rejected: not owned by user.
    • Qmail:Set this if you are running the Qmail mailer
  • SMTP host: If you use 'SMTP ' as email method then you have to put your SMTP-server here. If you are using a different part than port 25 (standard for SMPT) then you have to add the port number separated be a colon (example: '')
  • SMTP username: If your SMTP-server needs authentication then set this to your user name, otherwise it must be blank.
  • SMTP password: If your SMTP-server needs authentication then set this to your password, otherwise it must be blank.
  • SMTP SSL/TLS: Set this to 'SSL' or 'TLS' to use SSL/TLS for your SMTP connection
  • SMTP debug mode: If you switch this on then on sending invitations or reminders a detailed connection log and error message will be given (if an error occurs). Not for the faint of heart, but this can give valuable information why a SMTP relay does not work. Usually you want this to be off.
  • Email batch size: When sending invitations or reminders to survey participants, this setting is used to determine how many emails can be sent in one bunch. Different web servers have different email capacities, and if your script takes too long to send a bunch of emails, the script could time out and cause errors. Most web servers can send 100 emails at a time within the default 30 second time limit for a PHP script. If you get script timeout errors when sending large numbers of emails, reduce the number in this setting.  Clicking the 'send email invitation' button on the token control toolbar, (not the button on the right of each token), sends the maxemails number of invitations, then displays a list of the addresses sent to and a warning that "There are more emails pending than could be sent in one batch. Continue sending emails by clicking below. There are ### emails still to be sent." and provides a "continue button" to proceed with the next batch. I.e., the user determines when to send the next batch after each batch gets emailed.  It is not necessary to wait with this screen active.  The admin could log off and come back at a later time to send the next batch of invites.

Bounce settings

  • Default site bounce email: This is the email address where bounced emails will be sent to.
  • Server type: If set to 'Off' no bounce processing functions will be available. Set this to POP or IMAP to check a related account for bounces.
  • Server name & port: Name of the server and (if needed) the port separated by a colon.
  • User name: The user name for the POP/IMAP account
  • Password: The password for the POP/IMAP account
  • Encryption type: If encrpytion is used please set the right one here (SSL or TLS)


  • Survey preview only for administration users: By default, preview of inactive survey is restricted to authenticated users only. If you set this to 'No' any person can test your survey using the survey URL - without logging in to the administration and without having to activate the survey first.
  • Filter HTML for XSS: By default you survey manager will not be authorized to use dangerous HTML tags in their survey/group/question/labels texts (for instance JavaScript code). This is intended to prevent a survey operator to add malicious script in order to have a true admin raise his permissions on the system. If you want to use any script objects like Javascript scripts of Flash applets in your surveys you will need to switch this off.
  • Group member can only see own group: By default non-admin users defined in the LimeSurvey management interface will only be able to see other users if they belong to at least one group this user belongs to. If you set this to 'No' they can see all users (for example in Survey security settings )
  • Force HTTPS: By default this is set to "Don't force on or off". Switch the setting to "on" to force the connection to use HTTPS. Note: If your server doesn't support HTTPS properly, you can lock yourself from the system! Therefor test the "check if this link works" link first. If the link does not work and you turn on HTTPS, LimeSurvey will break and you won't be able to access it.


  • Show 'no answer' option for non-mandatory questions: When a question of a radio button/select type that contains editable answers (i.e.: List & array questions) is not mandatory and this is set to 'Yes' (default), an additional entry 'No answer' is shown for each subquestion - so that participants may choose to not answer the question. Some people prefer this not to be available. Set this to 'No' to turn this off.
  • Repeating headings in array questions every X subquestions: With array type question, often you'll have a lot of subquestions, which - when displayed on screen - take up more than one page. The repeat-headers setting lets you decide how many answers should be displayed before repeating the header information for the question. A good setting for this is around 25. If you don't want the headings to repeat at all, set this to 0.
  • Show "There are X questions in this survey":
  • Show question group name and/or description:
  • Show question number and/or question code:


  • Default site language: This is the default language to be used in your administration , and also the default language for the public survey list if none is given.
  • Available languages: If you don't want all languages to be available in the administration language select boxes you can here define the language that should be available only.


  • RPC interface enabled: Using this feature you can activate/deactivate the LimeSurvey RemoteControl2 interface API, either using JSON-RPC (recommended) or XML-RPC.