

QS:Time limit warning display time

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 21:23, 21 May 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs) (Created page with "この設定は、'''制限時間'''が設定されているときだけ有効です。2回目の警告メッセージの設定もあります。")

Time limit warning message display time (time_limit_warning_display_time)


It sets for how long the time_limit_warning_message is displayed before it is removed/hidden from the screen. By default, if the time_limit_warning_message appears, it will remain visible until the countdown timer has completed the countdown. If a value greater than zero is introduced in this field, the message will be hidden after that many seconds.


time_limit_warning_display_time: 10 = 時間切れ警告メッセージは表示されてから10秒で消えます。