
Beheren van LimeSurvey

From LimeSurvey Manual

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Om de LimeSurvey installatie te beheren: klik op de knop Configuratie in de toolbar op de hoofdpagina van LimeSurvey.

Het menu bevat drie tabbladen: instellingen, gebruikers, and geavanceerd.

Tabblad instellingen

Dit tabblad bevat vijf opties waarmee je de installatie van LimeSurvey kan aanpassen:

For a more in-depth description of the options presented above, read the wiki dedicated to the Settings tab.

You can also customize your LimeSurvey installation from config.php. For more details, read our wiki on LimeSurvey optional settings.

Tabblad gebruikers

The Users tab contains options related to the users and participants' management. If wish to offer different survey or/and global permissions to your employees/helpers, you have to create users to whom you allocate permissions. For an easy management, the users can be grouped into user groups. The central participant database (CPDB) contains survey participants who are allocated to more than one survey or/and are shared with other LimeSurvey survey administrators. Three options are located under the Users tab:

For more details on the three options, check our wiki on users.

Advanced tab

You may find under this tab options that are nor users- or settings-related. They contain functionalities that could help you improve your survey or your LimeSurvey installation. These functionalities are:

Lees meer details in de wiki bij de geavanceerde instellingen.