

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 15:00, 31 May 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs) (Created page with "アンケートの設計を始めるよい方法は、理想の回答がどのようなものか、少し考えてみることです。意味のある回答が最も有益で...")




こちらのブログ"Survey design tips & tricks(アンケートのデザインのコツと小技)"にも有益な情報があります。





  • アンケートは問題解決に役立つでしょうか?
  • アンケートはどのように問題解決に役立つでしょうか?
  • 誰に聞くのがよいでしょうか?
  • 聞くべき相手にどうしたらたどり着けるでしょうか?
  • 質問を理解してもらうには何が必要でしょうか?
  • データ利用にあたり、どのような統計手法が必要でしょうか?








#りんご   ()
#バナナ  ()
#チェリー ()





#1) どのフルーツよりも好き
#2) とても好き
#3) 好きなフルーツの一つ
#4) チェリーを愛している




















  • 自然を愛していますか
  • 川を保護するため、寄付をしますか


  • お金がないと困りますか
  • 川を保護するため、寄付をしますか


  • 当たり障りのないものが先、敏感なものは後に
  • 一般的なものが先、詳しいものは後に
  • 事実を聞く質問が先、意見を聞く質問は後に


  • オープン質問 (回答者が好きなように回答できる)
  • クローズ質問 (選択肢の中から選択する)


例: "好きな色は何ですか?"

オープン質問: "ダークフクシャ色"と答える人がいるかもしれません。結果に"ダークフクシャ色"というカテゴリーを作らなければならなくなります。

クローズ質問: 12種類の色から選ばせれば集計は楽ですが、本当に好きな色を聞き出すことはできないかもしれません。


例: "川をきれいにするもっともよい方法は何だと思いますか?"

オープン質問にしましょう: 表やグラフにはしにくくなりますが、よいアイディアが得られたり、よい回答をレポートに引用することができるかもしれません。

例: "どのぐらいの頻度で川に行きますか?"


  • ほぼ毎日
  • 年に5回以上
  • 年に1~4回
  • ほとんどない




#りんご   ()
#バナナ  ()
#チェリー ()






  1. 質問が明確・正確で、全体として詳細・明瞭で意味のある回答が得られる。
  2. 提供される選択肢とフォーマットが適切である。
  3. 必要に応じ、回答者が情報を追加できるようになっている。


  1. 不必要な質問を避ける。
  2. 回答者によって関係ない質問をすることのないよう条件を使用する。
  3. 質問・選択肢は、適切にマークアップし、短く読みやすくする。
  4. スクロールとクリックのトレードオフを考慮する。短いアンケート(質問の複雑さによるが、5-15問)は1ページに収めます。長いアンケートでは、グループをうまく使います。あとに続く質問のトピックについて明確に説明を加えます。
  5. 尺度を多用し、参加者を混乱させないようにします。利用する尺度のタイプ、スコープ、説明の数をできる限り制限します。尺度の方向を変えないようにします。(例外はあります)
  6. 採点尺度においては、下の例のように、尺度の数を偶数にして回答者がどちらかの方向を選ばなければならないようにすることも有効でしょう。

1. 非常によい

2. よい

3. 少しだけよい

4. あまりよくない

5. よくない

6. 非常によくない


1. よい

2. まあまあ

3. よくない


How can you go about that? The best method is to split up all the areas and decide on what information you need.

For example, imagine you held an event, open to the public, and needed to get some general feedback about the event.

A "bad" survey might be similar to the following:

Did you enjoy the Event?

( ) Yes

( ) No

How good was the wifi?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Did you arrive OK?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Was the provided map OK?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Were how did you feel about the mixture of speakers?

( ) Very sad ( ) Sad( ) Neutral ( ) Happy ( ) Very Happy

Matrix questions.

That may be a bit of a generalisation, but its a good rule to live by. Anything that involves a scale of any sort should be avoided unless you want an answer that can be measured on a scale, like age, time (maybe) or quantities. Similarly, a matrix of compulsory questions can be a bit of a deterrent for your audience as not only are they badly structured, but they don't allow for any extra information.

Chances are if someone is completing your survey they want to give feedback, and if they don't think they can share anything useful they'll just close the window and move on.

So what's wrong with the survey above?

Let's look at each question step by step.

Question 1 doesn't really achieve anything. Imagine receiving 100 "no" responses. Firstly you'd be sad, but secondly you would have absolutely nothing to do with the information. We'll look at a possible improvement to this in a moment.

Question 2 is so bad it's painful. If we go back to our 3 steps, we see that the questions need to be clear and precise. I'm not an expert in Wifi but I'm fairly certain you don't measure it in "goods". What's more, it doesn't allow for a meaningful answer – What will you do with the knowledge that while 33% of people rated your wifi as being good, only 23% rated it as good? Point number 2 tells us that the predefined answers need to be appropriate to the question.

It's fairly obvious that a scale of 1 to 10 won't help you improve on the quality of your wifi. The real killer in this one is the need to have space for people to add additional information. How could someone report a specific problem?

In this case? It's impossible. Surveys are all about finding out something you can work with or learn from.

The next two questions have the same result – they provide a platform for people to say yes or no. And neither of those questions allow for detail. In a better survey, which we'll consider in a moment, you could learn particular problems from specific people.

The final question is another painful one. Asking for the level of satisfaction about something is pretty much useless, as every person has different interests, and so everyone will likely have different opinions on each speaker. It's another example of where a range question is being used and shouldn't be.

Have a look at the improved survey there.

Did you make use of the in-house wifi?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Did you experience any problems?

( ) No problems at all

( ) A couple of small issues, nothing major

( ) One or two severe issues

( ) The wifi was nearly totally unusable.

If you experienced problems, could you briefly describe them? (Text field)

Did you arrive ok?

( ) Yes

( ) No

How did you come to our event?

( ) Train

( ) Car

( ) Bus

( ) Light Rail (IE Tube, Tram)

( ) Walk

Did you use the map from our website?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If you looked at the map, was it detailed enough?

( ) Yes

( ) It gave me a rough idea, I used another map for more detail though

( ) Not detailed at all.

If you didn't use the map, why not?

( ) Not enough detail

( ) I used a satnav/google maps instead

( ) I didn't even know it existed!

Generally speaking, were the speakers interesting? Did you enjoy the presentations?

( ) Nearly all were interesting and thoroughly enjoyable

( ) Mainly enjoyable, but a handful of less interesting talks.

( ) A 50 – 50 split

( ) More dull than interesting

( ) Didn't find any interesting.

Please elaborate on your answer to the question above. Feel free to reference any

particular people/talks. (Text field)

If we could improve the range of talks, or you have any other interesting ideas regarding

the talks, list them below (Text field)

If you have any other recommendations or ideas, please list them below. (Text field)

This survey may be a little longer, but it's a lot easier to both answer and interpret the answers from. Asking two or three questions about each of the topics means that when it comes to processing the results you can do a little more analysis. For example. Imagine, in response to the first survey you received 30 people saying they didn't arrive OK.

This would have been as much information as you could possibly extract from the results, but with our new set of answers it would be possible to deduce which forms of transport presented people with trouble. What's more, you could go on to see whether they were using a provided map or another form, and use this to target improvements for the future.

Keep in mind, that after 50 questions, the user is most likely to not read the question anymore.

Other important additions are the text field questions – these allow your audience to give specific feedback which you can draw from. It's a good idea to not make these compulsory though, as they may put people off answering.

To conclude, when writing a survey you should aim to create one which asks specific questions targeted to the issues you need to answer. Also remember that it doesn't do any harm to gather a little extra background information as you can use it all to get better information from the result.

It's also important to phrase your questions well, as if people need to answer the questions and they don't understand them, they'll close the window and move on. Try to hand your survey to someone else to proof read before making it publicly available to ensure its definitely crystal clear what the question is asking.

Survey Bias

In obtaining market research, one of the most critical things to avoid is the issue of survey bias - that is, asking the respondent questions which may influence the results he or she provides and thus invalidates or skews your data.  It is very easy and common for a company or individual without the proper market research education and experience to err in this way.  This extends to many things, such as the way a question is phrased, to the types of responses which are available, to the way that an interviewer presents the questions if data is being collected by phone or in-person.

For example, a biased survey question may be written as such:

How much did you enjoy the event?

( )Very much

( )A little bit

( )Not very much

( )Not at all

At first glance, it appears that there is no problem with the structure of this question.  After all, the respondent is able to provide his or her answer from "very much" to "not at all".  However, the problem appears in the question phrasing itself.  By asking the respondent "How much" he or she enjoyed the event, the interview has already established a bias by assuming that the respondent enjoyed the event in some way or another, which may not be the case.

The following example would be a far better what to ask the question which does not lead or bias the respondent in any way:

How would you rate your overall enjoyment of the event on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 is "Not at all enjoyed" and 5 is "Completely enjoyed"

1 2 3 4 5

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Using this modified question, the respondent is not led to the assumption that any enjoyment was had, and is able to supply an answer in a numerical way that makes it easy for him or her to specify the enjoyment level, and makes it easy for the survey solicitor to tabulate and compare the results with other respondents.

This is just one minor example of a good survey design principle.  This understanding extends to all things.