
Installation du package LimeSurvey XAMPP

From LimeSurvey Manual

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  Attention : Veuillez noter que LimeSurvey GmbH ne fournit plus d'installation locale prête à l'emploi de LimeSurvey via XAMPP ! Veuillez rechercher la dernière version de XAMPP en ligne !


Ces instructions vous montreront comment installer et exécuter le package LimeSurvey XAMPP sur votre PC Windows local. Veuillez noter que le package XAMPP ne doit pas être utilisé pour un serveur de production car il est optimisé pour un environnement mono-utilisateur.


Votre système Windows doit répondre aux exigences suivantes 

  • 64 Mo de RAM
  • 350 Mo de disque fixe gratuit
  • Windows NT, 2000, 2003, XP, VISTA, Windows 7, Windows 8 ou Windows 10.


  1. First download the latest LimeSurvey XAMPP package file online.
  2. Execute the file. Just follow the installation steps - usually you don't need to change anything.
  3. After the setup has finished, a browser window should open pointing to http://localhost/admin.
  4. Login using the username 'admin' and password 'password'. Start creating your surveys.

Additional hints

  • LimeSurvey needs a running web server software (Apache) and a database (MySQL), which are both installed by the XAMPP package. Both applications are started automatically by the setup. After you restart your PC you will need to start these again by using the XAMPP Control panel. If you want these to start automatically on startup, you can use the XAMPP control panel to install the applications as services - just check the related boxes in the XAMPP control panel.
  • The XAMPP packages is only meant to be able to install LimeSurvey on your local PC in an easy way. It won't/shouldn't be possible for anyone on the Internet to access your surveys.
  • The XAMPP package is meant as a single user solution and should not be installed on a real web server.