
ExpressionScript エンジン - クイックスタートガイド

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 01:34, 5 September 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs) (Created page with "この質問の編集ウィンドウから、次の2つのことがわかります。 #中括弧で表現を囲む必要があります #式は、例えばこの例のよう...")



  1. ナビゲーション/分岐 - 回答者の回答によって質問が表示される順番を変更します。
  2. テーラーリング/パイピング - 質問の文言調整(先行する回答の引用、数や性別による語句の変化など)、カスタムレポートの生成(評価点数、アドバイスの提示など)
  3. 検証 - 回答が条件(最大値、最小値、入力パターンなど)を満たすようにします。






注意: これは条件エディターで実行できるものと似ていますが、EMではより複雑で強力な条件を簡単に指定でき、さらにSGQA名ではなく変数名を使用できます。

To better understand the relevance concept, let's focus on the following survey which computes the Body Mass Index (BMI) of survey respondents. To download it, click on the following link: Body Mass Index survey example.

The relevance equation is shown below in the Relevance column after the variable name. The relevance values of weight, weight_units, height, and height_units are all 1 (default value), meaning that those questions are always displayed. However, the relevance for BMI is {!is_empty(height) and !is_empty(weight)}, which means that BMI will only be computed if the subject enters a value for both height and weight (thereby avoiding the risk of getting a zero error). Also, question "Report" is only shown if the respondent answers all four main questions (height, heightunits, weight, weightunits).

Note: The above image comes from the survey logic file which allows you to look for syntax errors before activating the survey.

Relevance is shown and editable when:

  • you wish to view/edit question-level relevance
  • you wish to view/edit group-level relevance






Let's focus now on another example - a simple census survey. To download it, click on the following link: Census survey example.

The first page asks how many people live with you and stores that in the "cohabs" variable. This page is only shown if you have more than one cohabitant (it is shown for the second person cohabitating with you). Also, p2name, p2age. p2sum are displayed only if the question before each of them contains a response.





EM lets you easily do simple and complex conditional tailoring. Sometimes you just need a simple substitution, like saying, "You said you purchased [Product]. What did you like best about it?".  Sometimes you need conditional substitution like "[Mr./Mrs.] [LastName], would you be willing to complete our survey?". In this case, you want to use "Mr. or Mrs." based on the person's gender. Other times you need even more complex substitution (such as based upon a mathematical computation). EM supports each of these types of tailoring/piping.


The Body Mass Index example shows the ability to compute a person's BMI, even while letting them enter their height and weight in two different units (cms vs inches and kgs vs lbs):

Here weightkg is {if(weightunits == "kg", weight, weight * 0.453592)}.  This "if()" function means that if the subject entered the weight using kilograms, use that value, otherwise multiply the entered value (pounds is the alternative) by 0.453592 to convert it to kilograms. The heightm variable uses a similar approach to compute the person's height in meters (height in cms/100), even if he entered his height in inches (1 meter=3.28084 inches).

BMI is computed as: {weightkg / (heightm * heightm)}.




  1. 中括弧で表現を囲む必要があります
  2. 式は、例えばこの例のように、ネストされた条件付きロジックを読みやすくするため、複数の行にまたがって記述することができます。

Tailored Questions, Answers, and Reports

Note: Dynamic tailoring may not work if answer options are made available in select boxes on the same question page. This results from the fact that tailoring inserts a <span> tag which is not valid inside select options.

The BMI report looks like this:

Here is the edit window for the same question.

Anything within curly braces is treated as an expression, being syntax-highlighted (color coded) in the prior image. If you have any typos (such as misspelled or undefined variable names or functions), EM would show an error. In our below example:

  • heightunit.shown is an undefined variable name (it is actually heightunits.shown) and
  • "rnd()" is an undefined function (the proper function name is "round()").

In both cases, the errors are surrounded by a red box to make it easier to spot and fix them.

You can also see that you can quickly create complex reports, such as a table of entered values or tailored advice.

Please remember that all tailoring must surround expressions with curly braces so that LimeSurvey knows which parts of the question are free text and which should be parsed through Expression Manager.


EM controls how most of the advanced question options work.  These control aspects like min/max numbers of answers; min/max individual values; min/max sum values; and checking that entered values match specified string patterns.  You continue to enter those advanced question options as usual.  However, now any value in one of those fields is considered an expression, so you can have min/max criteria with complex conditional relationships to other questions.

In all of these cases, since the advanced question option is always considered an expression, you do not use curly braces when specifying it.

The Sample Surveys pages show many working examples of using expressions for validations.

Expression Manager - presentation

To find out more about the Expression Manager and how you can use different expressions to enhance your survey, please click on the following link.