
Browsing survey results/ja

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 23:40, 20 June 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs)







  • 完了したアンケート回答数
  • 未完了のアンケート回答数
  • アンケート回答数(完了・未完了の合計)


  • 案内メール送付数
  • アンケート完了数
  • 一意なトークンをもたないレコード数
  • 合計レコード


  • アンケート管理画面に戻る: メインのアンケート管理画面に戻ります。
  • 概要情報を表示: 回答のメイン画面です。
  • 回答を表示: アンケートのすべての回答を表示します。質問は全文表示されますが、回答は短縮形で表示されます。「回答の編集・削除」の項も参照してください。
  • 直近の50個を表示: アンケートの直近の回答50個を表示します。直近のものから順に表示されます。
  • データエントリ: 新たな回答を追加するため、データ入力画面に進みます(このオプションは、管理画面からもアクセスできます)。
  • 統計: 回答をフィルタリングしたり、要約情報を得ます。
  • エクスポート: すべての回答をWord、Excel、CSV、SPSS、Rなど他のフォーマット形式でエクスポートします。


When you are browsing responses (by clicking either the Display responses or Display last 50 responses) the first row shows you a number of small icons for each link. Clicking on the View response details icon allows you to view that specific response on an individual basis. From here you can also edit, delete or export that specific response. See section below (editing and deleting responses).


Editing and deleting responses

When viewing your responses, you will be able to view a specific response by clicking on the id number. From this point you can choose to "Edit" or "Delete" this response.

Editing a response

Editing the response is also fairly self-explanatory. It will take you to a 'data-entry' screen with the responses provided, and allow you to make and save any modifications. Again, in a survey you generally don't want to make changes to the responses made by the participants - but hey - it's your survey. Do what you want!

Deleting a response

Deleting the responses is, of course, fairly self-explanatory - and as anyone who regularly runs surveys would know, is not recommended, unless you've got a pretty good reason (ie: a doubled up entry, or some sufficiently serious reason as to why it should be deleted). Don't click on this button thinking it will give you a second chance. If you click "Delete", the entry will be deleted with no second guessing or second checks.

Exporting a response

At the "Browse responses for this survey" section you can click on "Display responses" and the id number you want to export in the left column. Then you can click on "Export this survey" above the data.