

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 15:02, 27 May 2013 by Rikthoff (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Een voorbeeld van een label. Stel je wilt een 7-punts schaal als antwoord gebruiken. Hiervoor kun je een label gebruiken.")


De functie en gebruik van labels zijn compleet vernieuwd vanaf versie 1.90. Deze pagina refereert aan die versie.

Labels zijn lijsttemplates, waarbij elke lijst een setje codes heeft die gebruikt kunnen worden als antwoord of subvraag. In tegenstelling tot eerdere versies worden labels alleen maar geplaatst in de vraag bij het toevoegen. Wijzigingen in het label worden dus niet achteraf doorgekopieerd naar de vragen waarin deze gebruikt wordt.

Deze nieuwe wijze van gebruiken geeft een logischer vraagstructuur, en meer flexibiliteit bij toekomstige ontwikkelingen.

Hint: Een label moet in dezelfde taal geschreven worden als de enqûete waarin hij verwerkt wordt. Labels uit een andere taal kunnen niet worden gebruikt in een enqûete.

Een voorbeeld van een label. Stel je wilt een 7-punts schaal als antwoord gebruiken. Hiervoor kun je een label gebruiken.

Code Label
1 Not useful at all
2 2
3 3
4 Somewhat useful
5 5
6 6
7 Very useful

Another graphical example:

Graphic (3 different smileys) instead of label text:

How to...

Click on the "Edit/Add Label Sets"-Icon in the Administration-Menu to edit, create, delete, import or export label sets used in the 'flexible' labels questions.

...add a new label set

  • Set Name: Each new label set has to be given a name.
  • Languages: Every label set must be specified for the language it's used for. You can choose as many languages from the menu as you want.

...import a label set

  • Create a new label set. In the screen where you can enter the label set details you will find a tab to import an existing label set. Choose a previous exported label set (either a .csv (outdated format) or .lsl file) and click on the "Import label set"-button to import. Alternative: Import a whole survey - in this case the label sets are imported with the questions. Duplicate label sets are ignored.

...edit, delete, or export a label set

Choose an already existing label Set in the drop-down-Box in the label set administration bar to edit, delete or export a label set.

  • Edit label set: Here it´s possible to rename the Label Set and add/remove languages for this Label Set.
  • Delete label set: After a pop-up, you can delete the selected Label Set.
  • Export label set: Export current Label Set to a .csv-File.
  • Labels bar:

+To add a new label you have to fill in a label code, assessment value and label-text and press on the "Add new label"-Button. After this the label should be listed above. It's possible to use a graphic instead of or additionally to a label text. Just use HTML-code to include the graphic you want, e.g.:

<img border="0" src="">

If your label set has more than one language, you can choose which language you want to edit. Every label needs a code, an assessment value and a title. The code can only be changed in the base language of the Label Set. The assessment value can be ignored (set it to 0) if you do not use assessments. The title is the text, which is displayed in the question.

  • Del-button: You can delete labels with the "Del"-button.
  • Up/down-buttons: It's possible to change the row of labels by the "Up" and "Dn"-buttons.
  • Fix sort: You can check the consistency and do a sort of the labels by pressing the "Fix Sort"-Button.

Labels which are in use by questions are hyperlinked to the question.

(:idea:) Hint: The order of the labels can be modified by editing the label-set, however it is not possible to add new labels once the label-set is in use with question of an active survey.
(:idea:) Hint: Some useful label sets are available on the limesurvey site

Uploaded resources management

This tab lets you manage files (pictures, media files) that were uploaded in the HTML Editor.

You can:

  • Browse available files
  • Export files as a ZIP archive
  • Import a ZIP archive of files


  • Authorized file extensions are defined in config-defaults.php by your system administrator.
  • Files for the survey are in the upload/labels/<lid> sub directory.
    • Uploaded files will only be seen while browsing resources on this survey objects (labels) not in other labels or objects (groups, questions, answers).
    • However do not expect this limited visibility to ensure confidentiality of the resources as they are reachable with a simple browser to anyone who knows the URL to the file.
  • Creation of sub directories of the ZIP archive won't work.
  • You can't import a ZIP file containing sub directories.