

QS:Time limit warning style

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 17:52, 3 September 2013 by Han (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Als je dit gebruikt dan overschrijf je de standaard CSS van een timer waarschuwing. Standaard is: 'top: 10px; left: 35%; width: 30%; height: 60px; padding: 16px; border: 8px s...")

Tijdslimiet CSS stijl waarschuwing (time_limit_warning_style)


Als je dit gebruikt dan overschrijf je de standaard CSS van een timer waarschuwing. Standaard is: 'top: 10px; left: 35%; width: 30%; height: 60px; padding: 16px; border: 8px solid #555; background-color: white; z-index: 1001; text-align: center; overflow: auto'

Any text entered into this attribute will overwrite the entire default css style for the warning message, so you should ensure that care is taken when entering a value for this attribute. It is strongly recommended that you re-use the z-index value, or that, at least, the z-index value be lower than that used for the time_limit_message_style attribute (which defaults to 1002).

This settings is only applicable if the general Time limit setting is activated. This setting also exists for a second warning message.


top: 10px; left: 35%; width: 30%; height: 60px; padding: 16px; border: 8px solid #555; background-color: gray; color: white; z-index: 1001; text-align: center; overflow: auto