
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori pri namestitvi

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 08:54, 6 August 2013 by Dusan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Ko vnašam posebne znake (Kitajske, Cirilico, Grške, Arabske) v mojo anketo, se namesto vsakega znak pokaže vprašaj?==")


Med namestitvijo

Kako lahko ustvarim bazo podatkov in uporabnika v mysql-u preko ukazne vrstice?

V vaš mysql morate vnesti spodnje ukaze.

create database <ime_vaše_podatkovne_zbirke>;

create user <vaše_uporabniško_ime>;

create user <vaše_uporabniško_ime>@localhost;

set password for <vaše_uporabniško_ime> = PASSWORD('<vaše_uporabniško_geslo>');

set password for <vaše_uporabniško_ime>@localhost = PASSWORD('<vaše_uporabniško_geslo>');

grant all on <ime_vaše_podatkovne_zbirke>.* to '<vaše_uporabniško_ime>';

grant all on <ime_vaše_podatkovne_zbirke>.* to '<vaše_uporabniško_ime>'@'localhost';

V zgornjih ukaznih vrsticah morate zamenjati <ime_vaše_podatkovne_zbirke>, <vaše_uporabniško_ime> in <vaše_uporabniško_geslo> z ustreznimi vrednostmi.

Kaj če ne morem ustvariti podatkovne zbirke s pomočjo ukaznih datotek (skript)?

Običajno zagonske datoteke (skripte) najprej ustvarijo novo zbirko podatkov in potem zgradbo tabel. Vendar če vam vaš strežnik ne omogoča skrbniških pravic za izdelavo nove MySQL podatkovne zbirke, se boste morali obrniti na sistemskega skrbnika za izdelavo potrebne zbirke. Na voljo morate imeti prazno zbirko podatkov, nad katero imate ustrezne pravice (branja/pisanja/ustvarjanja). V tem primeru lahko pričnete z običajno namestitvijo LimeSurvey-a, ki vam bo ustvarila tabele v obstoječi podatkovni zbirki.

Kaj je to knjižnica mbstring (Multibyte String Functions)?

Knjižnica mbstring je PHP knjižnica, ki omogoča pretvarjanje skupin znakov iz enega jezika v drugega. To knjižnico potrebujete, če želite uporabljati LimeSurvey. Da preverite, če je že nameščena, odprite URL


v vašem spletnem brskalniku. Prikazalo se vam bo veliko informacij. V poglavju Configuration poiščite niz 'mbstring'.

Če najdete opis mbstring v tem izpisu, potem bi moralo biti vse vredu in lahko nadaljujete z vašo namestitvijo LimeSurvey-a!

Če ne najdete mbstring dela, so morda pred vami težave.

Na voljo so tri možnosti:

  • če imate ponudnika strežnika: prosite vašega ponudnika, da vam aktivira ta PHP dodatek ali da vam pove, kako ga aktivirate sami (če imate na voljo dober skrbniški vmesnik za vaš strežnik).
  • če imate lasten Linux strežnik: najbrž boste morali ponovno prevesti PHP in vključiti knjižnico mbstring. Za pomoč pri tem prosite linux strokovnjake. V večini današnjih različicah linux-a ga lahko namestite z uporabo vašega linux upravljalnika paketov (Linux packet manager).
    • če uporabljate različico linux-a, ki omogoča 'yum' (CentOS, RedHat, Fedora):
      1. uporabite terminal (kot super uporabnik) in vtipkajte: yum install php-mbstring
      2. ne pozabite posodobiti /etc/php.ini in odkomentirati številne mbstring parametre
      3. po uspešni namestitvi ne pozabite ponovno zagnati apache:  /etc/init.d/httpd restart
  • če je vaš Windows strežnik: poiščite php.ini na vašem sistemu, ga odprite z urejevalnikom in poiščite niz mbstring. Po vsej verjetnosti je vrstica, ki vsebuje ta niz, onemogočena s podpičjem. Odstranite podpičje, shranite in ponovno zaženite vaš spletni strežnik.

Ko vnašam posebne znake (Kitajske, Cirilico, Grške, Arabske) v mojo anketo, se namesto vsakega znak pokaže vprašaj?

This happens if your database itself is not created to use an UTF-8 charset. This can happen when you have to create the database using a provider administration panel. You can fix this problem by executing the following SQL command on your database (using for example phpMyAdmin)

ALTER DATABASE `<your_database_name>` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

Replace <your_database_name> with the name of your database. You need to do this before installing LimeSurvey.

Blank page when accessing the Install page

The problem is not with the LimeSurvey installation but with the PHP installation.

  • Verify you have the MySQL PHP module (php-mysql) installed.
  • Verify your PHP install is loading the PHP.ini file your are modifying and not parsing other PHP.INI files on your system.
  • Verify the location and permissions of the following setting in your PHP.ini

  • Verify your server runs a suitable PHP version (e.g. this "blank page" problem appeared with PHP v4.4 and LimeSurvey v2.00+).

Error messages because of non-existing resources

Sometimes files are not uploaded correctly or were broken during upload. This leads to several different error messages. Most of them refer to a file or function within a file which can't be found.

Solution: Re-upload all files using the binary mode of your FTP program.

After database creation

Blank page after database creation


  • LimeSurvey installed OK, and database was created, but instead of the admin page, you get an empty page
  • Web surver log shows "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /path/to/limesurvey/admin/login_check.php on line 69"


This is probably an incorrect setting for $rooturl or $rootdir in config.php. In particular, config.php attempts to set $rootdir correctly by calling dirname('''FILE''') and while this usually works, it can be upset when LimeSurvey is installed in a user's home or public_html directory and the home directory is mounted over NFS. Try setting $rootdir manually, and in particular, while your shell or pwd command may show a path like "/disks/hostname/home/username/public_html/limesurvey", try using "/home/username/public_html/limesurvey".

When accessing admin page, the browser keeps running and will eventually fail to show it


  • LimeSurvey installed OK and database was created. But when you access the admin page, the browser keeps running and will eventually fail to show the page.
  • When you check the web server access log, its size has become so big (in some cases, more than 2 GB).
  • Inside the access log, you get this message filling the log.

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /limesurvey/classes/php-gettext/streams.php on line 120

Note: line number may be different depending on your LimeSurvey version.


This may be caused by the mbstring.func_overload setting. Check the setting in your php.ini and set as the following.

mbstring.func_overload = 0

Note: This means no function overloading. See PHP manual for this setting: Function Overloading Feature

When accessing admin page, the browser reports Fatal error: Call to a member function gT() on a non-object in login_check.php on line 76


  • LimeSurvey installed OK and database was created. But when rdirected to the admin page, the browser displayed the the listed error.
  • $rootdir and $rooturl are correctly set in config.php.
  • The disk path name for limesurvey installation directory includes one of the following characters: ()+

Note: Other characters may also induce the same behaviour


Move / rename the limesurvey installation directory so that pathname does not include either the ( or ) characters

After installation

For all issues happening after a successful installation please refer to the Troubleshooting page.