

QS: Ukrep časovne omejitve

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 09:25, 12 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Nastavi dejanje, ki se izvede, ko '''time_limit''' poteče. Privzeto je dejanje za časovno omejitev »Opozori in pojdi naprej«, kar pomeni, da bo sistem izdal kratko opozori...")

Dejanje časovne omejitve (time_limit_action)


Nastavi dejanje, ki se izvede, ko time_limit poteče. Privzeto je dejanje za časovno omejitev »Opozori in pojdi naprej«, kar pomeni, da bo sistem izdal kratko opozorilo, da je časovna omejitev potekla, preden shrani vprašanje in dejansko samodejno klikne »Naprej >>«. Nadomestne možnosti so:

  • »Naprej brez opozorila«, ki samodejno klikne gumb »Naprej >>«, ko se časovnik konča, vendar brez kakršnega koli opozorilnega sporočila.
  • »Samo onemogoči«, ki onemogoči spremembe v vprašanju, tako da udeleženec ne more ničesar spremeniti, vendar samodejno ne klikne gumba »Naprej >>«.

This setting is only applicable if the general time limit setting is activated.

Available options

  • Warn and move on (default): will warn the participant that the time has expired, and then click the next button
  • Move on without warning: will immediately click the next button after the time limit has expired
  • Disable only: will disable the answer after the time limit has expired but not automatically click next

Additional information

  Attention : If the question is mandatory, or a question in the group is mandatory, a JavaScript loop will be created if the mandatory question(s) is/are not answered. As a result, an error will be displayed on the screen that certain questions have not be filled in, which in turn will trigger the refresh of the page.
Instead of relying on mandatory questions, you may use expressions (read more about question and subquestion validation equations) to make the user not leave empty the answer fields. To see how the validation equations work, check the following example.

In the case in which you want to apply a timer to a question group, activate the group-by-group survey mode, set up a question to use the time limit functionality, and choose the warn and move on (default) option as time limit action. Once the question timer expires, the survey will move to the next page.