
Cifrado de datos

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:45, 4 September 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "La mayoría de las veces, es importante cifrar los datos de identificación personal (por ejemplo, como se recomienda en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos). Por lo...")


Cifrado de datos es una nueva característica proporcionada en LimeSurvey 4. Ha sido creada para ayudar a los administradores de encuestas a afrontar mejor las nuevas regulaciones de protección de datos adoptadas en diferentes partes del mundo (por ejemplo, GDPR).

Esta característica permite el cifrado de datos personales ubicados en la base de datos central de participantes y/o la tabla de participantes de la encuesta. Además, también puede cifrar los datos que recopila de sus encuestados si el atributo de pregunta de cifrado está habilitado.

Tenga en cuenta que sus datos siempre estarán visibles en la interfaz de LimeSurvey. Sólo se cifran las entradas de la base de datos; nadie que acceda al servidor donde aloja LimeSurvey puede visualizar los datos respectivos. Por lo tanto, preste atención a quién proporciona permisos globales y de encuesta.



¿Cuándo cifrar sus datos?

No hay una respuesta correcta a esta pregunta. Depende en gran medida de:

  • el tipo de datos que recopila
  • dónde se basa su encuesta
  • legislación nacional o federal

La mayoría de las veces, es importante cifrar los datos de identificación personal (por ejemplo, como se recomienda en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos). Por lo tanto, campos como nombre, apellido, dirección de correo electrónico, número de teléfono, dirección, etc., se pueden utilizar para identificar las respuestas que envió una persona.

En otros casos, los datos que deben cifrarse no necesariamente se limitan a los ejemplos proporcionados anteriormente. En ciertos escenarios (por ejemplo, en investigación médica), es posible que necesite cifrar la mayoría de sus datos si puede rastrear las respuestas hasta la persona que las envió.

As a result, please adapt your survey and the data collection to the local legislation!


There are three places in LimeSurvey where data encryption settings can be set:

Question attributes

Question attribute "Encrypted" is used to enable data encryption for corresponding responses. This attribute is turned off by default. Once survey is activated, it is not possible to change this attribute.

Participant attributes

Three core attributes (firstname, lastname, and email) are always shown in the survey participants table, the encryption being turned on by default.

Each new participant attribute will have encryption turned off by default.

Encryption can be turned on or off at any moment.

Central participant database attribute management

Three core attributes (firstname, lastname and email) are always shown in the central participant database, the encryption being turned on by default.

Each new participant attribute will have encryption turned off by default.

Encryption can be turned on or off at any moment.


Sodium library is used to provide data encryption and decryption functionality for LimeSurvey.

Sodium is a modern, easy-to-use software library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more. It is a portable, cross-compilable, installable, packageable fork of NaCl, with a compatible API, and an extended API to improve usability even further. Its goal is to provide all of the core operations needed to build higher-level cryptographic tools.

Sodium is cross-platforms and cross-languages. It runs on a variety of compilers and operating systems, including Windows (with MinGW or Visual Studio, x86 and x86_64), iOS and Android. Javascript and WebAssembly versions are also available and are fully supported. Bindings for all common programming languages are available and well-supported.

Version 7.2.0 and newer of the PHP programming language includes the Sodium extension (referred to as ext/sodium) as a core cryptography library. Version 2 of the PHP extension in PECL is compatible with ext/sodium in PHP 7.2.

LimeSurvey uses the Sodium Compat library to bridge with different PHP versions. This library tentatively supports PHP 5.2.4 - 7.x (latest), but officially it only supports non-EOL'd versions of PHP.

Data encryption/decryption methods used in LimeSurvey are based on public-key signatures. Public and secret keys can be found in /application/config/security.php file. Keys are automatically generated on first usage of encryption feature.

  Warning : Once data encryption is turned on, data in corresponding database columns would become unreadable without decrypting them first. You should always have a backup of your encryption keys in case they get deleted. Also, once encryption keys are set, you should never change them because it would make all existing data unusable.

Partial string search won't be possible for database columns with encrypted data, only exact match search.


Possible errors when using data encryption:

  • library doesn't exists: PHP Sodium library have to be installed to be able to use data encryption feature. Here is a guide on how to install library: Sodium installation. If you don't want to use data encryption, you have to disable encryption in attribute settings.
  • wrong decryption key: decryption key has changed since data was last saved, so data can't be decrypted. The only way to decrypt data is to retrieve the original key from backup and replace the current decryption key with the original key.

Note: if the wrong decryption key error happens only when LimeSurvey sends an email (e.g. when you concluded a survey), go in Configuration > Global Settings > E-mail settings, and re-insert your STMP password and press Save.[1]

Otherwise, you can still try to compare and eventually recover your decryption keys from a backup (since you do backups... isn't it? Uh?).