

QS:Time limit action

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 20:28, 21 May 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs)

時間切れアクション (time_limit_action)


Sets the action performed when a time_limit has expired. By default the action for a time limit is "Warn and move on", which means the system will give a short warning that the time limit has expired before saving the question and effectively automatically clicking "Next >>". The alternative choices are to:

  • "Move on without warning", which automatically clicks the "Next >>" button after the timer is finished but without any warning message.
  • "Disable only", which disables changes in the question so the participant can't change anything, but doesn't automatically click the "Next >>" button.



  • 警告して次に進む(既定値): 回答者に時間切れの旨の警告メッセージを表示し、次に進みます
  • 警告なしに次に進む: 時間切れになるとただちに次に進みます
  • 入力不能にするのみ: 時間切れになると回答入力欄を編集不能にしますが、次には進みません
「グループごと」モードでの注意: グループごとモードでは、「次に進む」というアクションは「無効(編集不能)」と読み替えられます。ページ内のほかの質問に影響をあたえないためです。