
Enquête sluiten

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 17:03, 1 July 2013 by Han (talk | contribs)


Je kunt op twee manieren een enquête sluiten: Laten vervallen of deactiveren.

Door ons wordt de optie laten vervallen aanbevolen. Lees verder waarom we dit aanbevelen.


→ Edit the survey details and set an "Expiry Date".

  • No results lost
  • No respondent information lost
  • Change of questions, groups and parameters is limited
  • An expired survey is not accessible to participant (they only see a message that the survey has expired)
  • It's possible to perform statistics on responses inside LimeSurvey


→ Click on "Deactivate this survey" in the administration panel.

  • All results lost (at least you can not access them via LimeSurvey)
  • All respondent information lost
  • An expired survey is not accessible to a respondent (only a message appears that you are not permitted to see this survey)
  • All questions, groups and parameters are editable again

Help! I accidentally deactivated my survey - what now?

If you closed your survey accidentally it is important that you don't change anything in the survey.

Then, and only then the following steps will work.

  1. Activate your survey again
  2. Go to the "Browse responses for this survey" menu.
  3. Click at the "Import answers from a deactivated survey table" button.
  4. Choose your source table.
  5. Click at the "Import responses" button.