
Anketne kvote

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 08:04, 19 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Na primer, če ste predhodno zbrali 1000 odgovorov žensk in ste po nekaj tednih uvedli omejitev kvote 800 za ženske, bodo naslednji odgovori, ki jih boste prejeli od žensk,...")


Kvota se uporablja za nastavitev omejitve odgovorov določenih skupin ljudi na aktivno anketo. Nekateri pogosti atributi, ki se uporabljajo pri definiranju kvot, so spol, starost, rasa, provinca/država itd. Za dostop do plošče anketnih kvot v meniju Nastavitve Anketa izberite anketo Kvote zavihek.

  Pozor : Ali so bile kvote pravilno nastavljene, lahko preverite šele, ko je anketa aktivirana. Torej, če nastavite kvoto z omejitvijo "0" in anketa ni aktivirana, ne boste mogli preveriti, ali deluje ali ne.

Kako delujejo kvote?

Da bi razumeli, kako deluje sistem kvot LimeSurvey, pomislite na anketo, ki vsebuje vprašanje "Da ali Ne" in vprašanje Array, pri čemer vsako od njih pripada dvema različnima skupinama vprašanj. V tej anketi ste določili kvoto, ki vsebuje omejitev 20 uporabnikov, ki so na to vprašanje odgovorili z "Da". Kvota bo preverjena vsakič, ko bo nekdo na to vprašanje odgovoril z "Da".

Odvisno od formate vaše ankete (kako so vprašanja prikazana vašim udeležencem), se preverjanje zgodi, ko oddate:

  • 'cela anketa odgovarja naenkrat:' Če je format ankete vse v enem, bodo vprašanja (ne glede na skupino vprašanj, kateri pripadajo) prikazana na isti strani. Zato mora uporabnik klikniti gumb za pošiljanje, da sproži preverjanje omejitve kvote;
  • 'odgovori na skupino vprašanj:' Če je oblika ankete skupina za skupino, potem se kvota aktivira, ko je udeleženec ankete odgovoril na vsa vprašanja, ki spadajo v skupino vprašanj, kjer je odgovor, da vsebuje preverjanje sistema kvot se nahaja. Zato se lahko kvota sproži pred koncem ankete, če se na primer skupina vprašanj nahaja na začetku ankete.
  • 'odgovor na vprašanje:' Če je format ankete vprašanje za vprašanje, bo vsako vprašanje prikazano posebej, vsakemu od njih je dodeljena stran. V tem primeru, če izberete odgovor, za katerega velja kvota, se bo sistem kvot samodejno sprožil, ko kliknete gumb Naprej/Pošlji.


Če je izbrana možnost »Ne«, se sistem kvot ne sproži. Zato anketa nikogar ne bo omejevala pri odgovarjanju na ostala vprašanja, razen če ni drugače določeno.

Če želite nastaviti omejitev števila odgovorov »Ne«, morate dodati dodatno kvoto, ki omejuje število udeležencev, ki izberejo »Ne«.

Opomba: Če želite, da vaši udeleženci odgovorijo na določena anketna vprašanja glede na prejšnji odgovor, uporabite LimeSurvey ExpressionScript.

Uporaba več odgovorov in kvot

Primer: želite izvesti anketo, kjer želite omejiti na 25 moških in 30 udeleženk. V tem primeru boste morali uporabiti dve omejitvi kvote: eno za moške in eno za ženske. Tako boste dobili največ 25 moških, ki lahko izpolnijo anketo, in največ 30 žensk, ki lahko izpolnijo anketo.

Predpostavimo, da zdaj želite 50 odgovorov moških in 50 odgovorov žensk. Upoštevajte, da mora biti vsak odgovor, ki sproži kvoto, vnesen v svoje polje kvote. Če dva odgovora dodate v isto polje, boste zbrali 50 odgovorov, ne glede na porazdelitev anketirancev po spolu (npr. porazdelitev je lahko 40 moških in 10 žensk ali 20 moških in 30 žensk itd.). Nadaljujte z branjem te strani wiki in si oglejte podrazdelek primeri, da boste razumeli uporabo sistema kvot.

Aktiviranje kvotnega sistema, ko tabela anketnih odgovorov ni prazna

Upoštevajte, da ni nujno, da je sistem kvot dodan, preden aktivirate anketo. Če se odločite, da sistem kvot aktivirate pozneje, bo ta začel preverjati tabelo anketnih odgovorov in poiskati tiste vnose, ki so označeni kot dokončani. Nato preveri, ali je bil pogoj kvote izpolnjen ali ne. Če je bil izpolnjen, bodo naslednji prejeti odgovori/vnosi v anketi označeni kot "nepopolni".

Na primer, če ste predhodno zbrali 1000 odgovorov žensk in ste po nekaj tednih uvedli omejitev kvote 800 za ženske, bodo naslednji odgovori, ki jih boste prejeli od žensk, označeni kot "nepopolni". Ostalih 200 odgovorov bo v tabeli odgovorov na anketo prikazanih kot »popolno«, ker je bila kvota uporabljena po zbiranju odgovorov.

The quota system does not store any answers and it does not record the number of the submitted survey answers! Think of it as a filter that is applied on the survey responses table. Basically, it looks into the completed column and those question columns that contain the answers to which one or more quotas are applied to.

Podprti tipi vprašanj

Trenutno le naslednji tipi vprašanj omogočajo določitev kvote:

  • Spol
  • Več možnosti
  • Lestvica (5-stopenjska)
  • Lestvica (10-stopenjska)
  • Zamenjava jezika
  • Da/Ne
  • Seznam (izbirni gumb)
  • Seznam (izbirni seznam)
  • Seznam s komentarjem

Survey quotas panel

Once you click the Survey quotas tab from the survey menu, the following page will be displayed:

To see the full set of options of this panel, add one survey quota. Then, the survey quota page will look like the following:

The following options are available:

  • Add new quota: Located on the bottom right part of the survey quotas table, it allows users to add new quotas. Once quotas are displayed on the table, you can start implementing them to certain questions/subquestions answers.
  • Add an answer: Before adding an answer, you need to add a quota where the answer(s) will be stored in. The quota limit will be applied only to those answers displayed in the quota box.
  • Edit quota: Click the green pencil located under the Action column of the survey quotas table to edit the fields of a quota
  • Delete quota: Click the red trash button located under the Action column of the survey quotas table to delete the respective quota entry;
  • Quota validation: Click the last button located under the Action column of the survey quotas table to quickly check the quota message displayed to the respondents, the URL (and/or a short description of it) where they will be redirected.
  • Quick CSV report: Exports a summary of the quotas under the form of a comma-delimited CSV table.
  • Selected quota(s)...: Works like an aggregator. Select multiple quotas and use this button to apply one of the actions described below to the selected group of quotas.
    • Activate: Use this button to activate a quota. The active ones have the quota name, action, and URL written in white font on a green background.
    • Deactivate: Use this button to deactivate a quota. The deactivated ones have the quota name, action, and URL written in black font on a grey background.
    • Change texts: Use this button to quickly change the quota message, URL, and URL description of a group of a quotas. You may use this function to redirect respondents to a certain link once different quota conditions were met.
    • Delete: If you want to delete a group of quotas by a few clicks, tick the ones you want to delete, click the selected quota(s) button, and select the Delete option.

Add new quota

Dodajanje nove kvote je v resnici dodajanje novega ogrodja za določitev pogojev kvote. Za popolno delovanje kvote najprej Dodaj novo kvoto, nato pa Dodaj odgovor tej kvoti (glej naslednje poglavje).

Od verzije 1.85RC dalje lahko določate tudi naslednje nastavitve kvote: "Sporočilo kvote", "URL" in "Opis povezave" za vsak jezik posebej, ki ga vaša anketa omogoča. Določite lahko tudi "Samodejno naloži URL", tako da anketa preusmeri anketiranca na vnaprej določen URL.

The fields marked with a star are required fields.

The following options are available:

  • Quota Name: The name of the quota that will be displayed on the survey quotas table. It should describe the quota it will represent.
  • Quota Limit: The maximum number of completed surveys that will be stored in the responses table and marked as complete. See above the wiki section on how do quotas work to better understand the mechanism employed by LimeSurvey.
  • Quota Action: If the quota is triggered, then one of two actions will happen:
    • Terminate survey: This action immediately terminates and closes the survey.
    • Allow user to modify his last answers before terminate survey: Useful action when you want your participants to choose different options. In this way, you can force some of them choose another solution or option. For example, when incentives are offered, you can use a quota on each option so that not everyone chooses the same incentive.
  • Autoload URL: This tells LimeSurvey to automatically redirect the participant to the URL when the quota action occurs.
  • Quota Message: Write the text you want to be displayed to participants if the quota action is triggered. The message will be displayed if the Autoload URL is disabled.
  • URL: The URL displayed to survey participants after the quota action is triggered. The users can also be automatically redirected to this URL if "Autoload URL" is enabled. You can use URL fields in this section.
  • URL Description: A short URL description can be added in order to show to the other survey administrators the purpose of the URL for example.

Add an answer

Once the quota has been created, you can start adding answers. To add answers, access the Survey quotas panel. Look into the survey quotas table and select the Add answer option from the quota box that you want to add the respective answer to.

A new page will be displayed asking you to select the question the quota will be applied to.

Please remember that only certain types of questions accept quotas. Click here to revisit the supported question types list.

Click Next. The answers of the question you selected one step before will be displayed. Now, you have to choose which answer you want the quota to be applied to.

In this example, the "Male" answer will have the quota applied to it. Whenever participants choose this option, the quota system registers the answer. Once the quota limit is reached, the stored survey answers will be saved in the survey responses table, but it will be marked 'incomplete.

Quick CSV report

The quick CSV report function is used to export the survey quotas table in a comma-delimited CSV file. It includes the following fields:

  • Quota name: The name of the quotas;
  • Limit: If the quota is active, it represents the maximum number of survey responses that can be marked as complete in the survey responses table;
  • Completed: The number of survey answers marked as complete in the survey responses table. Please note that an answer is marked as incomplete if the quota is triggered.
  • Remaining: The number of answers that can still be collected in the survey responses table and marked as complete there.

Kvota in žetoni

When the response is not submitted

Ko se v anketi uporabljajo žetoni in je anketiranec izločen iz raziskave zaradi kvote, se v kočnem stolpcu vnosni žeton označi s črko "Q". V tem primeru postane žeton neveljaven, anketirancu pa je onemogočeno ponovno sodelovanje v raziskavi.

When response is submitted

With update responses with one token allowed : a participant can open an already submitted response.

After being submitted, when a response is being edited, quotas are not checked at all. Then a participant can update own response and set a value out of quota.


The following examples are used to better explain the role of quotas and their usage within the LimeSurvey environment. Before viewing the following examples, please take into account that:

  • Answers added in the same quota are summed up. For example, if answers A and B from the available responses of a survey question are added to quota Q1, the quota limit sums up the number of users who pick up A and B as their answers. Therefore, there is a high probability that the distribution of A and B answers will be uneven (dependent on the characteristics or preferences of your respondents).
  • Answers added in different quotas act as if there is a logical operator "AND" between them. Let's suppose that A is added to Q1 and B to Q2. If A is chosen and Q1 is reached, then respondents won't get their answers marked complete in the survey responses table. However, the survey participants that choose B are still allowed to continue as long as Q2 is not reached. Once it is reached, participants who further choose A or B as answers to that specific question will have their answers marked incomplete in the survey responses table.

Adding more answers to different quotas

Let's assume that you are doing a survey about LimeSurvey and you would like to receive feedback from your participants. You would like to receive 1000 answers from students (PhD student, graduate, undergraduate) and another 1000 from non-students (unemployed persons, full/part-time working persons or other). In order to do this, create two quotas: Students quota and Non-students quota.

Now, start adding answers to each quota box following the steps described above in the wiki section. The quota boxes should look like this:

By using this method, you limit the number of responses you receive from the two defined groups: students and non-student groups. Now, activate the survey and start testing the quotas. If you first reach 1000 answers from the non-students group, the next answers you receive from this category will be marked as 'incomplete in the survey responses table. Only answers that come from the students group will still be accepted. Once it also reaches 1000, no more answers will be registered as complete in the survey responses table.

However, the survey can still be accessed by the participants! Set an expiry date (e.g. yesterday) once you see that the quota limit has been reached.

Adding a URL link

To add a URL link to a quota, please continue reading the URL fields wiki section.

Using of equation question for quota in other question type

You can use Equation Question to set a value to supported question types and assignment operator.

The 2 question can be hidden, quota is checked if all question are hidden or when one question is in submitted page.

For example , to set a quota to a text question (user write ok or not) on a Y/N question: {QuotaQuestion=if(strtolower(Q00.NAOK) == 'ok', 'Y', 'N')

You can import and activate this sample survey File:Limesurvey survey (remember to unzip the file and activate the survey).

Limiting max number of responses in survey using a hidden question

Like using an equation to set a value to an answer, quota for default values are checked if a question is hidden. This allows you to set a maximum number of response in a specific survey. You put a quota on the default answer in a hidden question and put this question in a simple group.

You can import and activate this sample survey File:Quota by default value sample (remember to unzip the file and activate the survey).