
Skupine vprašanj – uvod

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 09:04, 15 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs)

Datoteka:help.png Upoštevajte, da spodnja pojasnila in posnetki zaslona temeljijo na LimeSurvey 3.

Ustvari skupino vprašanj

Skupine so odličen način za organiziranje vaših anket tako, da jih razvrstite v kategorije (skupine). Kako boste kategorizirali svoje ankete/skupine, je popolnoma odvisno od vas.

Če želite anketi dodati skupine vprašanj:

(1) Na zavihku ankete struktura vaše ankete kliknite +Dodaj skupino vprašanj.

Datoteka:Možnost 2 - ustvarite skupino vprašanj.png

Ko kliknete »Dodaj skupino vprašanj«, se prikaže plošča za dodajanje skupine vprašanj.

(2) Izpolnite zahtevana polja.

Polja »Dodaj skupino vprašanj«.

  • 'Naslov: V to polje vnesite ime, ki ga želite dati skupini vprašanj;
  • 'Opis:' To polje vam omogoča, da objavite pojasnilo za kateri koli sklop vprašanj. Če dodate opis, bo predstavljen skupaj z anketo, preden začnete s katerim koli vprašanjem v tej skupini. Če besedilo ni dodano, bodo javni udeleženci preprosto takoj prešli na anketna vprašanja. Z urejevalnikom HTML lahko vključite slike, oblikovano besedilo itd. po svojih željah;
  • 'Randomizacijska skupina:' Če želite začeti naključno določati skupino vprašanj, vnesite niz v polje, kot je randgroup1. Enak niz boste morali vnesti v vse skupine vprašanj, ki jih želite naključno razvrstiti in ki se bodo nato pojavile v naključnem vrstnem redu pri izpolnjevanju ankete. Samo mesta znotraj iste skupine bodo naključno zamenjana!

Od verzije 1.92 dalje lahko nastavite enačbo relevantnosti za posamezno skupino z Urejevalnikom izrazov. To vam bo v pomoč pri "zankanju" ali v drugih primerih, ko se podobna vsebina večkrat ponovi. Na primer: recimo, da želite postaviti podoben niz vprašanj za vsake posameznega otroka v gospodinjstvu. Pri tem vprašate koliko otrok je v gospodinjstvu preko vprašanja poimenovanega "numKids". ??????????

                                                          • Primer mi ni jasen kaj želi povedati.

Pojasnilo in primer za skrivanje skupine vprašanj je dosegljiv na Stran s primeri urejevalnika izrazov.

Skupine se uporabljajo za razporejanje vprašanj v anketi. Če boste imeli več skupin, morate upoštevati, da boste vprašanja razporejali v ustrezne skupine (le to lahko spreminjate v nastavitvah ankete). Za prikaz skupine v določenem vrstnem redu uporabite funkcijo reorganizacija. Če pa imate le eno skupino v anketi, je njeno ime nepomembno (razen seveda za prikaz).

You can create as many groups as you like!

Add question group toolbar

You will find the following options on the top toolbar:

  • Display/Export: This function is used to export your whole survey in different formats.
  • Survey participants: Clicking this button will redirect the survey administrator to his/her survey participants table.
  • Responses: If the survey is active, the button becomes visible. It offers you access to the responses table.
  • Import a group: Besides the two ways mentioned above, new question groups can also be added via the import group function.

Import a question group

You can also import a question group (.lsg file format) that was previously exported from a LimeSurvey survey.

(1) From the survey Structure tab, click +Add question group.

(2) Click Import a group on the top toolbar.

(3) Browse your computer/server and upload the .lsg file that contains the question group you wish to import.

Question group actions

After the creation of a survey, you can access the newly created group from the survey structure menu. The following page will be displayed:

The page is divided into three sections:

  • Question group toolbar: You will find the following options on the toolbar:
    • Preview survey/question group: Click one of the two buttons to either preview your whole survey or only the current question group. If additional languages were added to your survey, the survey/question group can be previewed in each language of the survey. Just click one of the two preview buttons and select the desired language.
    • Edit current question group: Click this button to edit the title, description, relevance equation, or randomization group of the current question group.
    • Check survey logic for current question group: This helps you see the possible errors that might exist within a question group - it is especially useful when the ExpressionScript is used.
    • Delete current question group: To delete the current question group, click this button.
    • Export this question group: If you wish to export this question group to later import it into another LimeSurvey survey, click this button. The file will be exported in the .lsg format.
  • Group quick actions: This allows you to quickly perform question-groups-related actions - in our case, the add new question to group option is displayed. To find out more about questions, read our introductory wiki section on question.

Preview question group

Once you have started to add questions into your group, you may want from time to time to preview how the respective question group looks. To do that, look for the question group button that can be accessed from the:

When previewing a group, the relevance of this group is automatically forced to true.
 Hint: You can add GET params in URL to prefill questions.

Preview question group - survey structure

Click the survey Structure tab, select the desired Question group, and click preview question group:

Preview question group - question group panel

You can preview the question group once you have finished editing it.

preview question group - question panel

The question group to which questions belong can be previewed from the question panel - see the top bar:

Reordering question groups

The question groups and questions can be reordered. For further details, read the survey structure wiki subsection.


The relevance equation offers many possibilities to further customize your survey. A simple example is presented below to show how some question groups can be hidden according to the answer provided by the respondent to a prior question (part of another question group). For example, if you want to find out more information about parents that have one child in comparison to those with two or more, using the relevance equation to hide certain questions/question groups is recommended.

Link .lss file: -> For instructions on how to import the file, refer to the following wiki section.

The above file contains three question groups, each containing one question. Question group "1kid" is displayed only if the value introduced by the respondent to the question "numkids" is 1. Question group "2ormorekids" is displayed only if the answer to the question "numkids" is >1.

This is just a simple example to show how expressions can be used to further customize your survey. For more details, please read about the ExpressionScript functionality.

  • There are several ways to hide questions. One is to use conditions. However, for more complex surveys, the ExpressionScript has to be used.
  • If you use expressions, don't forget to look for syntax errors with the help of the logic file.