


From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 10:40, 28 September 2022 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)

Obvezno (obvezno)


S pomočjo te nastavitve lahko določite ali mora anketiranec odgovoriti na vsa vprašanja ankete. Če ustvarite vprašanje z več podvprašanji, lahko z nastavitvijo min_answers določite, da bo anketiranec odgovoril le na določene dele ankete in ne vse.

If you use any of the preinstalled themes and the mandatory question attribute is enabled, a red asterisk will be shown next to the question. If you wish to hide it, please check these instructions.

Veljavne vrednosti

  • Da
  • Ne (privzeto)

Please notice the 'Soft'option allows the survey administrators to warn respondents if a question is left unanswered, but let respondents continue without answering.