
Publikacja i dostęp

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 07:49, 12 September 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Panel publikacji i dostępu=")


To ustawienie pozwala administratorowi ankiety wybrać sposób, w jaki uczestnicy ankiety będą mieli dostęp do ankiety (np. kody CAPTCHA mogą zostać użyte w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa ankiety). Tutaj możesz także ustawić datę/godzinę rozpoczęcia/wygaśnięcia.

Z zakładki „Ustawienia” wybierz „Publikacja i dostęp”

Panel publikacji i dostępu

The following are the Publication & access panel options:

Start Date/Time

The date the survey starts.

Expiry Date/Time

Set this to the date you want your survey to expire. This is the last date on which the public survey script will allow survey participation. For example, If you set the date for December 31, then people will no longer be able to use the survey script on January 1. To disable this, clear the date from the input field.

Link survey on public index page

This setting is disabled by default. If enabled, your survey will be listed on the public index page under 'Available surveys:' of your LimeSurvey application. For example, if your LimeSurvey administration is available under it would be listed at

Set Cookie to Prevent Repeated Participation

If this is turned on, a survey participant will be blocked from completing a survey for the second time.

If you do not know what a cookie is, please check this wikipedia article.

Use CAPTCHA for Survey Access

In order to access the survey, a CAPTCHA code has to be typed in by the survey participant.

Use CAPTCHA for Registration

In order to register for the survey, a CAPTCHA code has to be typed in by the survey participant.

Use CAPTCHA for Save and Load

Enable it if a survey participant loads his survey again after he completed only a part of it.