


From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:25, 21 April 2016 by DenisChenu (talk | contribs)
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I don't like to have a different menu at the same place if we hide or show the default menu.

The 2 menu must have the same icon . Maybve submenu can be hidden if we are in QuickMenu , but the "base" icon /menu must be the same.

DenisChenu (talk) 18:43, 20 April 2016 (CEST)

The 2 actual icon must be here TOO with "big" sidemenu

DenisChenu (talk) 09:22, 21 April 2016 (CEST)

Do you have a suggestion for another place we can put a configurable quick-menu? Is it still a problem for you if the user can choose what icons to show?

Olle (talk) 10:49, 21 April 2016 (CEST)

I just think have different menu "opened" and "closed" is a bad usaubilioty behaviours.

Why not : opened: - Quick menu show with the text - LS core menu (Question/group)

DenisChenu (talk) 12:11, 21 April 2016 (CEST)

You mean, when you open the side-menu, you show the same icons as the quick-menu PLUS text and question explorer?

Olle (talk) 14:01, 21 April 2016 (CEST)

I mean exactly side-menu must have "near" same option open and closed. Option show closed must be shown opened too :).

DenisChenu (talk) 14:25, 21 April 2016 (CEST)