
Alternativen zur Import-Funktion von LimeSurvey

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 11:19, 28 October 2013 by C schmitz (talk | contribs)

Import über die Administratorenoberfläche

Wenn Sie zuvor eine Umfragestruktur exportiert haben, können Sie diese im "Erstellen, importieren oder kopieren einer Umfrage"-Bildschirm importieren. Um dorthin zu gelangen klicken Sie einfach auf das Erstellen, Importieren oder Kopieren einer Umfrage-Symbol und im folgenden Bildschirm klicken Sie auf den Karteireiter Importieren'. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Durchsuchen, um die Datei zu wählen, und klicken Sie anschließend auf die Schaltfläche Umfrage importieren.

The import process reads the following formats:

  • .LSS files (XML-format created by LimeSurvey 1.90 or later)
  • .LSA files (Survey archive which may include also token, responses and timings - available since LimeSurvey 2.0)
  • .TXT files (Text-format created by Excel - available since LimeSurvey 2.0)
  • .CSV files (Created by early LimeSurvey versions from 1.50 to 1.90)

That way you can import old surveys from previous versions. The import 'intelligently' re-numbers the survey, group, question, answer, and condition IDs so that they all match each other - no existing surveys will be overwritten. See the section on Exporting a survey structure for more information.

Import über die Kommandozeile

From version 1.50 to 1.92 it was possible to import surveys from the command line (or shell). To use this functionality you have to have access to the shell and the PHP interpreter has to be configured to allow shell execution of scripts.

Hierzu gehen sie im Shell in das Verzeichnis limesurvey/admin und führen folgenden Befehl aus:

To use it, in the shell go to the limesurvey/admin folder and execute:

php cmdline_importsurvey <File to import> [<user> <password>]
  • <File to import> has to be one of the described above
  • <user> has to be a user with the right to create surveys
  • <password> the password for the user
    *<user> and <password> are only required if the control access is active

<Benutzer> und <Passwort> werden nur benötigt, falls die Zugriffsteuerung aktiviert ist.

php cmdline_importsurvey -h

Import using RemoteControl API

Since LimeSurvey version 2.0 you can import a survey structure by using the RemoteControl 2 API.

Importing surveys from other applications

We are often getting requests to import a survey from other applications or survey providers. The problem is that providers like SurveyMonkey lock you in - it is not possible to export the survey structure from SurveyMonkey, only the response data. We are sorry to say but using closed proprietary software or providers can be a bad idea in the first place.