
Database Storage Engine Project M1 Database Design

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 15:43, 20 June 2010 by MrP (talk | contribs)

About the milestone

This milestone includes creating documentation and descriptions of the database schemes explained at Database Storage Engine Project.

Questions : Database Layout

This is the design to store survey, section and question information and their related metadata.

Responses : Flat Database Layout

This is the layout we propose for storing survey responses in a single database table.

Responses : Multitable Database Layout

This is the layout we propose for storing survey responses in multiple tables. Responses for each question get stored in a seperate table.

Responses : Sectionflat Database Layout

This is the layout we propose for storing survey responses in multiple tables. Responses for each section get stored in a seperate table.


  • Design flat DB layout (Awaiting comments)
  • Design normalized DB layout (Awaiting comments)
  • Design section-flat DB layout (Awaiting comments)
  • Keep in mind all the Question types supported by Limesurvey1 : Question types
  • Problem with loops with current response layouts (sectionflat and multitable), flat has no support for loops. (Done)


Comments and ideas here please:

Metadata requirements for databases

- time question displayed/made available to participant (added by Jason)

this may be an indication of when the page was served to the participants browser (time can be generated by web server/php) or in the case of conditional questions, it may need to indicate the time that the question became visible on the page (in which case it may need to be generated by javascript, with all those inherent problems.. maybe it should indicate how many seconds since the page was loaded, and that can be added to the page-load time?)

- time question answered by participant (added by Jason)

this may be a recording of the time that the data in the question was posted (time could be generated by web serer/php) or the time that the question lost focus (after having gained it) - which would be a javascript issue

Any other metadata requirements?