

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 15:07, 23 February 2015 by Mazi (talk | contribs) (→‎I do not know CodeIgniter. Is that a problem?: replaced CodeIgniter with Yii)

Frequently Asked Questions

I do not know Yii. Is that a problem?

Not knowing Yii is not a problem if you are able to code with PHP. But expect some additional time to work yourself into the Yii framework (2-3 weeks). If you want to take up on a task and have never worked with Yii then now is the time to start getting familiar with it. The more you know, the easier and more fun it will be to do things in Yii!

I do not know jQuery. Is that a problem?

jQuery is a JavaScript framework and if you know a little about JavaScript it is very easy to learn and use! Expect about one week of additional time to get yourself familiar with it.

What kind of ideas you are looking for?

Our first goal is currently to port LimeSurvey to use the CodeIgniter framework. This is a huge task that will be split into smaller ones as far as possible. The ideas page is where our preferences are listed. But we're open to your ideas too. Go on, surprise and amaze us!

How many hours would I need to work for LimeSurvey per week?

During the community bonding period we'd expect students to spend a couple of hours per week getting to know the development team, playing around with our code and learning a bit about the community.

Once you've commenced the project then obviously a greater amount of time would be needed. The amount of time you spend each week will depend on the work you're doing and how much needs to be done to meet your various milestones. Consider the participation in this like an internship at a company - someone may only need 4 hours per day to deliver high quality results, some may take longer (see also the Google FAQ)

How many students are you going to accept?

We'll be accepting as many students as the available slots allocated to us by Google. Some students may also be selected as "backups" in case initial students are unable to complete their proposals. These backup students won't be eligible for funding unless the initially chosen students drop out. Students who drop out may not receive their funding.

I have THIS idea I am interested in. Is it already taken?

Make your proposal using the Google GSoC Form. Discuss it with us in the forum or (even better) on our mailing list. We'll be assessing them all at once so none will be `taken' before student applications close.

I am new to LimeSurvey code base. Can you help me start?

Have a look through our wiki and follow the "Getting Started" information to setup your development environment. Then get onto the LimeSurvey IRC channel or the mailing list and start asking questions :-)

I am not a student but want to help LimeSurvey through GSoC. Is this possible?

In order to be eligible for Google's Summer of Code, you HAVE to be a student. Who's eligible to be a student?

I want to be a student for LimeSurvey. What should I do?

Have a look at our GSoC pages, and the ideas page. Get to know the project. Think of some ideas. Then apply!

I am interested in mentoring. How can I mentor for LimeSurvey?

We also accept new mentors - requirements for mentoring would be extensive in-depth knowledge of the LimeSurvey software, close contact to the development lead and close cooperation with the existing mentors to make the best of it! Get in touch with us on our developer mailing list.

Can you help me prepare my proposal?

Sure, we will be glad to discuss your proposal with you - so that when you prepare your proposal it matches our common future vision for LimeSurvey - and gets you a nice task to work on! Be aware that we can only discuss your proposals a limited number of times (in life there is only so many chances to get it right) and there are usually alot of students applying.

I did not discuss my idea with you. Do I have less chance for being selected?

It would be great if you can discuss your ideas in advance. We generally have to find out if an idea fits the general way we laid out for the LimeSurvey application in the future. Discussing with us is a great way to make sure your idea gets the proper attention it deserves for you having it!

Is it necessary to fix some bugs for being selected?

No, it is not necessary. We'd love it if you could though :-)

More information

LimeSurvey Google Summer of Code 2011

An introduction to LimeSurvey and our application for this years Google Summer of Code

Getting started

How to Get Started With LimeSurvey:

- setting up the development environment, coding standards, and all the other important stuff that you need to know before the real fun begins!

Project ideas page

The LimeSurvey Community Ideas Page:

- ideas that the community have come up with and would love to help you create

Frequently Asked Questions