

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:59, 1 May 2013 by C schmitz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Während eine Umfrage ausgefüllt wird= ==Fehler "Sitzung ist abgelaufen" ==")


Diese Seite listet typische technische Probleme und Ihre Lösungen auf, die nach einer erfolgreiche Installation auftreten können. Wenn Sie Hilfe brauchen, um Probleme zu beheben, die während der Installation auftreten, schauen Sie bitte in die Installations-FAQ.

Beim Öffnen der Administrations-Anmeldungsseite

Fehlermeldung: "No input file specified" nach der Installation

Während der Installation versucht LimeSurvey die beste Lösung für das URL-Format zu finden. Manchmal funktioniert das nicht richtig.

Um LimeSurvey zu zwingen ein anderes URL-Format zu verwenden, müssen Sie die Konfigurationsdatei bearbeiten.

In /application/config/config.php ersetzen Sie

     'urlFormat' => 'path',			

durch dies:

     'urlFormat' => 'get',

Nach der Anmeldung in der Administration

Jegliche Aktion in der Administration führt zum Anmeldebildschirm

Dies kann aufgrund folgender Hauptgründe passieren:

  • PHP Session Probleme
  • UTF-8 Kodierungsprobleme
  • Internet Explorer Probleme

PHP Sessions:

  1. Überprüfe/aktualisiere die Einstellungen upload_tmp_dir und session.save_path in der php.ini
  2. Lege die konfigurierten Verzichnisse an
  3. IIS: Weise Berechtigungen dem IIS Gastzugang zu, dass diese Verzeichnisse beschrieben werden dürfen
  4. Apache: Stelle sicher, dass der Webserver Schreibberechtigungen in diese Verzeichnisse hat
  5. Überprüfe ob die Einstellung "session.use_cookies" in der php.ini auf 1 gesetzt ist. Wenn nicht, dann setzen.
  6. Überprüfe ob die Einstellung "session.auto_start" in der php.ini auf 0 gesetzt ist. Wenn nicht, dann setzen.


Wenn Sie eine Datei bearbeiten (höchstwahrscheinlich ist dies config.php), dann speichern Sie diese nicht im UTF-8 Format. Speichern Sie PHP-Dateien immer im ANSI/ISO Zeichensatz. Seit Version 1.87 können sie die meisten Einstellungen innerhalb der Applikation in den Globalen Einstellungen vornehmen (wie z.B. Site-Name, Administrator-Name usw.)

IE Cookies

IE (6,7,und 8) unterstützt keinen Unterstrich (_) im Server-Hostnamen. Sollte dies der Fall sein, so werden Cookies nicht verarbeitet oder gesetzt. Setzen Sie also einen entsprechend anderen Hostnamen unter Apache oder IIS.

Während eine Umfrage ausgefüllt wird

Fehler "Sitzung ist abgelaufen"

You might, at one point, get a message like :


We are sorry but your session has expired.

Either you have been inactive for too long, you have cookies disabled for your browser, or there were problems with your connection.

And if you have Suhosin activated on your server, that's might be the reason why you get this in the middle of a survey.

Note: When your survey is not active, the behavior might be different and you could be redirected in the middle of a survey to the public list of surveys. The solution is the same.

Suhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations but the Suhosin default configuration can create troubles with LimeSurvey.

First check and test using the Suhosin log, by setting suhosin.log.sapi = 511 and suhosin.simulation = on according to the Suhosin documentation.

The configuration file is usually located in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/suhosin.ini but to be sure you can check your phpinfo (Limesurvey administration > Global Settings > Button Show phpinfo > Line : "Additional .ini files parsed") to get the correct path.

Don't forget to restart your Apache server for the parameters to be taken into account (service apache2 restart).

When the simulation is on, Suhosin is not blocking anything and the errors are reported into the logs (usually in your system log: /var/log/syslog). If you appear to get error messages such as "ALERT-SIMULATION - configured POST variable limit exceeded" that's Suhosin alerting...

Diese Konfiguration scheint gut mit LimeSurvey zu funktionieren:

suhosin.memory_limit = 128 = 5000000 = 5000
suhosin.request.max_value_length = 5000000
suhosin.request.max_vars = 5000

Mit diesen Parametern sollten Sie in der Lage sein, die Einstellung suhosin.simulation zurück auf den "off"-Wert zu stellen (so dass der Server geschützt ist und LimeSurvey immer noch funktioniert).

The default values of Suhosin are not working well with limesurvey. If you really want to secure your serveur tightly you might want to use the simulation mode to tune the setting and find the good values between 1000 and 5000 for the vars and 1000000 and 5000000 for the value_lengths.

Note: There was an additional PHP setting introduced recently which needs to be tweaked, too: max_input_vars - this setting is the same as but needs to be set separately in php.ini.

I can't change the language!

No matter what language you choose, the interface (admin und user) always is in English language. Normally this is caused by a bug in your PHP version. There is no other fix for this than updating your PHP version.

Some common errors (IIS focused)

Index.php won't open

Possible cause: This might happen if you haven't installed necessary extensions

  • You need to install Multi-byte string, and MSSQL (or MySQL) extensions

Possible cause: ISAPI filter not configured

  • In IIS, for the website (you could do it at the directory level) you must configure it to use php5isapi.dll

Index.php won't open and "php.exe -i" gives error messages about missing .dll's

This may happen if you install too many extensions

  • If you install all PHP extensions, PHP will fail because not all dependencies were met (e.g. oracle package needs oracle dll's)
  • Install only the extensions that you need
  • To test, try running php.exe -i from the command line

Message stating database was missing

This may happen if you navigate to wrong url

  • Make sure you go to limesurvey/admin/install/index.php instead of limesurvey/index.php !

Above fixes do not solve the problem

This may happen if you have not restarted IIS

  • Restart IIS

Things that were easy to forget:

  • .php needs to be associated to php5isapi.dll filter (It did this for me automagically)
  • limesurvey/tmp directory needs writer permission for survey uploads
  • updating doc_root in php.ini and $rootdir in config.php

Missing files ("No such file or directory")

When uploading LimeSurvey to your server it might happen that the connection is interrupted so that some files are not transferred or not transferred completely. Depending on the files you can receive error message at different part of LimeSurvey usage. Normally missing files throw errors like

"Warning: require_once(/path/to/your/limesurvey/installation/filename) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /path/to/your/limesurvey/installation/filename on line 12345)" OR

"Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'require_once(/path/to/your/limesurvey/installation/filename)' (include_path='.:/x/y/z) in /path/to/your/limesurvey/installation/filename on line 12345"


1. Delete all uploaded files.

2. Re-upload the files.

(3. If necessary: Re-install by browsing to /limesurveyfolder/admin/install)

After submitting a page you end up at the general index page

There was an additional PHP setting introduced recently: max_input_vars . This setting limits the maximum number of variables that can be POSTed (submitted) to the server. Default is set to 1000 but if you have a question with lots of answer options or a survey page with lots and lots of questions/answers this limit might be exceeded. You will need to set this in your PHP configration (php.ini).