

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:47, 10 June 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs)


統計機能を使用するには、アンケートツールバーの最後のドロップダウンメニュー(アンケートが実行中の時だけ使えます)の最初にあるFile:Browse.png '回答と統計'をクリックし、統計ボタンをクリックします。






  • IDの最小値・最大値を入力すると、IDがそれよりも大きな・小さな回答者の回答だけが集計されます。
  • チェックボックスに印を付けた質問についてだけ、統計情報が表示されます。複数のボックスに印を付けることも可能です。すべての質問について統計情報を表示したいときには「照会可能な全フィールドの概要を見る」のラジオボタンをONにしてください。スピーカーのアイコンをクリックすると(またはマウスカーソルを乗せると)、質問の全文が表示されます。
  • 「不完全な回答をフィルタ」を許可すると、未完了の回答はすべて統計から除外されます。回答の完了/未完了の区別についての詳細は、アンケートの結果を閲覧の項をご覧ください。



Data can be filtered in several ways:

  1. By survey completion - select Completed, Incomplete or All records. For a discussion on incomplete responses see Browsing survey results.
  2. By ID - use the inputs to filter by ID number
  3. By response - click on one or more responses in the list under each question to filter the data by those responses (use CTRL/click to select multiple responses in the same question). Note that if you choose to view summary of all available fields (checkbox at top) you will need to select your response filters before checking that box.
  4. By text - You can search the responses to a free text question type (and similar types) by entering a text. If you want to search for a partial string you can use the percentage sign (%) as wildcard. Example: If you look for 'Tom%' it will find entries with 'Tomb' and 'Tommy', etc.


The images below indicate that I have elected to view the stats for "Employment status" of completed records/female/age 18-25. This gives me the results for 6 out of 13 records.

Things to be cautious of

  • If you set criteria on the same question that you ask for a summary, then that question will only present answers matching your criteria. So it is good practice not to set any criteria on the same question you are getting a summary of.
  • To select multiple entries for a question hold down the CTRL button when clicking. To 'unselect' the last criteria (if you want to clear all criteria from a question) click on the last highlighted answer with the CTRL button.





しかし、いくつかの言語(例:中国語)で通常使われているフォント(Vera)には必要な文字セットが含まれていません。そのような場合は config.phpの$chartfontfile に新しくTTFフォントを設定して下さい。(config-defaults.phpを確認して正しく設定して下さい) 中国語(簡体字・繁体字)の場合はFireFlySungフォントを推奨しています。以下からダウンロードできます[1]











There are two steps involved in activating and displaying statistics to your participants. Firstly you must enable public statistics for your survey (by default this is turned off). This setting is in your main survey toolbar, General Settings – in the Presentation and Navigation Tab. Look for the setting "Public Statistics". There is also a setting here called "Show graphs in public statistics" which – if turned on – will show graphs as well as the counts (by default only numerical statistics are displayed).

Once you’ve set your survey to display statistics, you need to indicate question-by-question which statistics are displayed to your participants. By default, no questions are selected for display.

You choose which questions will be shown in the public statistics page by editing each question. In the Statistics Tab for each question is an option "Show in public statistics". Once you set this setting to "On" the question will be included on the public statistics page.

What participants see

Once you’ve enabled public statistics, and selected some questions to display, an additional option will be visible to participants when they’ve completed filling out your survey. In addition to the usual thank you, there will be a link to "View the statistics for this survey"

If your participants click on this link they will be able to see a page detailing the responses to the questions you’ve selected, and a graph (if you chose to display graphs too).

Changing the look of the public statistics page

The looks of the public statistics page can be modified via template.css (search for "#statsContainer"). However, there is currently no template of it’s own that can be edited in the limesurvey template editor.