

Translations:Setting conditions/27/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

Several comparison operators are supported - from the simple "equals" to the advanced "regular expression":

  • The basic ones refer to the "equal" and "not equal to" operations
  • The greater/less than operator family is also available, and is usually used when using numeric question-entries
    • Please note that comparisons on numeric fields make use of the numeric order. For instance, 2 < 10
    • If you're using a question entry whose type is text, the condition could be evaluated as "2" > "10" (string order)!
    • Numeric questions, as well as text questions (when they have the 'numbers_only' attribute set), will use the numeric order for comparisons
  • An advanced comparison operator using regular expressions is also available (don't panic! If you don't know what this means, then you don't need it)
    • the pattern is not to be enclosed in '/' characters
    • for instance: [a-zA-Z]$