

Translations:Expression Manager/55/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

Key Definitions

  1. Expression:  Anything surrounded by curly braces
    • As long as there is no white space immediately after the opening brace or before the closing curly brace
    • The contents of Expressions are evaluted by EM, so they can contain mathematical formulas, functions, and complex string and date processing.
  2. Tailoring: Sometimes called "piping", this is the process of conditionally modifying text
    • You have access to all 'replacement fields', participant data, and response data.
    • You also have easier access to questions, answers, and their properties.
  3. Relevance Equation:  A new question attribute controlling question visiblity
    • If there is a relevance equation, then the question is only shown if the relevance evaluates to true.
    • Internally, all array_filter and array_filter_exclude commands become subquestion-level relevance
  4. Equation Question Type:  A new question type that saves calculations or reports to the database
    • It is like a Boilerplate question, but its contents are saved to the database even if you set "Always Hide this Question"
  5. Question Code:  This is the preferred variable name for EM
    • This can be a descriptive name indicating the purpose of the question, making it easier to read complex logic
    • Valid question codes should NOT start with a number, so when using the question code to number your questions, simply use "q1", or "q1a" or "g1q2".
    • This is what currently becomes the variable name if you export data to SPSS or R, so if you do statistical analysis, you probably already made this unique.