

Translations:Expression Manager/178/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

Syntax Meaning Comments
e() returns the value of e
formatDate(X,PAT) return the string value of date X formatted according to Java data format pattern PAT
formatNumber(X,PAT) return the string value of number X formatted according to Java number format pattern PAT
getAnsOption(X) Core plugin ExpressionAnswerOptions
getAnsOption(X,Y) Core plugin ExpressionAnswerOptions
getRelevance(X) returns the relevance equation for question X
getStartTime() returns the date corresponding to the system time when the interview was started
getType(X) returns the string name of the datatype - e.g. *NA* if isNA()
gotoFirst() jumps to the first relevant set of questions - this violates the normal flow of the system
gotoNext() jumps to the next set of relevant questions - this violates the normal flow of the system
gotoPrevious() jumps to the previous set of relevant questions - this violates the normal flow of the system
isAsked(X) returns true if the answer is neither *NA*, *INVALID*, nor *UNASKED*
isInvalid(X) returns true if the answer is of type *INVALID*
isNA(X) returns true if the answer is of type *NA*
isNotUnderstood(X) returns true if the answer if of type *HUH*
isRefused(X) returns true if the answer is of type *REFUSED*
isSpecial(X) returns true if the answer is of type *UNASKED*, *NA*, *REFUSED*, *INVALID*, *UNKNOWN*, or *HUH*
isUnknown(X) returns true if the answer is of type *UNKNOWN*
jumpTo(X) jump to the group containing the named question -- this violates the normal flow of the system
jumpToFirstUnasked() jump to the first unasked question thus bypassing previous answered questions this violates the normal flow of the system
lastIndexOf(X,Y) returns the last index (base 0) of string Y in string X. Returns -1 if Y is not contained within X
list(X,...) a string containing a comma separated list of the positive values with "and" separating the last two
mean(X,...) returns the mean of a list of values
numAnsOptions(X) returns the number of answer options that question X has
orlist(X,...) a string containing a comma separated list of the positive values, with "or" separting the last two
parseDate(X,PAT) returns the date value of string X parsed with Java date format pattern PAT
parseNumber(X,PAT) returns the numerical value of string X parsed with Java number format pattern PAT
showAllResponsesExcept( questionList,attributeList,attributeTitleList) questionList = pipe-delimited list of question identifiers; attributeList = pipe-delimited list of attributes (like question#, title, text, type - so you can decide what to show); attributeTitleList = pipe-delimited list of table headers, so can internationalize the report.
showTheseResponses( questionList,attributeList,attributeTitleList) questionList = pipe-delimited list of question identifiers; attributeList = pipe-delimited list of attributes (like question#, title, text, type - so you can decide what to show); attributeTitleList = pipe-delimited list of table headers, so can internationalize the report.