

Translations:ExpressionScript - Presentation/126/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

Color Sample Meaning Tooltip Comments
tan background Sample the whole equation none Anything within curly braces that is recognized as an equation (e.g., there is no leading or trailing whitepace) will be color-coded with a tan background to help distinguish it from surrounding text
bold red text Sample An error Some explanation on error Can be an unknow variable or an error in function. Survey is broken and the questions that rely on the respective expression will not be shown to the respondents.
blue text Sample function name meaning and allowable syntax It refers to function names or things that should be functions since they are followed by an open parenthesis. They are displayed in bold blue text. Tooltips show the meaning and allowable syntax for the function.
grey text Sample string none Single and double-quoted strings are shown in grey text.
cyan text Sample variable set on the same page, [name or SGQA code]: question; value; answerList showing codes for each value Any variable that is set on the same page as the question you are currently editing is shown in cyan text (it can be updated in javascript). The tooltip shows its name (if you used INSERTANS:xxx) or its SGQA code (if you used the new naming system), the actual question, and its current value (or blank if not set). If the question type expects responses from an enumerated value set, the mapping of the codes to display values is shown.
green text Sample variable set on a prior page [name or SGQA code]: question; value; answerList showing codes for each value Any variable that is set on a prior page is shown in bold green text. The tooltip shows its name (if you used INSERTANS:xxx) or SGQA code (if you used the new naming system), the actual question, and its current value (or blank if not set). If the question type expects responses from an enumerated value set, the mapping of the codes to display values is shown.
bold pink text Sample variable set on a later page in general : empty at survey start, but can be filled with index or move previous [name or SGQA code]: question; value; answerList showing codes for each value Any variable that is set on a prior page is shown in bold pink text. The tooltip shows its name (if you used INSERTANS:xxx) or SGQA code (if you used the new naming system), the actual question, and its current value (or blank if not set). If the question type expects responses from an enumerated value set, the mapping of the codes to display values is show.
bold tan text Sample a lime replacement value the value Lime Replacement Strings (like {TOKEN:xxx}, {PRIVACY_MESSAGE}) are shown in bold tan text.
red text Sample assignment operator (=) warning message If you use one of the assignment operator (=), that operator will be displayed in red text. This is meant to help prevent accidental re-assignment of values when you really meant to check whether a == b instead of setting the value of a = b.
normal black text Sample punctuation none All other punctuation signs within the expression are shown as normal black text.
red-boxed text a bold red line surrounds the error syntax error description of the error Any detected syntax errors are shown within red boxes. The tooltip shows the error. Examples include unmatched parentheses, use of undefined functions, passing the wrong number of arguments to functions, poorly structured expressions (e.g., missing operators between variables), trying to assign a new value to a read-only variable, trying to assign values to non-variables, or using unsupported syntax. Note that the syntax error dectection system may only report one error in an expression even if there are multiple errors; however, if any errors are detected, at least one error will be shown.