
Upravljanje uporabnikov

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 00:21, 13 August 2013 by Dusan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sedaj lahko dodate ali odstranite sledeče pravice. * '''SuperAdministrator''': to pravico lahko doda ali odstrani le uporabnik '''admin''' in z njo omogoči vse pravice nad c...")

Upravljanje uporabnikov

Ustvarjanje uporabnikov

Za ustvarjanje novega uporabnika odprite upravljalnik uporabnikov (glavni meni -> Ustvari/uredi uporabnike File:LimeSurveyBenuzerVerwaltung.jpg).

  • Vnesite želeno uporabniško ime v besedilno polje Uporabniško ime.
  • Vnesite elektronski naslov v besedilno polje Elektronski naslov. Upoštevajte:
    • če ne želite, da nov uporabnik dobi potrditveno sporočilo s povezavo na vaš anketni sistem, uporabniškim imenom in geslom, lahko uporabite vaš elektronski naslov in uporabnika sami potrdite. Po urejeni potrditvi lahko spremenite uporabnikov elektronski naslov.
    • LimeSurvey pošilja potrditvena elektronska sporočila na naslove, ki ste jih vnesli v polje Elektronski naslov. Ta elektronski naslov bo uporabljen za običajni kontaktni naslov za ankete, ki jih ustvari ta uporabnik.
  • Vnesite uporabnikovo polno ime v besedilno polje Ime uporabnika. Upoštevajte:
    • polno ime se bo uporabilo kot običajno kontaktno ime za ankete, ki jih ustvari ta uporabnik.
  • Klikni Dodaj uporabnika

Tako ustvarite novega uporabnika. Več o nastavitvah uporabniških pravic boste našli v nadaljevanju.

Uredi uporabnika

Za urejanje uporabnika uporabite ikono v olbiki pisala .

Nastavite lahko nov elektronski naslov, polno ime in celo spremenite geslo. Ko ste končali z vnašanjem sprememb, kliknite Shrani.

Izbriši uporabnike

Za brisanje uporabniškega računa enostavno kliknite na gumb za brisanje v vrstici z uporabniškim računom, ki se bi naj izbrisal in potrdite s klikom na Vredu.

Globalne pravice

Globalne pravice se nanašajo na celoten anketni sistem. Če želite nastaviti pravice zgolj za določeno anketo, uporabite povezavo "Dovoljenja ankete".

Globalne pravice za uporabnika

Za nastavitev globalnih pravic uporabnika zgolj kliknite na ikono .

Sedaj lahko dodate ali odstranite sledeče pravice.

  • SuperAdministrator: to pravico lahko doda ali odstrani le uporabnik admin in z njo omogoči vse pravice nad celotno namestitvijo LimeSurvey-a. Upoštevajte: ta pravica je zelo močna in jo je potrebno dodeljevati zelo previdno.
  • Ustvari anketo: ta pravica omogoča uporabniku ustvarjanje ankete, kot tudi njen zagon in ustavitev. To je običajna pravica za uporabnike, ki naj bi ustvarjali svoje lastne ankete.
  • Nastavitve: s to pravico lahko uporabnik preveri konsistentnost podatkov, shrani SQL zbirko podatkov v sql datoteko in vidi php podatke v globalnih nastavitvah.
  • Ustvari uporabnika: s to pravico lahko uporabnik ustvari nove uporabnike in izbriše tiste, ki jih je s tem računom ustvaril. Novo ustvarjeni uporabnik ne more imeti višjih pravic od uporabnika, ki je račun ustvaril. V kolikor uporabnik potrebuje višje pravice, mu jih mora dodeliti SuperAdministrator.
  • Uporabi vse/uredi predloge: omogoča uporabniku uporabo vseh oblikovanih predlog in urejanje vseh nestandardnih predlog. Uporabnik s to pravico mora imeti dovolj znanja na področju HTML/php, Javascript-a in CSS-ja.
  • Manage labels: ta pravica omogoča ustvarjanje, urejanje in brisanje zbirk možnih odgovorov.

The most important use cases for granting user rights are collected at the use cases part of this article.

Setting template permissions for a user

With template permissions you can set which design templates a user can select when creating or editing a survey. It might be a good idea to restrict the design templates a user can select in order to prevent unwanted use of design templates not suitable for a user/survey.

Please note: If you have a specific design template for a group of users or customers you might want to restrict the access for them to use only the template created for their purpose.

To set/edit the template permissions for a user simply click the key symbol for design templates .

You can now select the design templates this user can select. After you finished your selection/deselection just hit Save settings .

The most important use cases for granting user rights are collected at the use cases part of this article.

Setting permissions for a single survey

These permissions only apply for a single survey. If you want to set permissions for the whole system you can use the global permissions.

Please note: An existing user account is required to set permissions for a single survey. If the account doesn't exist you have to create it first and then change the survey permissions. You don't have to apply any global rights to the user, it is just necessary that the user account itself exists.

Setting user permissions for a single survey

To change the survey permissions you have to select Survey permissions from the Survey properties menu.

In the next step you select the user you want to change the survey rights and click Add user.

After you click Set survey permissions the survey permissions matrix for the survey and user will be shown.

In this matrix you can set the rights for the different features and parts. You simply click  a checkbox if you want to add or remove this right. If you click a checkbox in the first column all rights for this line will be selected/removed.

In the other columns you can choose whether a user can do a single actions from this feature/part.

After you finished editing the survey permissions click Save now.

The most important use cases for granting user rights are collected at the use cases part of this article.

Use cases

In this part of the article we'll provide a few ideas which use cases may exist and how and which rights would be a good choice.

A new person in charge for administrating LimeSurvey will be added

  • login as admin
  • Create a new user account
  • Set global permissions for user to SuperAdministrator
  • not necessary: Setting the template permissions (SuperAdministrator has all permissions for all templates)
  • not necessary: Setting the survey permissions (SuperAdministrator has all permissions for all surveys)

A new user wants to create own surveys

  • login as admin or user with SuperAdministrator permission.
  • Create a new user account
  • Set global permissions for user to Create survey
  • Set template permissions for user to the template/s that should be used by the user/user-group
  • not necessary: Setting the survey permissions (The creator of a survey has all permissions for his/her surveys)

The creator of a survey needs another person to edit his/her survey

  • login as admin or user with SuperAdministrator permission.
  • Create a new user account
  • Set no global permissions for user
  • Set no template permissions for user
  • Set the survey permissions the way you want. It depends on what the new user should do and how much permissions he/she needs. If he/she should have all permissions for the survey you can select the first checkboxes in the first column with checkboxes (the one with the << or >> button as header).

A person responsible for the survey wants to see the results of the survey and export them

  • login as admin or user with SuperAdministrator permission.
  • Create a new user account
  • Set no global permissions for user
  • Set no template permissions for user
  • Set survey permissions to: Responses: View/read and export , Statistics: View/read

To be moved somewhere else once better defined:

There are several classes of possible people who access a LimeSurvey installation.  But only one set of people is actually termed a user in the code and documentation.  So lets understand what these classes of people are so we can better understand the terminology of the program.

Class Description
Installation Administrator Those people who create login user accounts to allow others to create, edit, activate and/or view surveys and their results.  Often can be given access to edit the templates, labelsets and other key features independent of any particular survey stored.
Survey Administrator A person with a login account that is given some management access to a particular survey.  Each survey can have its own set of users with specific rights to manipulate the survey.  These rights can be as broad as to activate a survey and possibly edit its question base.  They can be as minimum as simply able to review the results to date.
Participant Those people who simply respond or participate in taking a survey.  They may or may not have token access.  They do not need a login account to the administrative interface and thus are not termed users.
Installer A special class of person who has access to the MySQL (or similar) database server and possibly the command line interface of the computers operating system in order to install and configure the survey software.  This person is asked to setup the initial SuperAdmin user account from which other user login accounts can be created.
Developer An very special class of person who has access to the source code and can manipulate it to change the programs behavior.  Generally only done with versions of the survey that are not available for live, active surveys.

Use one-time passwords

Since version 1.81 a user can call the limesurvey login at /limesurvey/admin and pass username and a one time password which was previously written into the users table (column one_time_pw) by an external application.

To enable this login method a setting has to be turned on ($use_one_time_passwords = true;) in config.php.

The URL has to contain the following variables:

  • user: The username normally used to login into LimeSurvey. This username has to exist in the 'users' table of the database.
  • onepass: The plain text password which is then compared to the password in the 'users' table

A valid URL to login using a one-time password will look like this...

... for 1.81 to 1.92:

...for 2.0 or later:

Things to watch out for:

  • One time passwords have to be enabled by setting "$use_one_time_passwords = true;" (for 1.92), respective "use_one_time_passwords => true" (for 2.0 in config section) in config.php.
  • The passed username has to exist in LimeSurvey's users table
  • The one time password, which can be set by an external application, has to be stored as MD5 hash in column one_time_pw of table users
  • The passed plain text password will be hashed using md5() function and will then be compared to the stored hash in column one_time_pw of table users. Both passwords have to match.
  • After the first login with the one time password this password is deleted from the database. The user won't be able to login with this password a second time.