
LimeSurvey Cloud oder LimeSurvey CE?

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 12:57, 1 November 2021 by C schmitz (talk | contribs)


Note: LimeSurvey PRO is now LimeSurvey Cloud.

Bevor wir die Diskussion über LimeSurvey PRO (LimeSurvey Cloud) und LimeSurvey CE (LimeSurvey Community Edition) beginnen, ist es wichtig, den Unterschied zwischen LimeSurvey und LimeSurvey GmbH zu verstehen.

"LimeSurvey" bezieht sich auf die Webserver-basierte Software, die unter der GNU General Public License v2 oder neuer kostenlos verteilt wird ( (GPL v2).

LimeSurvey GmbH bezieht sich auf das Unternehmen, das die LimeSurvey-Software betreut, um seine Entwicklung besser zu koordinieren und verschiedene kostenpflichtige Dienste für LimeSurvey bereitzustellen (z. B. Hosting, personalisierte Vorlagen, Add-on-Pakete, technische Unterstützung usw.).

Um mehr über die Lizenz von LimeSurvey zu erfahren, besuchen Sie folgenden Link: (leider nur auf Englisch).

Aufgrund seiner Lizenz ist LimeSurvey eine Open-Source-Software , die von jedem für kommerzielle, private und Bildungszwecke verwendet, modifiziert und verbreitet werden kann. Mit Ausnahme des Namens und des Logos, die markenrechtlich geschützt sind, kann die Software in jeder gewünschten Weise verwendet werden. Es ist etwa kein Problem, LimeSurvey dafür zu wenden, um Fragebögen für die Bewertung einer Universität oder eines Professors zu erstellen und zu verteilen oder sie auf einem persönlichen Server zu installieren und Online-/Offline-Marktforschung für das Unternehmen zu betreiben, in dem Sie arbeiten.

LimeSurvey is an Open-source software. The code of the program is fully disclosed. You can access it at

It is necessary to meet a minimal set of requirements in order to install LimeSurvey on your computer (for development purposes) or on your server. Read our installation guideline for an exhaustive guide on how to install LimeSurvey.

However, for users who may find the installation process too complex and who do not have knowledge of server administration, LimeSurvey GmbH offers Cloud hosting services. With Cloud hosting services, a LimeSurvey instance is created for you in seconds!

Ziemlich oft werden Sie Wörter sehen, die sich auf "Hosting-Dienste", "selbst gehostete Software" und "Personal Server" beziehen, die in diesem Wiki-Abschnitt erwähnt werden. Wir schlagen vor, diesen englischen Beitrag unseres Blog zu lesen, um das Hosting-Konzept besser zu verstehen.

LimeSurvey PRO oder LimeSurvey CE?

Überprüfen Sie die folgende Tabelle, um die Hauptunterschiede zwischen den beiden Diensten besser zu verstehen:

LimeSurvey Cloud vs LimeSurvey CE
LimeSurvey Cloud LimeSurvey CE
Hosting is provided by LimeSurvey. The installation process should take no longer than 5 minutes. Self-hosted.
You can choose one of the four types of plans: FREE, BASIC, EXPERT and ENTERPRISE. You may either use the free version or pick one of the three premium plans. The premium plans contain the ComfortUpdate feature, access to older versions and a multitude of design templates.
Always uses the latest stable version of LimeSurvey. You get access not only to the latest releases, but also to the older ones. You choose which to use.
Technical support included for the paid plans. Technical ComfortUpdate support included for the premium plans.
Contains all the features that make LimeSurvey great. Contains all the features that make LimeSurvey great.
LimeSurvey Cloud comes with response and storage usage reminders due to the fact that these are limited on the free plan. LimeSurvey CE does not have response and storage usage reminders. Limitations are due to the amount of space allocated from the personal server to the LimeSurvey-related tasks.
No direct server access. Third-party plugins/extensions can be added to your LimeSurvey instance by us on request. If you own your server, you can access your LimeSurvey installation. You can start tweaking it and make further enhancements by adding additional extensions/add-ons.
The instance is automatically updated by us for minor versions. You decide on the point in time for major versions. The ComfortUpdate tool is used to update the LimeSurvey installation. The update can also be done manually.
Server and installation configuration is handled by us, saving you valuable time. Ideal for hands-on people with technical knowledge. The LimeSurvey manual Is a great place to start learning.
Reliable response inflow due to a self-renewing subscription system. The only limitation is related to your server and its configuration.
More flexibility - You have 3 days until the date of renewal to cancel your subscription! The software is hosted on your server. There are no links between the activity performed by you with the help of the LimeSurvey software and LimeSurvey GmbH.
Please note that the above table is just a summary of the main features provided by the two versions of LimeSurvey. For an exhaustive description, access the following links: LimeSurvey CE or LimeSurvey Cloud to get a complete description of each.

LimeSurvey CE

Angenommen, Sie sind von LimeSurvey CE überzeugt und möchten es jetzt auf Ihrem Server installieren. Um LimeSurvey CE herunterzuladen, gehen Sie auf die Registerkarte Ressourcen in der Hauptsymbolleiste LimeSurvey und klicken Sie auf die Option 'Download':

Die folgende Seite wird geladen:

  • LimeSurvey Cloud: If you click on the Sign up for free button, you will be first asked to create a account in order to create and access your online LimeSurvey site. If you wish to use our hosting services, refer to the following quick start guide: LimeSurvey Cloud Quick Start Guide.
  • LimeSurvey CE: This option allows you to download the LimeSurvey software, archived in several formats, including an executable file. Use this option if you would like to install LimeSurvey on your own server or on your own computer for personal testing. It is ideal for hands-on people with technical knowledge. You will see that LimeSurvey CE is divided into stable releases and development releases. For a rock-solid software, go for the stable release. If you want to test new LimeSurvey features and help us improve it, go with the development release.
Um Zugang zu den neuesten Softwareentwicklungen zu erhalten, folgen Sie uns auf GitHub.
  • Templates: You may find example surveys here, label sets, and question templates in various languages. All templates are created by the community. You can also contribute by uploading your work and making it publicly available to others.
  • Extensions: LimeSurvey supports plugins and extensions. By clicking on the "Go to the extensions" link, you get access to a directory that contains all of the LimeSurvey third-party extensions (your own contribution can also be listed there).

  Only LimeSurvey CE supports third-party plugins! If you would like to use an extension in LimeSurvey Pro, please write Support.

LimeSurvey PRO

Refer to the following step-by-step guide to learn how to create a LimeSurvey Cloud account and launch your first survey.

You can also view the following video tutorial on how to set up a professional account on LimeSurvey.

Was brauche ich?

There is a lot of information to grasp. We are completely aware of this and you might feel a bit overwhelmed. We suggest you do a cost-benefit analysis. Some aspects that are worth taking into consideration:

  • Capital: Think of the costs of running a server for example. Even though a lot of low-cost hosting providers can be found online, take into account that you have to take care not only of your LimeSurvey installation, but also of the server configuration. If you want to create more complex surveys and/or install/create additional plugins, employees with knowledge in PHP, HTML, CSS will be needed - which means higher costs for you and your business.
  • Human resources: If complex surveys are created, employees with IT-related skills might be needed. That is why it is better (sometimes) to outsource such services. You may use our LimeSurvey Cloud services or the help provided by our official partners.
  • Time: Time is a limited resource. Different time-related constraints (e.g., deadlines, lots of qualitative research requests from your clients, etc.) transform time into an important independent variable that should definitely influence your final decision.

Denken Sie an all Ihre möglichen Bedürfnisse und verfügbaren Ressourcen, bevor Sie sich für LimeSurvey PRO und LimeSurvey CE entscheiden.

Generally, if you want to use LimeSurvey without any download or configuration, you should choose LimeSurvey Cloud. You can test it freely as long as you want and then purchase one of the subscription plans. However, if you have a running server infrastructure and want to integrate LimeSurvey into that, take a look at LimeSurvey CE. We also offer great LimeSurvey CE plans to enhance your installation with one-click updates and more custom themes.

Additional help can be found at one of our partners listed here:

Was ist, wenn ich weitere Fragen habe?

Wir haben eine großartige Anwender-Community. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, Ihre Fragen in unseren LimeSurvey Foren oder im [irc: //|LimeSurvey IRC Kanal] zu stellen: