

Translations:New Template System in LS3.x/74/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

Adding theme options to control positioning and display of survey elements

This tutorial will show how to add options to an extended theme to display survey elements in various locations. In this case, we will create theme options to show the survey title in two different locations.

For the sake of simplicity, we will base the tutorial on an extension of the "bootswatch" theme in LimeSurvey version 3.4.3.

Create a custom theme

  1. Extend the "bootswatch" theme as described above.
  2. Copy custom.css to the local theme as described above.

Create new theme options

  1. Copy the contents of /themes/survey/bootswatch/options/ to /upload/themes/survey/yourThemeName/options/.
  2. Open /upload/themes/survey/yourThemeName/options/options.twig in an editor and find "{# Bootstrap Bootswatch theme #}". Directly before its parent <div class='row'> element, add this:<syntaxhighlight lang="html">

{# Custom survey name in navbar #}