

Translations:Exporting results/229/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

  • File : Select the file to be uploaded. The file must be a TSV file: A text file with each column separated by TAB.
  • Exclude record IDs? : If 'id' column exist in the file you can exclude this line or not. If this setting is checked then a new record is added for each line of the .vv file. If unchecked you can choose:
  • When an imported record matches an existing record ID:
    • skip : Report and skip the new record. After upload you will see if the record already existed - if it existed it's not imported.
    • renumber : Renumber the new record. A new record is added to the response table with answer of the VV file.
    • replace : Replace the existing record. The old record is deleted and completely replaced by the record from the VV file
    • replaceanswer : Replace response details from the file in the existing record. The old record is updated with the new response from the VV file. This allow to replace only one question in the response table.
  • Import as not finalized response? : If checked the submitdate is set to NULL, so the response is set to not completed.
  • Character set of the file : You can choose the character set of the file - the default and recommended value is UTF-8 but some spreadsheet program don't allow to choose a character set.
  • First line contains question codes : By default VV file first line contain human readable question, the real column names are in the second line. This allow to use the first line as the real column names.
  • Force import : If the question codes are not found in the database name or in Qcode Variable Naming then columns are assigned depending of order. This can be used to import VV file from different LimeSurvey instance but each survey must be exactly the same. We strongly recommend to use this only if you know what you are doing. It can be very dangerous and lead to results ending up in the wrong column.