
Actualizar LimeSurvey desde una versión anterior

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 16:18, 7 October 2013 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
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Antes de empezar...

... lea esta información porque es muy importante:Realice siempre copias de seguridad tanto de los archivos de la aplicación como de la información contenida en la base de datos de la versión de LimeSurvey que esté funcionando en su entorno de producción

Puede hacer esto utilizando una herramienta de administración de bases de datos como por ejemplo,phpMyAdmin, y un administrador de archivos. Si no sabe como llevar a cabo estas operaciones, debería preguntarle a alguien que sepa como realizarlas o utilizar la herramienta ComfortUpdate en su lugar.

La forma fácil (para actualizaciones entre versiones menores)

You can use these instructions if you are doing a minor upgrade  (for example from 2.00 to 2.01)

  • Backup your files and database (did we already mention that?)
  • Delete all the old files/directory except for
    • /application/config/config.php
    • /upload directory
  • Copy the new files from the new LimeSurvey package to the existing location.
  • After the upgrade: Clear your browser cache and cookies!

La forma completa (para saltos importantes entre versiones)

Lamentablemente hay varias cosas que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de llevar a cabo la actualización, por favor, lea las siguientes instrucciones con mucha atención.

Upgrading from version 1.50 or later to any later 2.xx version

  1. Download the latest version of LimeSurvey.
  2. Prepare and backup the old installation
    1. Backup your installation directory files and SQL-based database just in case.
      1. At the command-line level, make a .zip or similar archive of the whole installation directory tree of files. For example in Linux tar cvzf foo.tgz cps100 will tar and zip the whole of the cps100 directory.
      2. Using phpMyAdmin or similar to export all tables; or use the according LimeSurvey Administration button to backup the entire database
    2. Copy your config.php file, modified template directories and the /upload directory separately for quick access later.
  3. Replace all the installation directory files
    1. Delete all old files in the existing installation directory
    2. Upload and unpack the new code version into the same installation directory
    3. If your previous version was older than 1.90: Copy any customized templates to /upload/templates - you will also need to rename each template directory whose name matches an existing template in /templates.
    4. Copy your /upload directory back to the old location
    5. Double check the permissions set on the directories (write access to /tmp, /upload and and their subdirectories is required) as described in Installation
    6. Open http://<yourdomain>/<yourlimesurveydir>/admin in your browser and follow the instructions (you can use the old config.php as reference). The existing database will be automatically detected and , if necessary, upgraded after confirmation.
  4. Check if any special manual checks apply as listed below
  5. Now clear your browser cache and cookies!
  6. You are done (:biggrin:).
Comprobaciones especiales a realizar después de una actualización:
  • Desde la versión 1.53/1.7x a la versión 1.8x: Las plantillas han sufrido demasiados cambios. Por favor comprueba que tus plantillas se muestran de forma correcta. Si no se muestran correctamente tendrás que editar tus plantillas para que funcionen correctamente (comprueba las plantillas originales para ver que es lo que ha cambiado)
  • Desde una versión anterior a la v1.53: Cuando actualice LimeSurvey desde una versión anterior a la v1.53 a la última versión, por favor compruebe losderechos globales de cada usuario. Hay un nuevo rol superadmin introducido en la versión1.53 que puede dar a un usuario con los mismo privilegios que la cuenta maestra creada durante la instalación. El scrip de actualización intentará adivinar a que usuario de las versiones antiguas puede darle este derecho. Como este sitema no es del todo perfecto, por favor, reviselos con cuidado para evitar posibles problemas.

Upgrading from version 1.50 or later to any later 1.xx version

  1. Download the desired version of LimeSurvey.
  2. Prepare and backup the old installation
    1. Backup your installation directory files and SQL-based database just in case.
      1. At the command-line level, make a .zip or similar archive of the whole installation directory tree of files. e.g. tar cvzf foo.tgz cps100 will tar and zip the whole of the cps100 directory
      2. Using phpMyAdmin or similar to export all tables; or using the LimeSurvey Administration button to backup the entire database
    2. Copy your config.php file ,modified template directories and the /upload directory separately for quick access later.
  3. Replace all the installation directory files
    1. Delete all old files in the existing installation directory
    2. Upload and unpack the new code version into the same installation directory
    3. Edit or replace the config.php file:
      1. If your previous version was < 1.70: Edit the new config.php to reflect changed settings in the backup config.php file. Do not just overwrite the new config.php with your old one!
      2. If your previous version was >= 1.70: Simply replace the new config.php with your backup config.php (as the file format has not changed).
    4. If your previous version was older than 1.90: Copy any customized templates to /upload/templates - you will also need to rename each template directory whose name matches an existing template in /templates.
    5. Copy your /upload directory back to the old location
    6. Double check the permissions set on the directories (write access to /tmp, /upload and and their subdirectories is required) as described in Installation
  4. Finishing the installation
    1. Once you open the URL to your LimeSurvey administration the database tables will be updated after confirmation
    2. Remove or rename the /admin/install directory as/if instructed by the installation script
    3. Check if any special, manual checks apply as listed below
  5. You are done (:biggrin:). If you notice any problems after the upgrade: Clear your browser cache and cookies!
Special checks after an upgrade:
  • from any earlier version to 1.92: The templates have been changed in a lot of places. Please check your customized templates if they are still looking right. If not you will have to edit your templates accordingly (check out the original templates to see what was changed)
  • from a version earlier than v1.53: When upgrading from a version before v1.53 to the latest version, please check the global user rights of each user. There was a new superadmin right introduced in v1.53 that can give a user the same privilege as the master administration account created during the install. The upgrade script is guessing who to give this right to in the older versions.  As this is not perfect, it should be carefully checked.

PUF de actualización.

¿Cual es la versión más reciente de LimeSurvey que todavia soporta PHP4?

La última versión de LimeSurvey que ofrece soporte para PHP4 es la versión 1.82+.

Since the data structure and a lot of other things were changed, upgrading from any version previous to v1.50 is NOT possible.  If you have old survey structure files with a *.sql extension the only way to get these into a newer version is to install version 1.50, import the .sql file(s) there, then upgrade that version to the most recent LimeSurvey version. See the also then page Transferring an installation for more details.

Upgrade FAQ

What is the most actual LimeSurvey version that still supports PHP4?

The last release offering PHP4 support was version 1.82+.

Can I upgrade even if I have active surveys?

Yes, you can. Exceptions may be mentioned in the thorough instructions above. We strongly advise to test your surveys after upgrade to check if your design templates still work alright.

What is best way to port LimeSurvey *.sql survey structure files to the latest version?

Install version 1.50, import the file and export the survey structure to the newer .csv format. The latest version still can read the .csv survey structure format.