
Testiranje ankete

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 08:54, 5 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs)

Anketo lahko preizkusite kadar koli, medtem ko jo ustvarjate, tako da kliknete gumb Predogled ankete v orodni vrstici ankete:

This allows you to check the survey look and feel before activating it. When testing/previewing your survey, the responses will not be stored in the response table.

Namig: Testiranje ankete je še posebej priporočljivo, če imamo pri vprašanjih postavljene pogoje, saj lahko s tem preverimo njihovo pravilno izvedbo.

S testiranjem ankete preprečujemo morebitne kasnejše težave, ki se bi sicer lahko pojavile!
  Attention : If the survey is active and you open too many tabs by clicking Execute survey, you may not be able to continue the survey (an error will pop up suggesting you to use the index to navigate the survey). When that happens, please close all the tabs and make sure to open only 2 or 3 tabs to test the live version of your survey.