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Found 14 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Bulgarian (bg)В случай, че не сте доволни от това поведение, можете да позволите на потребителите да „скачат“ назад чрез [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|индексната функция на LimeSurvey]].
 h Danish (da)Hvis du er utilfreds med denne adfærd, kan du tillade brugere at "hoppe" baglæns via [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|indeksfunktionen i LimeSurvey]].
 h German (de)Falls Sie mit diesem Verhalten unzufrieden sind, können Sie Benutzern mithilfe der [Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|Index-Funktion von LimeSurvey] erlauben, rückwärts zu „springen“.
 h English (en)In case you are unhappy with this behavior, you may allow users to "jump" backwards via the [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|index feature of LimeSurvey]].
 h Spanish (es)En caso de que no esté satisfecho con este comportamiento, puede permitir que los usuarios "salten" hacia atrás mediante la [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|función de índice de LimeSurvey]].
 h French (fr)Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de ce comportement, vous pouvez autoriser les utilisateurs à « sauter » en arrière via la [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|index feature de LimeSurvey]].
 h Hungarian (hu)Ha nem elégedett ezzel a viselkedéssel, a [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|index funkción keresztül a LimeSurvey]] engedélyezheti a felhasználóknak, hogy visszafelé "ugorjanak".
 h Italian (it)Se non sei soddisfatto di questo comportamento, puoi consentire agli utenti di "saltare" all'indietro tramite la [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|funzione index di LimeSurvey]].
 h Japanese (ja)この動作が望ましくない場合は、[[Presentation/ja#.E8.B3.AA.E5.95.8F.E3.82.A4.E3.83.B3.E3.83.87.E3.83.83.E3.82.AF.E3.82.B9.E8.A1.A8.E7.A4.BA.EF.BC.8F.E3.82.B8.E3.83.A3.E3.83.B3.E3.83.97.E3.82.92.E8.A8.B1.E5.8F.AF|LimeSurveyのインデックス機能]]を使えば、ユーザーは逆方向に"ジャンプ"できるようになります。
 h Dutch (nl)Als alternatief kun je de deelnemers ook toestaan om achteruit te "springen" via de [[Presentation/nl#Toon vragenindex_.2F_toestaan vrije volgorde|vragenindex]].
 h Polish (pl)Jeśli nie jesteś zadowolony z takiego zachowania, możesz zezwolić użytkownikom na „przeskakiwanie” do tyłu za pomocą [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|funkcji indeksowania LimeSurvey]].
 h Romanian (ro)În cazul în care nu sunteți mulțumit de acest comportament, puteți permite utilizatorilor să „sare” înapoi prin funcția [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|index a LimeSurvey]].
 h Slovenian (sl)Če niste zadovoljni s tem vedenjem, lahko dovolite uporabnikom, da "skočijo" nazaj prek [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|indeksne funkcije LimeSurvey]].
 h Vietnamese (vi)Trong trường hợp bạn không hài lòng với hành vi này, bạn có thể cho phép người dùng "nhảy" lùi qua [[Presentation#Show_question_index_.2F_allow_jumping|tính năng chỉ mục của LimeSurvey]].