

All translations

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Found 14 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Bulgarian (bg){{Предупреждение|Google Maps се нуждае от валиден [[Global_settings#General|API ключ на Google Map]]!}}
 h Danish (da){{Alert|Google Maps skal have en gyldig [[Global_settings#General|Google Map API-nøgle]]!}}
 h German (de){{Alert|Google Maps benötigt einen gültigen [[Global_settings/de#General|Google Map-API-Schlüssel]]!}}
 h English (en){{Alert|Google Maps needs a valid [[Global_settings#General|Google Map API Key]]!}}
 h Spanish (es){{Alerta|¡Google Maps necesita una [[Global_settings#General|Clave API de Google Map]] válida!}}
 h French (fr){{Alerte|Google Maps a besoin d'une [[Global_settings#General|Clé API Google Map]] !}}
 h Hungarian (hu){{Alert|A Google Térképnek érvényes [[Global_settings#General|Google Map API-kulcsra]] van szüksége!}}
 h Italian (it){{Alert|Google Maps richiede una [[Global_settings#General|Google Map API Key]]!}} valida
 h Japanese (ja){{Alert|Google Mapsには有効な[[Global_settings/ja#.E5.85.A8.E8.88.AC|Google Map API Key]]が必要です。}}
 h Dutch (nl){{Alert|Google Maps heeft een geldige [[Global_settings/nl#Algemeen|Google Maps API key]] nodig!}}
 h Polish (pl){{Alert|Mapy Google wymagają prawidłowego [[Global_settings#General|Klucz API Map Google]]!}}
 h Romanian (ro){{Alert|Google Maps are nevoie de o [[Global_settings#General|Google Map API Key]]!}}
 h Slovenian (sl){{Opozorilo|Google Maps potrebuje veljaven [[Global_settings#General|Google Map API Key]]!}}
 h Vietnamese (vi){{Cảnh báo|Google Maps cần có [[Global_settings#General|Khóa API Google Map]]!}} hợp lệ