

All translations

Enter a message name below to show all available translations.


Found 14 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Bulgarian (bg){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Danish (da){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h German (de){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h English (en){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Spanish (es){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h French (fr){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Hungarian (hu){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Italian (it){class="wikitable"}
|[ abs]||Valore assoluto||numero abs(numero)
|[ acos]||Coseno d'arco||numero acos(numero)
|[ addslashes]||Quote stringa con slash||stringa addslashes(stringa)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||numero asin(numero)
|[ atan]||Arco tangente||numero atan(numero)
|[ atan2]||Tangente arcuata di due variabili||numero atan2(numero, numero)
|[ ceil]||Rivolgimento di frazioni per eccesso||numero ceil(numero)
|[ checkdate]||Ritorna vero (1) se è una data valida del calendario gregoriano||bool checkdate(mese,giorno,anno)
|convert_value|Converte un valore numerico usando una tabella di input e una tabella di output di valori numerici||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Coseno||numero cos(numero)
|conta il numero di domande risposte (non vuote) nell'elenco|numero count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif|conta il numero di domande con risposta nell'elenco uguale al primo argomento|numero countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|Conta il numero di domande risposte nell'elenco che
 h Japanese (ja){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||絶対値||number abs(数値)
|[ acos]||アークコサイン||number acos(数値)
|[ addslashes]||文字列をスラッシュで引用||string addslashes(文字列)
|[ asin]||アークサイン||number asin(数値)
|[ atan]||アークタンジェント||number atan(数値)
|[ atan2]||2変数のアークタンジェント ||number atan2(数値, 数値)
|[ ceil]||切り上げ||number ceil(数値)
|[ checkdate]||グレゴリオ暦で有効な日付であれば真(1)を返す||bool checkdate(月,日,年)
|convert_value||変換元リストにある数値を対応する変換先リストの数値に変換する||number convert_value(変換する数値, 一致フラグ, 変換元リスト, 変換先リスト)
|[ cos]||コサイン||number cos(数値)
|count||リスト内で回答された(空白でない)質問の数 ||number count(引数1, 引数2, ..., 引数N)
|countif||回答された質問のうち、比較値と等しいリスト内の回答の数||number countif(比較値, 引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|countifop||回答された質問のうち、条件を満たすリスト内の回答の数(回答 演算子 比較値)||number countifop(演算子, 比較値, 引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|[ date]||指定した、もしくはローカルの日付/時刻を書式化する||string date(日付書式<nowiki>[</nowiki>, 指定時刻=time()])
|[ exp]||eの累乗を計算する||number exp(数値)
|fixnum||必要に応じてカンマで区切られた数字を表示する||string fixnum(数値)
|[ floor]||切り捨て ||number floor(数値)
|[ gmdate]||指定した、もしくは現在のGMTの日付/時刻を書式化する||string gmdate(日付書式 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 指定時刻=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||HTML エンティティを文字に変換する(常にENT_QUOTESとUTF-8を使用)||string html_entity_decode(文字列)
|[ htmlentities]||文字をHTML エンティティに変換する(常にENT_QUOTESとUTF-8を使用)||string htmlentities(文字列)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||特殊文字をHTML エンティティに変換する(常にENT_QUOTESとUTF-8を使用)||string htmlspecialchars(文字列)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||HTML エンティティを特殊文字に変換するHTML エンティティに変換する||string htmlspecialchars_decode(文字列)
|[ idate]||指定した、もしくは現在のローカルな時刻/日付を整数として整形する||string idate(文字列 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 指定時刻=time()])
|[ implode]||配列要素を文字列により連結する||string implode(区切り文字,引数1,引数2,...,引数N)
|[ intval]||変数の整数としての値を取得する||int intval(数値 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 基数=10])
|[ is_empty]||変数が空であるかどうかをを判定する||bool is_empty(変数)
|[ is_float]||変数の型が浮動小数点型かどうかを判定する||bool is_float(変数)
|[ is_int]||変数が整数型かどうかを判定する||bool is_int(変数)
|[ is_nan]||値が数値でないかどうかを判定する||bool is_nan(変数)
|[ is_null]||変数がNULLかどうかを判定する||bool is_null(変数)
|[ is_numeric]||変数が数字または数値を示す文字列であるかを判定する||bool is_numeric(変数)
|[ is_string]||変数の型が文字列かどうかを判定する||bool is_string(変数)
|join{{NewIn/ja|2.0|b=130129}}||要素を新しい文字列として結合する||join(引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|list||空白でない値をコンマ区切りリストで返す||string list(引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|listifop{{NewIn/ja|3.16.1}}||リスト内の質問のうち、条件(属性 演算子 値)を満たす質問属性(retProp)を抽出し、指定の文字で区切ったリストとして返す||string listifop(属性, 演算子, 値, 質問属性, 区切り文字, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| 自然対数(底が指定されている場合は底に対する対数)||number log(数値,底=e)
|[ ltrim]||文字列の最初から空白 (もしくはその他の文字) を取り除く||string ltrim(文字列 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 削除する文字のリスト])
|[ max]||最大値を探す||number max(引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|[ min]||最小値を探す||number min(引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|[ mktime]||日付をUNIXのタイムスタンプとして取得する(引数は省略可)||number mktime([時 [, 分 [, 秒 [, 月 [, 日 [, 年 ]]]]]])
|[ nl2br]||改行文字の前にHTMLの改行タグを挿入する||string nl2br(文字列)
|[ number_format]||数字を千位毎にグループ化してフォーマットする||string number_format(数値)
|pi||円周率||number pi()
|[ pow]||指数表現||number pow(基数, 指数)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||quoted-printable文字列を8ビット文字列に変換する||string quoted_printable_decode(文字列)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||8ビット文字列をquoted-printable文字列に変換する||string quoted_printable_encode(文字列)
|[ quotemeta]||メタ文字をクォートする||string quotemeta(文字列)
|[ rand]||乱数を生成する([[ExpressionScript sample surveys/ja#.E3.82.B0.E3.83.AB.E3.83.BC.E3.83.97.E3.81.94.E3.81.A8.E3.81.AB.E3.83.A9.E3.83.B3.E3.83.80.E3.83.A0.E3.81.AB.E8.B3.AA.E5.95.8F.E3.81.99.E3.82.8B|例]])||int rand()またはint rand(最小値, 最大値)
|regexMatch||文字列を[[Using regular expressions/ja|正規表現]]で比較する||bool regexMatch(パターン,文字列)
|[ round]||数値を任意の精度に丸める||number round(値 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 丸める桁位置])
|[ rtrim]||文字列の最後から空白(またはその他の文字)を取り除く||string rtrim(文字列 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 削除する文字のリスト])
|[ sin]||サイン||number sin(数値)
|[ sprintf]||フォーマットされた文字列を返||string sprintf(フォーマット, 引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|[ sqrt]||平方根||number sqrt(数値)
|stddev||リストの数値について標本の標準偏差を計算する||number stddev(引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|[ str_pad]||文字列を固定長になるまで他の文字列で埋める||string str_pad(入力文字列, 文字列の長さ <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 埋める文字])
|[ str_repeat]||文字列を反復する||string str_repeat(入力文字列, 繰り返し回数)
|[ str_replace]||検索文字列に一致したすべての文字列を置換する||string str_replace(検索文字列, 置き換える値, 対象の文字列)
|[ strcasecmp]||大文字小文字を区別しないバイナリセーフな文字列比較を行う||int strcasecmp(文字列1, 文字列2)
|[ strcmp]||バイナリセーフな文字列比較を行う||int strcmp(文字列1, 文字列2)
|[ strip_tags]||文字列からHTMLおよびPHPタグを取り除く||string strip_tags(文字列, 取り除かないタグ)
|[ stripos]||大文字小文字を区別せずに文字列が最初に現れる位置を探す(0から始まり、現れなければfalse)|||int stripos(対象文字列, 検索文字列 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 開始位置=0])
|[ stripslashes]||クォートされた文字列のクォート部分を取り除く||string stripslashes(文字列)
|[ stristr]||大文字小文字を区別しないstrstr||string stristr(対象文字列, 検索文字列 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 最初の一致箇所より前のみを返すかのフラグ=false])
|[ strlen]||文字列の長さを得る||int strlen(文字列)
|[ strpos]||Unicode文字列内の部分文字列が最初に現れる場所を見つける(0から始まり、現れなければfalse)||int strpos(対象文字列, 検索文字列 <nowiki>[</nowiki> 開始位置=0])
|[ strrev]||文字列を逆順にする||string strrev(文字列)
|[ strstr]||文字列が最初に現れる位置を見つける||string strstr(対象文字列, 検索文字列<nowiki>[</nowiki>, 最初の一致箇所より前のみを返すかのフラグ=false])
|[ strtolower]||文字列を小文字にする||string strtolower(文字列)
|[ strtotime]||英文形式の日付をUnixタイムスタンプに変換する||int strtotime(文字列)
|[ strtoupper]||文字列を大文字にする||string strtoupper(文字列)
|[ substr]||unicode文字列の一部分を返す||string substr(文字列, 開始位置 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 長さ])
|sum||配列中の値の合計||number sum(引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|sumifop||回答された質問のうち、条件を満たすリスト内の回答の合計(回答 演算子 比較値)||number sumifop(演算子, 値, 引数1, 引数2, ... 引数N)
|[ tan]||タンジェント||number tan(数値)
|[ time]||現在のUnixタイムスタンプを返す||number time()
|[ trim]||文字列の先頭および最後から空白(またはその他の文字)を取り除く||string trim(文字列 <nowiki>[</nowiki>, 削除する文字のリスト])
|[ ucwords]||文字列の各単語の最初の文字を大文字にする||string ucwords(文字列)
|unique||空白以外の回答のすべてが一意である場合にtrueを返す||boolean unique(引数1, ..., 引数N)
 h Dutch (nl){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute waarde||getal abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arccosinus||getal acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Backslashes toevoegen||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arcsinus||getal asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arctangens||getal atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arctangens van 2 variabelen||getal atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Afronden naar boven||getal ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Resultaat true (1) als het een geldige datum is in gregoriaanse kalender||boolean checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Omzetten numerieke waarde met invoertabel en uitvoertabel met numerieke waarden||getal convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosinus||getal cos(number)
|count||Tel aantal beantwoorde vragen in de lijst||getal count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Tel het aantal beantwoorde vragen in de lijst gelijk aan het eerste argument||getal countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Tel het aantal beantwoorde vragen in de lijst die aan de criteria voldoen (arg op waarde)||getal countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Maak een datum/tijd||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Bereken de e-exponent||getal exp(number)
|fixnum||Toon getallen met komma als decimaalteken indien nodig||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Afkappen||getal floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Maak een GMT datum/tijd||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Converteer HTML (altijd met ENT_QUOTES en UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Converteer naar HTML (altijd ENT_QUOTES en UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Converteer speciale tekens naar HTML (altijd ENT_QUOTES en UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Converteer speciale HTML naar tekens terug (altijd ENT_QUOTES en UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Maak een datum/tijd aan als integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Array omzetten naar string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Bepaal integer waarde van een variabele||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Bepaal of een variabele leeg is||boolean is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Bepaal of het type van een variabele float is||boolean is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Bepaal of het type van een variabele integer is||boolean is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Bepaal of de waarde geen getal is||boolean is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Bepaal of de waarde van een variabele NULL is||boolean is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Bepaal of een variabele een getal of een numerieke string is||boolean is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Bepaal of het type van een variabele string is||boolean is_string(var)
|join||Een string maken van argumenten||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Geeft een csv-lijst van niet lege waarden||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn/nl|3.16.1}}||Maak een 'glue'-gescheiden lijst van het gespecifeerde vraageigenschap (retProp) van vragen in de lijst die aan de criteria voldoen (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]||Het logaritme van getal met een grondtal, indien ingevuld, anders het natuurlijke logaritme||getal log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Verwijder spaties (of andere tekens) aan de linkerkant van de string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Zoek hoogste waarde||getal max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Zoek laagste waarde||getal min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Bepaal UNIX timestamp van een datum (alle 6 argumenten zijn optioneel)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||Nog niet ondersteund. Gebruik de functie floor()||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Voeg HTML line-breaks toe voor alle newlines in een string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Geef een getal met gegroepeerde duizendtallen||string number_format(number)
|pi||Geef de waarde van pi||getal pi()
|[ pow]||Exponentiële expressie||getal pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Converteer een quoted-printable string naar een 8-bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Converteer een 8 bit string naar een quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta-karakters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Genereer een willekeurig geheel getal, lees [[ExpressionScript sample surveys/nl#Willekeurig een vraag stellen per groep|dit voorbeeld]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||Vergelijkt een string met een [[Using regular expressions/nl|reguliere expressie]]||boolean regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rond een getal af met een optioneel op te geven precisie||getal round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Verwijder spaties (of andere tekens) aan de rechterkant van een string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sinus||getal sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Geef een geformatteerde string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Wortel||getal sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Bepaal de standaarddeviatie van de lijst argumenten||getal stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Aanvullen van een string tot een bepaalde lengte met een andere string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Herhaal een string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Vervang alle voorkomens van een string door een andere string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Hoofdletter onafhankelijk strings vergelijken||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Strings vergelijken||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||HTML en PHP tags verwijderen uit een string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Zoek positie waar een unicode string voor het eerst voorkomt (hoofdletter onafhankelijk, begint met 0, geeft false terug indien niet gevonden)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Verwijder quotes uit een string met quotes||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Hoofdletter onafhankelijk strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Bepaal lengte string||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Zoek positie waar een string voor het eerst voorkomt||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Omkeren van een string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Zoek eerste voorkomen van een string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||In kleine letters zetten||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Engelse datetime beschrijving omzetten in een Unix-timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||In hoofdletters zetten||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Geef een deel van een unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Bepaal de som van de waarden in een array||getal sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Bepaal de som van de waarde van de beantwoorde vragen in de lijst die aan de criteria voldoen (arg op waarde)||getal sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangens||getal tan(arg)
|[ time]||Geef het huidige UNIX-timestamp||getal time()
|[ trim]||Verwijder spaties (of andere tekens) aan de beide kanten van de string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Maak van elke eerste karakter van elke woord in een string een hoofdletter||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Geeft true als alle niet lege antwoorden uniek zijn||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Polish (pl){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Romanian (ro){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Slovenian (sl){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)
 h Vietnamese (vi){| class="wikitable"
|[ abs]||Absolute value||number abs(number)
|[ acos]||Arc cosine||number acos(number)
|[ addslashes]||Quote string with slashes||string addslashes(string)
|[ asin]||Arc sine||number asin(number)
|[ atan]||Arc tangent||number atan(number)
|[ atan2]||Arc tangent of two variables||number atan2(number, number)
|[ ceil]||Round fractions up||number ceil(number)
|[ checkdate]||Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar||bool checkdate(month,day,year)
|convert_value||Convert a numerical value using a inputTable and outputTable of numerical values||number convert_value(fValue, iStrict, sTranslateFromList, sTranslateToList)
|[ cos]||Cosine||number cos(number)
|count||count the number of answered (non-blank) questions in the list||number count(arg1, arg12, ..., argN)
|countif||Count the number of answered questions in the list equal to the first argument||number countif(matches, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|countifop||Count the number of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number countifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ date]||Format a local date/time||string date(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ exp]||Calculates the exponent of e||number exp(number)
|fixnum||Display numbers with comma as radix separator, if needed||string fixnum(number)
|[ floor]||Round fractions down||number floor(number)
|[ gmdate]||Format a GMT date/time||string gmdate(format <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|[ html_entity_decode]||Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string html_entity_decode(string)
|[ htmlentities]||Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlentities(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars]||Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars(string)
|[ expr_mgr_htmlspecialchars_decode]||Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8)||string htmlspecialchars_decode(string)
|[ idate]||Format a local time/date as integer||string idate(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, timestamp=time()])
|if||Excel-style if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)||if(test,result_if_true,result_if_false)
|[ implode]||Join array elements with a string||string implode(glue,arg1,arg2,...,argN)
|[ intval]||Get the integer value of a variable||int intval(number <nowiki>[</nowiki>, base=10])
|[ is_empty]||Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty||bool is_empty(var)
|[ is_float]||Finds whether the type of a variable is float||bool is_float(var)
|[ is_int]||Find whether the type of a variable is integer||bool is_int(var)
|[ is_nan]||Finds whether a value is not a number||bool is_nan(var)
|[ is_null]||Finds whether a variable is NULL||bool is_null(var)
|[ is_numeric]||Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string||bool is_numeric(var)
|[ is_string]||Find whether the type of a variable is string||bool is_string(var)
|join{{NewIn|2.0|b=130129}}||Join elements as a new string||join(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|list||Return comma-separated list of non-blank values||string list(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|listifop{{NewIn|3.16.1}}||Return a 'glue'-separated list of the specified question property (retProp) from questions in the list which pass the criteria (cmpProp op value)||string listifop(cmpProp, op, value, retProp, glue, sgqa1, sgqa2, ... sgqaN)
|-|[ log]|| The logarithm of number to base, if given, or the natural logarithm. ||number log(number,base=e)
|[ ltrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string||string ltrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ max]||Find highest value||number max(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ min]||Find lowest value||number min(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ mktime]||Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional)||number mktime([hour [, minute [, second [, month [, day [, year ]]]]]])
|modulo-function||The modulo function is '''not supported''' yet. You can use the floor() function instead||floor(x/y)==(x/y)
|[ nl2br]||Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string||string nl2br(string)
|[ number_format]||Format a number with grouped thousands||string number_format(number)
|pi||Get value of pi||number pi()
|[ pow]||Exponential expression||number pow(base, exp)
|[ quoted_printable_decode]||Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string||string quoted_printable_decode(string)
|[ quoted_printable_encode]||Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string||string quoted_printable_encode(string)
|[ quotemeta]||Quote meta characters||string quotemeta(string)
|[ rand]||Generate a random integer, see [[ExpressionScript sample surveys#Randomly Ask One Question Per Group|this example]]||int rand() OR int rand(min, max)
|regexMatch||compare a string to a [[Using regular expressions|regular expression]]||bool regexMatch(pattern,input)
|[ round]||Rounds a number to an optional precision||number round(val <nowiki>[</nowiki>, precision])
|[ rtrim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string||string rtrim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ sin]||Sine||number sin(arg)
|[ sprintf]||Return a formatted string||string sprintf(format, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ sqrt]||Square root||number sqrt(arg)
|stddev||Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation for the list of numbers||number stddev(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ str_pad]||Pad a string to a certain length with another string||string str_pad(input, pad_length <nowiki>[</nowiki>, pad_string])
|[ str_repeat]||Repeat a string||string str_repeat(input, multiplier)
|[ str_replace]||Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string||string str_replace(search, replace, subject)
|[ strcasecmp]||Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison||int strcasecmp(str1, str2)
|[ strcmp]||Binary safe string comparison||int strcmp(str1, str2)
|[ strip_tags]||Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string||string strip_tags(str, allowable_tags)
|[ stripos]||Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)|||int stripos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, offset=0])
|[ stripslashes]||Un-quotes a quoted string||string stripslashes(string)
|[ stristr]||Case-insensitive strstr||string stristr(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strlen]||Get string length||int strlen(string)
|[ strpos]||Find position of first occurrence of an unicode string (starting by 0, return false if not found)||int strpos(haystack, needle <nowiki>[</nowiki> offset=0])
|[ strrev]||Reverse a string||string strrev(string)
|[ strstr]||Find first occurrence of a string||string strstr(haystack, needle<nowiki>[</nowiki>, before_needle=false])
|[ strtolower]||Make a string lowercase||string strtolower(string)
|[ strtotime]||Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp||int strtotime(string)
|[ strtoupper]||Make a string uppercase||string strtoupper(string)
|[ substr]||Return part of an unicode string||string substr(string, start <nowiki>[</nowiki>, length])
|sum||Calculate the sum of values in an array||number sum(arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|sumifop||Sum the values of answered questions in the list which pass the criteria (arg op value)||number sumifop(op, value, arg1, arg2, ... argN)
|[ tan]||Tangent||number tan(arg)
|[ time]||Return current UNIX timestamp||number time()
|[ trim]||Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string||string trim(string <nowiki>[</nowiki>, charlist])
|[ ucwords]||Uppercase the first character of each word in a string||string ucwords(string)
|unique||Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique||boolean unique(arg1, ..., argN)