
Type de question - Tableau (choix de 10 points)

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 16:46, 26 September 2014 by DenisChenu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{QS:Random_order/fr}}")

Short description

An array type that is prefilled with answer choices on a 1 to 10 scale. A "No answer" answer option is automatically added if the question is not mandatory.

Core settings



Cette option permet aux administrateurs de l'enquête de demander à leurs répondants de répondre à certaines questions de l'enquête. Si les questions obligatoires ne reçoivent pas de réponse, les répondants ne pourront pas poursuivre. Si vous avez une question comportant plusieurs sous-questions et que vous souhaitez répondre à certaines sous-questions seulement, utilisez l'attribut minimum Answer situé sous l'onglet Logique.


Options disponibles

  • Activé - Il faut répondre à la question avant que le participant puisse passer à la page suivante - l'option de réponse « Pas de réponse » n'est jamais affichée.
  • Soft - Si la question n'obtient pas de réponse, un avertissement s'affiche lorsque vous essayez de passer à la question. la page suivante - cependant, le participant peut choisir d'ignorer l'avertissement et de continuer. Notez que l'option « Pas de réponse » est toujours affichée (si elle est activée dans les paramètres de présentation de l'enquête) 
  • Désactivé (par défaut) - La question peut rester sans réponse

Condition (anciennement "Équation de pertinence")


Si la valeur du résultat de la condition est « 1 » ou « vrai », la question est « pertinente » dans le contexte de l'enquête, c'est-à-dire qu'elle est présentée au participant à l'enquête. Sinon, la question est cachée. Toute question d'enquête vous permet de spécifier une équation de pertinence. Cette fonction est le successeur de conditions et prend en charge une logique conditionnelle beaucoup plus complexe.

Coloration syntaxique

Chaque fois que vous enregistrez la condition, elle est évaluée et mise en évidence par la syntaxe. Toutes les erreurs seront codées par couleur afin que vous puissiez les détecter et les corriger rapidement.

 Hint: Pour vérifier si toutes les conditions sont utilisées correctement dans votre enquête, lisez notre fonctionnalité show logic file.

Valeurs valides


Voici de bons exemples de syntaxe highlighting.

Paramètres avancés

Ordre de réponse aléatoire (random_order)


  Obsolète pour les options de réponse : Depuis la version 5.5.0, cet attribut n'est plus utilisé pour trier les options de réponse. Veuillez consulter QS:Answer_order

Cet attribut amène LimeSurvey à ignorer l'ordre existant des options de réponse/sous-questions et à les classer de manière aléatoire. Cette option permet au créateur de l'enquête de réduire le biais de l'enquête. Veuillez noter que si une question comporte des sous-questions, l'ordre des sous-questions sera aléatoire et non l'ordre des options de réponse.

Options disponibles

  • Oui - Randomisez lorsque le participant entre dans l'enquête
  • Non (par défaut)

Randomization group name (random_group)


It places the questions into a specified randomization group, all questions included in the specified group being displayed in a random order to the survey respondents.

You can find a sample survey using randomization group name in ExpressionScript sample survey.

Valid values

Just enter any string you like (for example: 'group1'). All question which have set the same string within the randomization group name box will have their place in the survey randomized (=randomly exchanged among each other).

Preview To preview the questions use the preview survey instead of the preview question group function, as the second has been reported to not show the questions in a randomized order.

Answer width (answer_width)


This value sets the answer column width by using a percentage system. For example, if you type in this field 40, then 40 percent of the width of the question will be used for answers. The remaining width will be equally divided between the subquestions.

Valid values

  • Any integer value from 1 to 100.

Always hide this question (hidden)


If enabled, the question will always be hidden - it will not be displayed to the survey participants. This function can be used in the following scenarios:

  • If you wish to prefill a question with a URL and you want not to have it displayed on the screen. This overrides any conditions used within the survey because the respective question will not even be embedded on the page.
  • If you wish to store or calculate a value on the fly via the ExpressionScript - Presentation.
Note: A common question type that is used with this function is the Equation one.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

Array filter (array_filter)


The Array filter setting allows you to use any multiple choice question to select or set which responses are displayed in a subsequent list, array or multiple choice question.

The subsequent questions can be filtered on any array question type, including:
  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice with comments
  • Multiple short text
  • Multiple numeric
  • Array (5 point, 10 point, Yes/No/Unknown, Increase/Same/Decrease, Column)
  • Array (Dual Scale, Text, Numbers)
  • Ranking

Furthermore, each of these question types can be filtered.

The only exception is Array (Column), which can filter other questions, but not itself.

How to set a filter

To set a filter, enter the question code of a multiple options question in the array filter box of the question you are currently editing. The respective question will be used as the source of information for the current question, the selected answers from the previous question being retrieved and used as answer options for the current question. For example, if your source multiple option question code is "Q1", enter "Q1" into the 'Array Filter' box to start the filtering process of the answers. Only the answer options that are selected in question Q1 will be visible in the array_filter-ed question.

If you wish more questions to be filtered via this option, type the question codes in the box separated by semicolons (;).
  The subquestion codes used in the first question must coincide with the subquestion codes from the second one. Otherwise, the array filter function will not filter the answers to the first question. Note: When you want to filter the "other" answer option from the first question, you need to provide a subquestion for this answer in the second question and the subquestion code for this answer needs to be "other". Check the below example to better understand how the whole system works.

If multiple choice allow other setting: you can choose other for subquestion code and filter with other checked or not.


The selected options can be displayed in cascade. This means that you can select a question which filters another question, which filters another question, and so on.

Array filter example

Let's take a look at the following example to better understand the power of this setting:

In the screenshot from above, we got two questions. The first one is a multiple short text question type, while the second one is an array dual scale question type. The answers you provide in the first question will be listed in the second one. Technically, the answers you provide to the subquestions from the first question are filtered and displayed in the second question.

This example can be downloaded from the following link: limesurvey_group_32.lsg. Import this question group into your LimeSurvey installation.

Array exclusion filter (array_filter_exclude)


The Array filter exclusion setting allows you to use any multiple choice question to select or set which responses are NOT displayed in a subsequent list, array or multiple choice question.

The subsequent questions can be filtered on any array question type, including:
  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice with comments
  • Multiple short text
  • Multiple numeric
  • Array (5 point, 10 point, Yes/No/Unknown, Increase/Same/Decrease, By column)
  • Array (Dual Scale, Text, Numbers)
  • Ranking

Furthermore, each of these types of questions can filtered.

The only exception is Array by column which can filter other questions, but it cannot be filtered.

How to set it up

Enter the question code of a multiple options question in the array exclusion filter box of the question you are currently editing. The respective question will be used as the source of information for the current question, the non-selected answers from the previous question being retrieved and used as answer options for the current question. For example, if your source multiple option question code is "Q1", enter "Q1" into the 'Array exclusion filter' box to start the filtering process of the answers. Only the answer options that are NOT selected in question Q1 will be visible in your question.

If you wish more questions to be filtered via this option, type the question codes in the box separated by semicolons (;).
  The subquestion codes used in the first question must coincide with the subquestion codes from the second one. Otherwise, the array exclusion filter function will not filter the answers to the first question. Check the below example to better understand how the whole system works.


The selected options can be displayed in cascade. This means that you can select a question which filters another question, which filters another question, and so on.


Let's see together the below example:

In the screenshot from above, we got two questions. The first one is a multiple choice question type, while the second one is a multiple choice with comments question type. The answers you provide in the first question will be excluded from the second one. For example, if you select the ComfortUpdate option (that has the subquestion code 'SQ1') and the Plugin option ('SQ4'), the 'SQ1' and the 'SQ4' subquestion correspondents from the second question will be excluded. In our screenshot, we can observe that only the unselected options in the first question and displayed in the second one.

This example can be downloaded from the following link: Import this question group into your LimeSurvey installation.

Insert page break in printable view (page_break)


This attribute is only active when you actually print a survey from the Printable View. It forces a page break before the question.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

Show in public statistics (public_statistics)


This attribute allows the survey administrator to chose if a particular question results should be displayed to the survey participants after they submitted the survey.

Note: To have the statistics displayed on the last page, do not forget to enable this functionality from the presentation & navigation settings. Otherwise, no statistics link will be displayed at the end of your survey.

The default setting for each question is 'Off' (=Do not show the question statistics to the respondents). You have to enable this for every single question if you want to show the survey statistics of that (those) particular question(s) to the survey participants after the survey submission.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

Minimum answers (min_answers)


This function can be used to ensure that a user selects at least a certain number of answers in a multiple choice question.

Valid values

  • Any integer value above 0
  • Any number
  • Any SGQA code
  • Any question code (variable name)
  • Any equation, using ExpressionScript syntax, without surrounding curly braces.


If set to X (a random number), the users can submit the survey form if they select at least X checkboxes. If this option is utilised for ranking questions, this ensures that at least three items are ranked before allowing the respondent to submit the answers/survey.

Please note that if you use this attribute with Ranking questions, you have to set the question to non-mandatory. Otherwise, all the items need to be ranked which is counter-intuitive if you decide to use the min_answers function too.

Maximum answers (max_answers)


It can be used to limit the total number of answers a user can select in a multiple choice question.

Valid values

  • Any number value
  • Any SGQA code
  • Any question code (variable name)
  • Any equation, using ExpressionScript syntax, without surrounding curly braces.


If set to 2, the user will only be able to check at most two checkboxes or one checkbox + fill the "Other" field (if any). For the Ranking question type, the participant would be able to select maximum two items.